121 days... 4 months to find and beat that giant. He was already 10 days down and nowhere closer to anything. He didn't know what he was looking for, just that he needed something new. He NEEDED to beat this giant. He NEEDED to save Roman. He winced in pain as he sat there weak against a tree. He danced his gaze about the scenery trying to figure out which direction he should go, his mind still in a haze. He hadn't been sleeping well, having the same nightmare about giant every single night. He understood though. The dream was telling him where to go. He was slowly making his way to the destined location but... he needed help. If it wasn't for Roman he never would have passed the last trial, let alone survived it.

Roman... Virgil glanced over at the jacket he had resting in the dirt beside him and once again tears started to fall from his eyes. He knew the prince was with him. He'd hear him singing in his mind whenever he'd wake up from the nightmare. He knew that just as much as he knew Roman didn't want him out here on his own. He gently pulled the jacket into his lap, clutching the red leather in his hands as he curled into himself.

He couldn't lose. He couldn't. His prince needed him. He had to move forward. He had to succeed. He... He needed Roman. He... He... He needed...

Virgil's eyes fluttered as his body finally crashed on him from lack of sleep. He fell into the dirt just as the sound of footsteps drew closer. The last thing he saw before the black overtook him once again, was brown sneakers.

Virgil... Virgil whined as he fussed about anxiously, Roman's voice seeping into the nightmare that had him in its grasp. It's ok, Virgil. Virgil panted as visions of a path flashed through his mind. Just breathe. I've got you. Images of the arena burned into his memory... a forest... a broken marble archway... And the giant. The giant that stared endlessly into his soul like a massive gargoyle intent on keeping him away. Virgil...

"Ro-..." Virgil jumped up in shock only to whimper at the pain in him from all his injuries. "Shit." A soft chuckle sounded a bit away putting Virgil on edge instantly as he looked over to see an older man slowly walking closer to the bed with this small wooden bowl in his hand. "Who..." Virgil flinched away the second the man started reached out with a cloth making the other laugh softly.

"Cautious... smart." The man's grey eyes shined with a light gleam as he ignored the flinch and dabbed the cloth over Virgil's eyes, who only now just realized the bandages were gone. "Far smarter than the last man I picked up injured in woods. Perhaps, you'll be a far more gracious patient." Virgil grabbed his wrist pulling it away from his face with a hiss only making the other smile. "Or not."

"Who the hell are you? And Why the hell am I? And..."

"My name is Arthur Barlow and you are at my home." Virgil let his wrist go as he tensed with anxiety over everything. "I found you passed out in the woods and took you home to help tend to your injuries. If you don't mind?" He gestured with the cloth making Virgil look away. He just chuckled as he resumed dabbing the ointment on his injured eye before going to his shoulder making Virgil flinch again. "It's ok young man. I've tended to many wounds before." Virgil's eyes only darkened as he avoided saying anything. It was awkward, just sitting there in an unknown bed with this old man... It took forever for Virgil to realize his shirt and hoodie was gone, having been replaced with bandages and gauze. "For you to have escaped such a beast... you must be strong."

"I had help." Virgil muttered under his breath still not wanting to look over at the other.

"Ah. Well... It's a good thing you did. Not even the prince has fought the beast on his own successfully." Virgil's eyes shot wide as he suddenly jerked and grabbed the man's wrist again startling the two into silence. "Yes?"

"You... You know Roman?" The man's face softened even more as Virgil started to relax and let him move away, just watching him with his eyes. "How?"

"I was his teacher... for a bit anyway. I found him just as I did you, injured and unconscious. I tended to his wounds and helped him with his sword." Virgil grunted as he pushed himself up against the headboard better.

"You... Wait... When was this?" Arthur just smiled back at him as Virgil glanced around the room in thought.

"Not that long ago. Maybe a year ago? The young prince was on a mission. Said he was looking for someone." Virgil's blood went cold as the man's eyes darkened. "I remember in his delirium... He kept saying he had to protect his love from a dragon... but he never explained it to me when his mind was sober.

"He was looking for her." Virgil mumbled as his heart broke over the realization. "He didn't just give up. He... He was looking for her."

"Hmm?" Virgil quickly shook his head ignoring the ache over it as he smiled up at the man.

"Nothing. I just realized something is all. I kind of... owe him an apology."

"Well, if that's the case then we should get you healthy again so that you can travel." Virgil shook his head again as he watched the man move about grabbing different things, before grabbing more bandages no doubt for his eye.

"I have a question." Virgil asked hesitantly as he let the man wrap his eye. "You said you helped Roman with his sword. What did you mean by that?"

"I'm a blacksmith. I specialize in magic weaponry." Virgil's eyes shot wide in awe as the man just focused on what he was doing. "I taught him how to make his magic sword. Among other things..."

"Can you teach me?" The man froze, concern evident in his face over the desperation Virgil was in. "I-I'm sorry it's just..." Virgil glanced down at the tribal tattoo on his wrist and crashed. "Roman's in great trouble... and I'm the only one who can save him but... I have nothing. I'm shitty with a sword. I can't shoot anymore with only one damn eye. I don't have any weapons. I just... I need something. I need help. He.... HE needs help. I don't know what to do."

"It really is like the Prince all over again." Virgil's eyes narrowed in confusion as Arthur's face softened. "He said something... eerily similar when he woke up. Begged me to train him with a blade so that he could get stronger to protect the one he loves."

"Did you?" Arthur nodded making Virgil's eyes light up.

"On the promise that he would do just that... protect the one he loves. If he's in danger... it must be grave."

"It is." Arthur just let out a breath before turning back to his things and picking it all up and starting for the door. "Wait... W-Wait, w-where..."

"You must rest. If you plan on training to save him, you'll need all the strength you can get." Virgil completely crashed in relief as Arthur just faced away with him yet spoke in a serious tone showing he meant every word. "We'll begin as soon as you're able to stand."

"Thank you!"

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