"Ok so... How exactly does this work?" Logan was the first to speak after everyone sat down in the living room. Even Janus was there, who everyone agreed to tell as he was the ONLY side who didn't know. Remus was curled against Janus with this obviously sad look while the others just stared Virgil down. They didn't mean to. It wasn't like they were trying to give him anxiety. The problem was it WAS and it was getting harder for him to breathe. He tensed up bad as he pulled his knees into his chest sitting awkwardly on the couch. Virgil clenched his eyes shut only to gasp feeling arms wrap around him yet now one was there. Breathe...

"Breathe. Got it." Virgil mumbled to himself as he nodded and did as he was told. The weight against him never left only adding to the sense of calm slowly building until he finally managed to look up and meet everyone's gazes. Logan, of course, was the first to speak.

"Please, explain to us how this works." Logan fixed his tie as he sat down beside Virgil with an uncharacteristically soft expression. "What's going to happen when the timer goes down?"

"It's only happened once, Lo." Logan's eyes only darkened as Virgil sighed and glanced over at Remus. "I don't really know much about it myself. I... I think I was teleported to this location-..."

"You think?" Janus cut in with a hiss glaring the other down and making Virgil tense up again. He knew. Janus was just as worried about everyone as the rest of them were. He gets aggressive when he's scared. Just like a few others he knows. "How do you not know?"

"Look... I went to sleep in my own bed and woke up in a fucking field." Janus jumped as Virgil returned the glare before shaking his head. "Roman had created me a blanket and pillow so I didn't freeze and shit."

"Wait, Roman is in a coma. It shouldn't be possible for him to- OW!" Logan reeled back as a book suddenly dropped onto his head making Virgil snicker. Logan's eyes went wide as the book then dissolved into dark blue glitter and faded away.

"He's also very aware of whats going on, Lo. He... follows me. I think? I'm not entirely sure how it works." Virgil leaned back into the feeling of being held as he smiled.

"Well, it could be due to him being creativity and therefore the source of Thomas's good dreams. He'd be a part of the subconscious... maybe he's astro projecting or-..."

"It's a part of the curse." Remus cut in making everyone pale as he just laughed. "What's more painful than being forced to watch the one you love fight and fight, maybe even get hurt or worse, without being able to do anything to stop it or protect them." Remus's dead and dull eyes met with Virgil's as he shrugged. "It's her way of returning the favor."

"That... can't be fun." Logan whispered softly as Virgil felt the pressure around him only tighten as if trying to keep him there or as if to say don't leave.

"The counter hits zero tonight. I can't be worried about what's going on here when I'm fighting so... Please tell me you will all be calm?" The looks everyone gave him only served to make his worries grow. "Guys please? I'm going to be ok. I...."

"It's not so much us as..."

"It's Roman." Patton quickly finished or Logan who waved the father on knowing he could explain it better. "Virgil, the last time you fought Roman didn't fair very well. He was distraught and... panicking."

"Of course he was." Virgil laughed as he looked away, smile slowly slipping away. "Well, I can't stop him from panicking. I just... I'm not going to let him stay like this. It's not happening. I am going to win this and the next and that's all there is to it. I... I'm trying ok?" The pressure moved away and Virgil couldn't help but feel how his heart broke at it. He curled up into himself as he laughed again clearly holding back tears. "I don't know what's going to happen. I don't know what's before me but... I don't have a choice. I have to win."

"Emo? Did you ever read the letter I gave you?" Virgil froze as Remus's shaky voice flitted through the air. "The one Roman wrote to you?"

"No. You said only if he was never going to wake up. He's going to wake up."

"Emo, come on..."

"HE'S GOING TO WAKE UP!" Virgil snapped and just sat there panting as his tears fell in streams. "He's going to wake up. He has to. I'm not going to lose. Now... I need to sleep. You know... Since I have to fight in the morning." Virgil wasted no time getting up and rushing out of the room not giving anyone else any time to say anything. Remus just groaned as he rolled his eyes and threw his arms out in annoyance.

"I wasn't saying that. I meant he should read it regardless. He... He took it the wrong way."

Virgil stumbled through the hall not really knowing where he was going. He fumbled for his keys unable to see as his tears blurred his sight. He couldn't take it. He figured he must have grabbed the right one because the door opened letting him inside. He wasted no time slamming the door and locking it as he just broke down against it and cried. He pressed his forehead against the cool wood as his body shook and trembled. He was pretty sure the whole house could hear him sobbing. What he wasn't expecting though... was someone behind him to pull him into a hug.

"Shh... Stormy." Virgil gasped as instantly latched onto Roman just cuddled him close and smiled sadly. He had accidentally taken himself to the training room. He knew the man holding him was the clone and not the real Roman but right at that moment, he didn't care. "It's ok. I've got you. We'll take as long as you need."

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