(TW- Remus imagery... That's about it)

"What do you want?" Remus grumbled the second he felt that familiar imposing aura in his room. His eyes darted back to see Virgil just glaring at him from the corner of his room. "I'm not in the mood, Emo."

"Haven't the foggiest idea WHY?" Virgil smirked as Remus's eyes narrowed a bit. "We need to talk."

"No. You need to leave." Remus turned away finding much more interest in his hand-drawn pictures of gorey death and decapitation of Disney characters. His eyes lingered on the drowned and burnt body of Prince Eric and he sighed. "Go away, Darth Shitter."

"Jesus." Virgil let out a broken and quiet laugh as he shook his head. "You're right about not being in the mood if that's the best you can come up wi..."

"I SAID GO!" Remus yelled out as his eyes flashed making Virgil jump. "I don't care what you want. Leave me alone."

"It's about Roman." Virgil watched as Remus literally crashed and leaned into himself with a sad smile.

"If your here to tell me he won't wake up..." Virgil's eyes darkened as Remus just shrugged. "I already know. So please... just go."


"GOD DAMN IT!" Remus jumped up seething as his eyes started to glow a dark vibrant green. Black circled them as Virgil tensed up feeling his own magic surging in response. "I am NOT in the mood. Not for this. Not for sex. Not for anything. I suggest you leave me alone before I snap. That is... Unless you want to get disemboweled? Then... well, be my guest. Continue to push. See where it gets you, Emo." Virgil just stood there with his eyes narrowed challengingly. He pulled his left sleeve up and held his wrist up for Remus to see. The way Remus's anger just dropped was quite startling, to say the least. Remus stumbled back onto the bed with this look of complete horror as Virgil sighed.

"I told you. We need to talk." Remus burst out laughing as he laid back. Virgil sat on the bed beside him staring off at nothing as Remus's laughter turned into giggles before they stopped completely.

"He kissed you?" Virgil nodded not bothering to vocalize as he let the other work through things on his own. When it comes to Remus you have to work with him. Work at his pace and with this his thoughts... otherwise, you get an overwhelmed duke, and that not good for either him or Thomas. "He... Roman kissed you."

"He didn't want to." Remus cringed a bit as Virgil shrugged. "He kept telling me to leave but I wouldn't listen. He was scared. I was concerned."

"Virgil... He kissed you?" Virgil only nodded again as Remus pushed himself up and sat against the wall with a worried look. "Do you... Do you know anything? Did he tell you or..."

"About his curse?" Remus nodded as Virgil shook his head making the duke pale. "He didn't tell me a single thing... except that he never wanted it to be me."

"Well, he fucked that up worse than a dog in heat." Virgil nodded with a silent laugh. "Virgie... I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry about? Roman's the one that kissed m-..."

"I can't lose my brother." Virgil's eyes widened as Remus just smiled sadly. "He's an ass... and not the good kind but... Only I get the right to kill him. What's the point in killing him if he's just laying there asleep? There's no fun in that. It's like having sex when you're all drugged up. You can't enjoy it so why bother?"


"Or like listening to a person getting off in the other room. You're not seeing it or anything. So why would you just sit there and listen?"


"Or even stabbing a person. If your knife is dull, you aren't even going to get it in far enough plus there won't be that much blood... there's no..."

"REMUS!" Remus jumped as Virgil just shot him a look. "It's me you're talking to, Dukie." Tears started falling from Remus's eyes as Virgil just smiled. "I know what everyone's afraid of. There's no point in masking it."

"I don't want to lose him, Virgil." Virgil nodded as he joined him against the wall with a sad look. "But... That means you have to go through all these trials." Virgil didn't respond he just let the other talk. "The mark bearer has to do all these trails in order to wake him back up. If you die..."

"You lose both of us." Remus nodded as Virgil sat there taking everything. "Do you know if I'd get some sort of a sign as to what the trail will be?"

"No, I don't. All I know is that mark on your wrist is a timer." Virgil's eyes widened as he looked down at it seeing the 7 still in the center. " It tells you how many days you have until the next trial. Roman... Roman's had his since the day King got cursed."

"What is the curse exactly?" Remus's eyes were dazed and glassed as he just smirked.

"King Creativity was cursed to fall into an eternal sleep if he ever found himself someone to love. It was punishment for going after the dragon witch. King was a very headstrong and... bravado filled man. Something Roman never really lost. Ro he... He took an army to her home in the mountains and attacked. Managing to kill one of them... Not realizing it was the witch's love and not the witch herself."

"Oh, shit." Remus nodded as he hugged his knees a bit. "Wait... I'm confused about what the curse is. Like... I get why now but..."

"He was supposed to kiss the person he fell in love with." Virgil faltered as Remus's voice came out monotone and dull. "He had a year from the day he fell to kiss them. Then they were supposed to do the trail as like... A way to prove their love or something." Virgil could feel his heartbeat beginning to race as Remus's eyes narrowed. "If he didn't kiss them within the year of him falling... the curse took over and forced him to kiss someone, anyone... I'm sorry it had to be you."

"So..." Virgil stopped for a second to collect his thoughts as he felt this... dull ache in him. "So Roman fell in love with someone?"

"Yep." Virgil's crashed more as he hugged himself in thought. "And he refused to involve them. In fact, he was adamant about not telling anyone. Not even Thomas... who I now have to someone figure out shit for. Logan's... Logan's going to help assist with that, and Patton's going to make sure it's all pg. At least... The stuff I have to do for Roman."

"You all really did plan for all this didn't you." Remus nodded as his eyes narrowed a bit before he jumped up startling Virgil a bit. "Remus?"

"I forgot... Shit, where the fuck is it?" Remus scavenged around his room... his semi-cluttered organized mess of a room. "Fuck. fuck. fuck... Shit, I'm not having sex god damn, just where in the hell... AH HA!" Remus beamed as he pulled out an envelope with a bright grin. "I have no idea why I put it in the third drawer when I know to put it on the desk beside the box of thumbtacks. Whatever..." Remus handed it over, and Virgil's eyes went wide seeing the overly curvasive writing. Roman always did write in such a calligraphic way. Fit for the artistic Prince he was.

"I'm confused." Virgil's eyes scanned the envelope frowning slightly as his eyes caught sight of his name written in lovely rose ink. "Remus?"

"He wrote you a letter. He wrote one for some of the others too but... He only gave me this one for some reason. Said to tell you not to read it unless it was certain he was never going to wake up."

"That's bullshit." Remus giggled as Virgil smiled softly and nodded. "Thanks though. I appreciate it."

"No problem, Emo. Just..." Remus's eyes sparkled with anxiety as he smiled a bit more. "Don't die. Got it?"

"I won't. I've got you after all right." Remus nodded as he snapped summoning some keys making Virgil's eyes narrowed in concern.

"You're gonna need them." Virgil quickly caught them as Remus turned away to go back to his bed. "It's in the training room. If I never gave you access and Roman would surely kick my ass... you know... from where ever the hell he is while dreaming. Seriously though, Emo... Be careful. This isn't a game. As dreadfully Disney as it is... this is life and death." Virgil's eyes set with a serious look as he gripped the keys tightly in his palm.

"I know."

The Mark of A Cursed KingWhere stories live. Discover now