"Shit!" Virgil yelled out in frustration the second he got back into his room. He collapsed onto the floor. Everything hurt. Arthur didn't pull any stops this time around and just kept pushing Virgil on. Then again that was the point of it all. Virgil couldn't afford not to keep pushing when he had to get so much stronger in such a short amount of time.

"This sucks." Virgil whined softly as he tried to calm the ache in his arms. Arthur had him soundly beat. Virgil literally had his ass kicked... multiple times. Virgil laid there on his bed staring up at the ceiling with this exhausted look in his eye. He didn't feel like moving, even to fix his eyepatch that was currently digging into his skin from how he was laying. The ghostly touch of his friend curled up next him making him smile a bit even as tears started to well up. "I'm not getting anywhere, Ro. This training-... Sure I'm a bit stronger but I'm still nowhere near where I need to be. I have no skill at all. And my sword-...."

It's going to be ok. Virgil sighed as he forced himself to roll over and lean into the ghost beside him. There wasn't much of a weight or contact in doing so, but he still felt like Roman was right there holding him and it made him feel a little better. If you-... Virgil blinked sensing the anxiousness in the air. He didn't have to think about it much to know what was wrong. If you're that worried... you could go back home.

"No, Roman. I can't..." The ghostly touch vanished making Virgil shiver a bit, feeling the anxiousness only get stronger. "I'm doing this for you. I'm training, trying to make a sword... If I leave now I won't achieve anything and I'll still be at square one."

I could give you my sword. I could train you... or well, my clone can. Virgil's eyes only darkened more at the very quiet tone Roman spoke within his mind. Stormy, please. You don't have to do this.

"I'm not going home Roman and that's final." Virgil turned himself over to avoid looking at where Roman had been before sighing and just curling into himself. "Why can't you understand... I have to do this."

I just want you safe. Virgil deflated with a shake of his head ignoring the blanket that suddenly appeared over him thanks to Roman. I need you to be safe.

"I won't ever be safe until this curse is over."

The next day, honestly wasn't any better. Roman stood there in his transparent form watching as Virgil went rolling yet again for what seemed like the 12th time that hour. Roman couldn't stop that antsy buzz in him at every groan of pain he'd hear. He just wanted it all to stop. Roman tensed up as Virgil struggled to his feet. His wings were out, positioned limply, just dragging against the floor as Virgil gripped his wooden sword tighter. He was clearly exhausted and on his last legs.

Stop... Roman whined as Virgil launched himself forward only to get batted away easily and thrown into the wall. Stop. Roman could feel the tears that were no doubt falling from his physical body's eyes. He was just lucky Patton wasn't checking up on him or he would be hearing a very frantic father in his ear. Virgil winced as he tried to straighten himself out. He took a step forward only to stumble making Roman jerk forward as if to try and catch him. Virgil... Please-...

"Shut it." Virgil growled quietly catching Arthurs attention who frowned at the bruising that covered the younger arms. Virgil corrected his stance before taking a deep breath and setting himself up. "Ok. Again."

WAIT! Virgil pushed off the ground, launching forward as he used his wings to boost his speed. He lunged with the sword before twisting the dull wooden edge up and slicing up through the air only making Arther dance back with narrowed eyes. Virgil spun himself trying to catch the other's arm with his practice sword just as Arther sent his foot into Virgil's gut, once again sending him flying. Virgil ended up rolling, using his wings to protect himself, but the damage was already done from the many previous attempts. Virgil grunted when he finally stopped rolling, just frozen staring up at the ceiling with a teary expression. V-Virgil?


"No." Virgil growled as Arthur sighed and set his wooden sword down. "I think a break is needed. If we train too much on one thing you'll never grow in anything."

"I have to learn how to fight. I HAVE TO GET STRONGER!"

Virgil, you already are-...

"ROMAN, SHUT UP!" The air went icy as Virgil just curled up into himself. "I have to keep training. I have to get better. I have to save him."

"Your eye." Virgil flinched, his hand slowly brushing against the plain black eyepatch Arthur for some reason had.

"What about it?" Arthur chuckled as he held his hand out for the younger to take, helping him up to his feet.

"You mentioned before that you 'couldn't shoot with one eye'. Are you a marksman?" Virgil just shrugged as he shifted anxiously on his feet.

One of the best! Virgil rolled his eyes with a scowl over how Roman went off on a tangent that only he could hear.

"I'm not that good." Arthur laughed seeing the look Virgil got before gesturing for him to follow him. "Where are we going? We should continue..."

"You need a break from swordsman training. So why don't we try to focus on Marksmanship." Virgil froze in his spot making Arthur have to pause with a concerned look. "What?"

"I have no depth perception. I'm literally missing an eye. Plus again... I have no weapon!" Arthur just shot the man a look as Virgil clearly started to freak out. "No offense Sir, but I wouldn't have even thought you knew how to use a sword that first day if it wasn't for my desperation. How exactly are you supposed to teach me how to shoot."

"What's your typical choice of weapon? What's your range?"

"Uh..." Virgil quickly stumbled after as Arthur opened this one door leading to a shooting range, making the younger pale in surprise. "I... I don't know. Remus only ever had me use a Bow. He's a fairly close fighter. I've had to learn to adapt to his moves."

"I see." Arthur went over to this one panel pulling a fairly simple bow off the wall only for a thing of arrows to appear beside Virgil making the older laugh. "Why, thank you, Your Highness."

"What is happening here?" Virgil mumbled as everything finally hit its mark, Arthur just chuckling in the background.

"We're training. That's what you wanted, wasn't it?" Virgil's eyes darkened as he gave a small nod. Arthur handed the bow over, seeing how tense Virgil was as he took it. "We need to train your mind to be able to shoot accurately without needing two eyes."

"Why? I'll just end up healing eventually-..."

"because if you can hit a target from miles away with only one eye imagine what you could do without the limitations." Virgil stopped short with this look as Arthur just gestured to the arrows. "Let's just see how you are now, and work from there."

"Right." Virgil took a deep breath as he knocked an arrow with a pointed look. "Here we go then."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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