A scream resounded through the entire mind palace waking Logan up instantly as he jumped up and ran out. Patton stood there in front of Roman's door and Logan crashed instantly. He spotted the broken door nob and carefully picked it up before gently brushing his hand over the father figment who was so in shock he was shaking.

"Patton?" Patton just pointed into the room and Logan's eyes darkened. He glanced over to see Roman fast asleep in his room. Which that in in-of -itself was a tad confusing.


"I know." Logan called back instantly as Patton slowly walked into the room. "If he's asleep right now, then..."

"Roman!" Patton rushed forward nudging him harshly making Logan sigh sadly. There were already tears in the father's eyes as tried to get the prince to wake up. "ROMAN!"

"Patton, he isn't..."

"WAKE UP!" Patton broke down as he shook Roman more only to freeze up and go limp against Logan, who had pulled him in. "Roman, please? Please?"

"He isn't going to wake up. I'm sorry, Patton." Patton completely broke into sobs as Logan just held him close. "We've known this was going to happen."

"How did he even get home?" Logan frowned in confusion as Patton shivered in his arm. "Maybe... Maybe he didn't do anything yet? Maybe he's just sleeping. Maybe it isn't..."

"Patton." Paton pushed himself away, pressing two fingers to Roman's neck making Logan smile sadly. "Patton, he's not dead. Just sleeping."

"For eternity!" Virgil's eyes shot wide from where he was hiding outside the door. He had his arm held tight to his chest as he listened to everything. "That's no different than death. If he doesn't wake up..."

"Patton, breathe." Virgil could feel his throat closing up as Logan moved to help calm Patton down. "If you work yourself up, you know Virgil will start to feel it." Oh... He was feeling. Virgil grimaced as his left hand clutched his shirt. "Roman didn't want anyone else involved in this."

"LOGAN, A COMPLETE STRANGER IS INVOLVED IN THIS!" Patton yelled out making Virgil jump and choke on his breath. "If Roman's curse took hold..." Curse? Virgil tensed feeling all the anxiety both he and Patton had that sent his head spinning. "That means he kissed someone, Lo."

"I know." Virgil's eyes narrowed as his fingers brushed against his lips subconsciously.

"He kissed someone. A complete stranger... That means there's a person out there with the mark who doesn't even know what's coming for them."

"Patton, I know." Logan repeated as he brushed back the father's hair, not liking how his friend's eyes were so puffed and red. "We can't help that."

"They could die, Logan. They could die... and we could lose Roman forever." Everything seemed to crash in everyone. Virgil stood there outside the door, this neutral and numb look as he rolled his sleeve down and just stared at his mark. "They could die and we'd never know. Roman won't ever wake up."

"We can search for the mark bearer later, Pat. You need to rest."

"NO!" Patton yelled out as he quickly shook his head. "I can't. Roman..."

"Isn't going anywhere, Patton. Please rest?" Patton just sighed as he let Logan pull him in against his chest again. "We need to get things rolling. The three of us planned for this, remember. Roman knew what was going to happen. We ALL did."

"Remus." Virgil's eyes filled with horror as Patton sniffled. "What about Remus, Lo? How are we supposed to tell him his own twin very well might never wake up."

"Remus knows, Patton. He knows the most out of his and us. He's already aware of what's going on. Please, go rest?" Virgil tensed up as he watched Patton and Logan leave far to focused on their own anxieties and each other to notice Virgil behind them. Virgil frowned as he forced himself into the room closing the door with a sad sigh before turning back to see the prince laying there in bed. Roman's face seemed to scrunch up a bit and Virgil gave a small smile as he walked over.

"H-Hey there, Princey." Virgil muttered quietly as he sat down in the office chair Roman had by his desk. "So... You were just not going to tell me you were cursed? Pretty mean if you asked me." Virgil teased as he tried to keep his breathing under wraps. "I thought we were friends?" Roman made a sorry sound in his sleep and Virgil laughed as he just shook his head. "Calm down, Princey. I can feel your anxiety bleeding through." Virgil's eyes flashed as he hesitantly reached out and brushed the princes hair back. "I don't exactly know what this curse is, but... You better wake the fuck up soon Asshole. You have a lot of explaining to do." Virgil sighed as he let his hand drop before moving to look at the mark on his left arm. "I think I got some of it. Not enough but... a start. You're cursed. And you kissed me because of the curse, which made me this... mark bearer?"

"So... Sor..." Virgil's heart clenched in him as he glanced over to see Roman literally crying. "I'm so... sor..."

"I know, Princey. I know" Virgil deflated as he just stared at the floor. he couldn't even tell you exactly what he was feeling. Just that it hurt... "I think I should talk to your brother." Virgil chuckled as he looked back up at the door. "As much as I love Pat and Lo... I don't want to worry them. It's probably best if I just... do this on my own."

"N... NO!" Roman fussed in his sleep making Virgil's eyes snap over in concern. Roman whined as his hands twitched. "No... N-... V-Vir..."

"Shh... Princey. You're working yourself up and you're not even awake."

"V-Virge..." Virgil's eyes shot wide at the mention of his name. To be completely honest he just thought Roman was sleep talking or whatever not... Not that he actually knew he was there talking to him. "Virg... no."

"Roman?" Roman fussed as his hand twitched more making Virgil's chest twinge. He gently brushed his fingers over Roman's only to freeze up as Roman grabbed his hand in his. Roman's face still showed clear signs of anxiety that Virgil felt through the air. "Roman, it's going to be ok. I'm not going to let whatever this is... take you away from m... us. Patton and Logan would never forgive me."

"No... h-hurt." Virgil smiled as slowly let go of Roman's hand. He moved the prince just enough to fix how he was laying before getting up and stretching. "I... I'm sorry."

"I know, Roman. Now..." Virgil's eyes flashed as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I have a rat to talk to."

The Mark of A Cursed KingWhere stories live. Discover now