"In position." It's been about a month since Virgil showed up, the timer on his wrist now saying 95 and only getting smaller. Despite the constant counting down, Virgil had to admit he was making progress... At least in terms of strength and fighting. He could carry the heaviest tool in the shop without any difficulties and no longer felt like complete shit at the end of the day. However... The actual making of his sword was nonexistent... and he was starting to panic. "Virgil!" Virgil jumped, started by the sudden call of his name. "In position."

"Oh, right. Sorry, Sir." Virgil quickly stripped off his lose ruffled undershirt, he had taken to wearing about, rather than risk destroying his hoodie like he did his MCR tee that first day. Virgil had woken up to his on the dresser beside a note saying that it was the better option to wear and so far Roman had been right. He dropped his shirt onto the floor, ignore the itch down his back as he stretched. His eyes trailed his left shoulder seeing the thorned roses that started to bloom and grow with every completed mission. So far he had two fully bloomed and beautiful roses and one bud. Depending on the number of trails he might end up with a full sleeve or just the three he had now.

"Here." Arthur passed the wooden sword over and Virgil sighed, feeling that familiar grip in his hand. It should be familiar at this point. He's been holding the same wooden sword for a literal month now. Arthur's eyes kept getting drawn to the roses as Virgil went through his warm-up. You could see the concern flitting about his intrigued expression. It wasn't the first time the old man had stopped to admire the younger ink. Then again. He usually took notice of the large tattoo Virgil had on his back. The large black angel wings that cascaded down every inch of his back with detailed feathers. Virgil only hesitated for a second noticing the look the other was giving him before returning to his routine. "I've been meaning to ask you... your tattoos. Are any of them relating to your aspect?" Virgil froze like ice, stiff as a bored as his back itched again at the mention.

"How..." Arthur only smiled as Virgil stood himself back up with a look of confusion. "How do you know about that?"

"My boy, I taught the prince the same as I am you. I learned quite a lot during his stay about him and his... family?" Arthur laughed softly as he crossed his arms seeing how Virgil tensed a bit. "That included the whole thing about a side's aspect. He informed me of two others. This... Patton's being a Golden Retriever. Said something about his golden hair and canines being a big show."

"Yea. Dad's also just got that puppy personality. It's adorable. But I uh..." Virgil frowned as he anxiously hugged himself. "I wasn't aware that the light side had aspects."

"Roman made it quite clear during our stay that there were no light or dark sides. Then again I had to help him get more accustomed to his own. The poor boy was making himself sick running about in those heavy clothes all day just to hide the scales."

"SCALES?!" Virgil's face paled suddenly making Arthur frown at the sight.

"Oh, dear. Did the young lad not tell you?" Virgil just shook his head as he tried to take a deep breath feeling the ghostly touch run down his arm in a comforting manner. "Well... I suppose that makes sense considering his outlook on it before I helped him. Or at least I thought I helped him."

"What... What do you mean scales?" Arthur's eyes set as he took in the shakey stance the other had.

"He has red and black scaled that run down his left shoulder, chest, and back. The majority of them are on the back but some do loop around the left arm, if I remember correctly." Virgil crashed his mind trying to think of any time Roman had ever worn a short sleeve. Better yet... he was just trying to find a time where he wore something other than his prince suit. "It took a while for him to even admit what they were precisely." Virgil's eyes flashed as Arthur's voice dropped a bit. "Dragon scales. His aspect is a dragon." The second the words left Arthur's lips the ghost touch he knew was Roman vanished instantly, making Virgil's heart drop.

"A Dragon?" Virgil smiled slightly as spotted the small nod the other had made. "No wonder he had such trouble with it. He's always been very vocal against things like that... the dragon witch being one of them. Sad really... I would've liked to see them. I'd imagine they'd look pretty cool."

Wait... really? Virgil's eyes shot wide at the soft hesitant whisper in his mind and his eyes darted over to where he knew Roman had been standing before while comforting him. He could practically fear the panic running through that area and his eyes softened with a nod. Oh... uh... Thank you

"Virgil?" Virgil jerked back suddenly as Arthur held his hands up to show he wasn't about to do anything letting the anxious one relax a bit. "If you do not mind me asking? Are you alright with sharing what your's is? I am curious." Virgil smiled as he glanced behind him feeling that itch getting even stronger. He laughed as he felt his back pop. Feathers swirled about the air as this subtle gust moved around them. Virgil's one good eye turned a bright beautiful glowing silver-blue as his hair swayed with the wind.

Roman stood there in spirit form just gaping at the younger as big bold BEAUTIFUL black wings spread out turning his lovable demon boy into the dark angel he always knew he was. Roman stumbled forward ignoring how transparent his form was as his let his fingers brush over the feathers making Virgil chuckle a bit.

So pretty. Roman mumbled softly as he moved just a bit practically feeling the muted touch of the one beside him as his wings wrapped around him ever so slightly. God, he just wanted to wake up so he could cuddle up with Virgil for real. He wanted to feel what his wings felt like against his skin and not just this muted half expectation of what it should feel like. Were they soft? Were they warm? Did they tickle or feel more like a weighted blanket? You're an angel, Stormy.

"I guess I am." Virgil whispered softly as he shifted back letting the wings turn back into the tattoos that covered his back in completion. Virgil groaned as he turned back to the sword with this slight huff, his nerves starting to get the best of him. "Can we just get back to training now? I still have to get to the forge."

"Of course." Arthur grabbed a wooden sword of his own before getting into position himself. "You do know now that I'm aware of those wings, we will be including them into to practice." Virgil's eyes set as he just nodded and tried to get more relaxed and in position. "Just as I did with Roman and his aspect. Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be... I suppose."

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