"SHIT!" Virgil yelled out as he went tumbling the sword flung far from his grasp. This wasn't going all that well. No... Actually, it was going better than some would think considering he was an 'untrained' man fighting a fucking hellhound all by himself. Virgil's eyes darted about the area watching every movent the beast made while calculating ever possible step and outcome of said steps he could. He jumped missing the beast as it tried to pounce on him before taking off for the sword. He could hear the thundering steps of it close behind before he quickly fell back rolling under the hellhound making it tumble roll to try and catch him. It didn't and it only ended up flailing in the attempt. He looked over to see the sword gone and he panicked. "Double shit!"

"NO!" At this point, Roman was a complete mess. Patton clung tightly to him as he the prince practically came completely undone. "L-l-leave him ALONE!"

"Logan?" Patton whined as Logan just nodded in understanding. "Something's wrong."

"There's nothing we can do. We don't even know who it is." Patton's eyes fell as Roman whimpered terrible in his arms. The pink haze getting stronger as Roman panted.

"T-Take... Take it. Damn it." Roman pressed himself into Patton who was trying hard not to cry. "Turn... Turn around."

"Where the fuck is it..." Virgil spun around spotting a bow and he lit up. "Fuck Yea!" Virgil ran and slid, snagging it just as the beast jumped over him, letting him fire an arrow into its belly. The beast howled as Virgil smirked a bit. Not braggy or in confidence over his shot, but pride in himself that he managed it. "Now I've got something."

Virgil's magic branched around him coating the arrows as he just stared the beast down. It wasn't attacking. Just... Just pacing... circling. Looking for a weak spot. Virgil was certain he had plenty. He was NOT much for combat. No, that was a lie. Remus had taught him WAY more than just the basics, so they could spar together but he wasn't one for this. It was usually just him and Remus.

"Why aren't you attacking?" Virgil frowned as glanced over the beast in confusion. His hand twitched and suddenly the hound pounced.

"Logan!" Patton yelled out Roman's gripped the sheets tightly whimpering out in fear. It was like he was having a night terror. "We have to do something."

"I told you, Patton. There isn't anything we can do." Patton's eyes were darting about in thought as he tried to figure something out. His panic was no better than the princes. He was surprised Virgil didn't come in complaining about all the anxious energy yet.

"What about Remus?"

"What about me?" The two jumped as they looked back to see the darker twin leaning about the door. His eyes met with the state Roman was in and he visible crashed. "Shit."

"NOPE!" Virgil yelled as he rolled out of the way firing like 3 arrows at the monster's ass making it roar with anger. "Well, if you just died already I wouldn't have to shoot you, now would I... you no good single-headed Cerberus reject." Virgil laughed as he pulled back the drawstring letting his magic surge to create a dark thorny trident-like arrow. He let it fly and watched as it multiplied into a dozen arrowed all striking the beast's side making it least out a ghastly roar. "Seriously, just lay down and die. I have a Prince to save."

"Don't..." Roman was panting so much at this point the three were scared he was actually couldn't breath. "Don't w-wor-ry... about me. Just..."

"Roman, listen to me." Remus hopped up onto the bed and took his brother's hands ignoring the spark from the pink haze about them. "Focus on me for a second ok."

"No. No no. Needs... Needs me." Remus rolled his eyes as Patton shot him a worried look. "Can't... he needs me."

"Focus on me. Ok. If he isn't dead yet, he isn't going to die in the next three seconds." Roman growled in his sleep making Remus actually falter. "Roman Sanders listen to me god damn. I have a fucking plan." Remus looked around at the other two in the room before winking and letting his own magic haze out in a dark green. "Use it!" Roman gasped at the sudden surge making him go ridged in Patton's arms.

"Remus, what are you doing?" Logan's voice was a bit harsh but Remus didn't even hear him. In fact... Remus wasn't aware at all. His eyes were glassed out as Roman latched onto the magic and thus made them both tune into the fight Virgil was forced to endure. "Remus?" Patton shook his head making Logan's eyes snap over.

"He can't hear you."

"What is he doing?" Patton smiled sadly as he continued carding his fingers through Roman's hair, who was now breathing calmly with a much more stable heartbeat.

"He calmed him down by letting him use his energy."

"The fuck?!" Virgil froze up as these dark thick vines erupted through the Earth wrapping around the beast as if to imprison it. He could feel Remus beside him and his eyes lit up in understanding. He literally beamed as he held his bow up letting his magic surge again. His eyes started glowing purple as he took a deep breath and felt his magic pool in the bow. A dark thorny arrow manifested as Virgil's eyes narrowed in concentration. He felt the wind swirl around him as the arrows head turned to silver so sharp it could cut right through steal, a thick viscous green oozing liquid dripping from the tip that made the very air around it smoke and waver.

"Come at me bitch." Virgil whispered out as he took aim and let the world focus out, his eyes and mind completely on the target. The beast howled as broke through the vines and started for him like a bat out of hell. He could practically feel Roman's fear in the air. His words to wait, whispering in his ears as if the wind itself had carried it to him. Wait... Wait... Virgil's eyes narrowed even more as the beast thundered closer. Wait. Another shake of the earth as Virgil tensed a bit, his breath catching as he stared the monster in the eyes. Wait... "Fuck you..." Virgil smirked as his magic flared. "Go back to hell!" FIRE!

The arrow went soaring whistling through the air as it connected right between the beast's eyes, going right through and out sticking into the ground behind it. Virgil ran out of the way as it tumbled writhing in agony as it's cries of pure pain made Virgil have to cover his ears. He fell to his knees, bow vanishing in the air as he cried, just wanting to sound to end.

And it did. Virgil waiting frozen under the weight of it all before finally looking up to see it still and unmoving, it's eyes holding no life. Virgil couldn't help but smile as he fell back into the grass with a shout of pride over his victory.

Remus snapped out of it forcing himself back with a shaky breath as Roman smiled in his sleep. The other two just gave Remus this look who shook his head unable to really talk much being as drained as he was. All he could say... all the reassurance he could give...

"He won." Patton's eyes shot wide as Logan smiled in relief. Remus leaned back against the wall as he stared down at Roman's right wrist, that '0' now a '25'. "The first trail was a success."

Virgil just laid there staring up at the sky as his racing heart finally slowly calmed down. He couldn't help but start to cry. He knew it was stupid. It was just the first trial. It only gets harder from here on, but... He couldn't help it. He was proud. Proud of himself for surviving. Proud of himself for beating it. But most importantly...

Proud he didn't let Princey down.

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