"HE WHAT?!" Virgil sat there completely frozen in shock as Patton jumped up in his seat. "Virgil... Virgil did you just say... Did Roman kiss you?"

"Uh... I... Um..."

"Virgil, answer me right now. Are you the mark bearer?" Virgil bolted from his seat unable to handle anything as he ran. "VIRGIL?!" He took off, not fully aware of where he was going only for Patton to grab him and bring them both to a stop. "Virgil, please?"

"No. No. I can't... I don't... Let me go." Virgil whined as he tried to pull his arm free. It didn't work. Patton was stronger then he looked. "Patton, please? Let me go?"

"Virgil, I need to know. Are you the mark bearer?" Virgil's heart completely crashed as he just collapsed into Patton. The father was quick to hold him tight as the youngest cried. "It's ok, Kiddo. It's going to ok."

"I'm scared, Patton. I'm scared." Patton smiled sadly as he nodded, just standing there hugging him close. "I don't want him to die."


"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to make everything worse." Patton sighed as Virgil just shook in his arms. "I really don't know what to do."

"It's going to be ok. Come on, Kiddo... let's go see, Roman." Virgil couldn't help but tense up as he let Patton lead the way to Roman's room. Part of him didn't want to see the prince and deal with all this drama. Virgil was exhausted and emotionally drained but at the same time... He knew Patton was doing this to help. That puffball knew more about what they needed then they would ever be able to. It was a part of his magic. And even though they all could do a variety of thing there were some that was just much stronger in others. Such as creation... Virgil could summon things with his magic as can the others but the Twins just have this way about them. Their ability to create things with their magic surpasses everyone. Patton's empathy is one too.

Virgil watched tentatively as the father opened Roman's door and everything broke down in him hearing the panting from the bed. His eyes darted over to Roman who was curled up and he wanted to run away. Well, no. He wanted to rush in and figure out what was wrong with him, and THAT made him want to run away. Patton just walked in and moved things around so there were two chairs beside the bed. When he was done he gave the younger a look and took a seat for himself leaving the one closest to Roman for him. Of course, he did.

"Sometimes you can be so blatantly obvious about WHY you are doing something." Virgil mumbled as Patton just chuckled and pointed to the chair.

"Take a seat, Kiddo. I think it'll help you both."

"What are you doing?" Virgil glared the father down as he did what he was told. "Are you trying to be some mediator when one of the party is literally in a coma-like state?" Roman twitched suddenly making Virgil frown as Patton shook his head.

"As you said, Kiddo... He's still aware of everything." Patton's eyes narrowed as he took a breath and tried to focus. It was time to be serious after all. "Tell me what happened."

"What's there to say? It was nearly midnight, Roman broke out of his own room, and scared me. I chased after him until he finally noticed I was there and then he kissed me." The sound of Roman's whine only served to bring the mood down more. "He didn't want to. He begged me to leave. I couldn't do it. I was worried about him. I didn't know what was going on. I just... I brought him home and the next day you woke me up by screaming." Patton nodded not trying to interrupt by giving to many expressions. Virgil needed to talk and he knew if he scared him more the younger would close off. "I was there listening in as you talked to Logan. When you left I checked on Roman and then... I went and spoke with Remus just to get an idea on what was going on. I told you that he was the one that explained everything. I just... I didn't tell you when or why."

"So after Remus... what were doing?" Virgil glanced over at Roman for a second before sighing.

"I was training. Not very well but... I was trying. Remus gave me the keys to the twin's training room. I've been trying to utilize it as best as I can." Patton gave him this look and already Virgil could feel his blood turn cold. "I was put up against a hell hound, Patton. Roman kept sending me weapons and things to fight with since I was teleported without anything. It was honestly because of him and Remus I even managed to beat it."


"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you. I know I'm a hypocrite. I'm so angry at Roman for not telling me anything... when I do the same to you and Logan but... Damn it... You know why I'm angry at him. I know you felt it." Patton could only nod as Virgil pushed his kneed up till he was sitting awkwardly in his chair. "I have 3 days until this next challenge. 3 days till I have to fight another monster. Patton, what if I fail him?"

"No..." Roman fussed as he rolled over making Virgil freeze up suddenly. Roman's hands twitched as he sleepily tried to reach out, not being able to move much. "No. No... V-Virg-..." Patton watched with a soft expression as Virgil let out a deep breath and slowly let his feet touch the ground again. "Please? Ple-... V-Virgil?"

"I still haven't forgiven you, Roman." Roman whimpered as Virgil just stared with narrowed eyes at the floor. "As stupid and as wrong as it is of me to feel... I am still very hurt that you never told me."

"S-So... So-orry. Please? D-Don-..."

"Even still..." Virgil shifted ever so subtlely, gently wrapping his fingers around the prince's hand, who gasped softly in his sleep. "I do understand. I do know you and I know why you did it. I'm just upset that... you weren't even trying to save yourself. I'm upset that I could have lost you without ever knowing why and you didn't even try to change that. You just accepted it. You're my best friend, Roman. I don't want to lose you, you moron."

"No... No... lose you... e-either... Please?" Virgil smiled softly as he looked up to see the gleeful expression Patton had over everything. Roman was shaking and Virgil could feel the panic flittering through the air. "Can't lose you... either. Please... Please don't make me." Virgil was honestly stunned at how clear those weres were despite the slur of sleep that coated them. His heart shattered at the sound.

"You won't, Roman. I told you... I'm not going to let you stay like this."

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