"20 left." Virgil mumbled as he checked his wrist before pulling his hoodie on. Patton and Logan had doubled their efforts trying to find the 'mystery man' fighting for Roman. Virgil actually wanted to laugh. It was obvious, wasn't it? At this point, Virgil was confused over how they didn't figure it out yet.

"Hey, Princey." Virgil walked into the room and he could see the smile on the prince's lips. Even asleep he... Forget it. "20 days left until the next... trial." Virgil rolled his eyes as he sat down in the chair and bit his lip in thought. "I've been using the training room, Remus gave me access to but... I don't..." Virgil rubbed his arm as he sighed. "I don't think it's enough. I can't exactly 'train' if I don't know what I should be working on? I don't even know what anything is in there." Virgil groaned in annoyance as he hugged himself a bit. "I guess I'm finally starting to feel that anxiety creeping back in on me. At first, it was just, hurt and anger... now... now I'm scared." Virgil heard Roman breath falter a bit as Virgil just smiled sadly.

"Don't you dare start getting anxious again on me. I've got enough for the both of us. It's just..." Virgil got up and allowed himself to pace to try and clear his mind. "If it wasn't for the two of you last time, I might not have beaten that hellhound, and it only gets worse from here. Plus... What if I suddenly get teleported somewhere REALLY bad... and the monsters huge and I can't even make a scratch let alone kill it? I haven't done much with my magic. I mean I mean I know how to use it but..." Virgil froze seeing how tense Roman was in bed and he sighed. "I'm sorry. I know you can hear my rambling. It's probably not helping you at all. I mean... You're the one who's literally curse to sleep forever. I... I don't think even I would be ok with that. Even if I joke about it sometimes. I just..."

"I find it funny that it's usually a kiss that breaks the curse but this time... this time it was a kiss that sparked the curse." Virgil laughed as he sat back down on the bed and frowned. "Roman? I'm a bit concerned. About everything but... One thing I can't help but think of is... If this was a love's test... why didn't you trust the person he fell for?"

"Surely they would be better suited to this then... well, me." Virgil let out a broken chuckle as he swallowed his pain. "I mean... you're a prince. THE prince. Prince Roman Sanders... You... You'd never go for anyone who isn't as per... as... who isn't like you. So... Why didn't you trust them?"

"I'm sorry. I'm probably making Thomas all anxious at this point. I should really try to relax. The problem is, Ro... If I fail. It's not just my life on the line here. MY life I can handle. If it WAS just me then fine but it's not." Virgil shivered as he hugged his hoodie tighter and frowned. "If I fail, I'm not the only one who ends up suffering. You don't ever wake up. Remus loses a brother. Patton loses a son. Logan loses a friend and... Thomas loses creativity."

"Y-You..." Virgil's eyes snapped over as Roman choked out in his sleep. "You... can't lose..."

"Well, no fucking duh, caption obvious. I just said that."

"No..." Virgil's eyes narrowed as Roman twitched his sleepy features twisting with fear. "Can't... Can't lose... Can't lose you." Virgil's eyes shot wide as Roman smiled in his sleep. "Can't lose you."

"I mean... I guess I'm important... Not as important as you but... Thomas does need me. And if I suddenly vanished, Patton would be sad." Virgil only deflated more as he shook his head.

"Me... Me too." Virgil smiled as he rolled his eyes.

"Liar." Virgil teased before clicking his tongue and leaning into himself. "What am I supposed to do, Princey? I feel like I'm getting nowhere. I know it's only been 5 days but I can't keep doing nothing."

"T-Train..." Virgil went to fight him only to stop seeing Roman's sleepy smile. "...room."

"Training room?" Virgil frowned in confusion as he pulled the keys out of his pocket and just stared at them. "You want me to go back into the training room?" There was no response as Roman just let out a breath that nearly sounded like a snore making Virgil have to choke back a laugh. "Ok fine. It's not like I've spent the better part OF THIS ENTIRE TIME THERE!" Virgil yelled out with a growl as he forced the key into Roman's door lock. He pushed the door open finding himself back into the training room and he smiled. "Got to love magic keys."

"Now why did I have to come here again?" There was a loud noise drawing Virgil's attention over to this back wall and he froze. "A... A basketball?" He walked over to it only to watch it disappear and he sighed. "Seriously, Princey. Are you just playing games with m-..." His eyes narrowed as he watched this yellow glitter swirl around till it formed a sticky note and Virgil's eyes went wide. "Push the button?" Of course, as soon as he read it and the note vanished back into oblivion Virgil started to panic. "Why am I listening to a sleeping prince? Why am I listening to a sleeping prince?!" Virgil yelled to himself as he gripped his arms to help ground him. "He literally put himself... AND ME into this mess... WHY AM I..." Another note directly on the button with only one word that made Virgil freeze up. All Princey wrote was, please. "Fine."

The note disappeared allowing Virgil to press it and suddenly it sounded like the walls came to life. Noises and loud bangs resounded through the place making Virgil's anxiety spike as he stumbled back in shock. He watched as this portion of the wall opened up like some weird elevator door in the training room, a bright blinding white light beyond it making it impossible for Virgil to see anything there was in there. A blackened figure appeared in the white making Virgil freeze up, his heart rate spiking.

"Well, isn't this a surprise." Virgil's eyes went wide as that familiar voice echoed about the training room. "I wasn't expecting it to be you, Emo nightmare." They stepped out of the light revealing them in their typical white suite with red sash and Virgil just broke.


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