"Well, isn't this a surprise." Virgil's eyes went wide as that familiar voice echoed about the training room. "I wasn't expecting it to be you, Emo nightmare." They stepped out of the light revealing them in their typical white suit and red sash and Virgil just broke.

"ROMAN?!" Roman smiled as he crossed his arms and just shook his head.

"Not quite." Virgil was just frozen there in shock as Roman looked him up and down, his eyes lingering slightly on Virgil's own blue ones. "What are you doing here, Virge? I find it odd that you summoned me."

"I don't even know who you are!" Roman frowned as Virgil stepped back.

"Roman." Roman responded before sighing and shaking his head. "Well, like I said, not quite."

"So explain!"

"Calm down there, Stormy." Virgil's face fell instantly as Roman just chuckled. "I'm a clone... of sorts. I... uh, He created this program for the training room to create Me... an exact copy of him right down to the nitty-gritty. I am Roman, just not the 'original'."

"He what?" Roman's eyes darkened as he took in the youngers stance, a spark of concern flitting through the air that Virgil latched onto. "I don't... I don't understand."

"Ok. Um... Well, a way I can explain it would be... Naruto! You watch Anime. I know you do." Virgil nodded as Roman smiled happily trying to work out his example. "When Naruto creates a shadow clone it's still Naruto, right? Just not the original. I'm Roman's shadow clone in a sense. I'm still Roman... I'm still the same princey. Just one bound to this room. Once I'm summoned I can't leave the room. Not until I'm no longer needed."

"Wait. Hold on." Virgil frowned as he tried to take it all in. He was still a bit frazzled thanks to his panic but Roman just stood there wiht a smile waiting for him to be ready. "So. What exactly do you do?"

"Training. I use... He uses me to help train. Fighting against yourself is a great exercise that many cartoons and movies use. Remus... He uh, he just uses me to train to kill me in future." Virgil snickered as Roman rolled his eyes. "Haven't lost once so... good luck with that Remus."

"I see." Roman nodded as he leaned against the wall a bit before his smile faltered slightly.

"There's just one problem. Being that I'm only a copy, I only get 'updated' memories when either I or Remus comes." Virgil's eyes went wide as Roman's narrowed in concern. "So... I have a bit of a memory gap right now. I really don't know why your here. I could always ask the original for an update or... Remus if he decides for once not to kill me. Stormy?" Virgil cringed at the name making Roman tense in anxiety. "Why'd you summon me? Actually no... What day is it? It might be better to know how wide the gap is. The last time I was here was... around the 4th was it?"

"Princey, that... That was a month ago." Roman's eyes shot wide as his hand instantly went to his right wrist making Virgil frown in understanding.

"Well, that explains why I'm not here. But..." Virgil could see the pain in Roman's eyes as the prince struggled to wrap his mind around it. "I don't understand..."

"Can you... Can you show me your arm please?" Roman jumped in shock as Virgil smiled awkwardly. "I just have to know."

"Know? Know what?" Roman laughed awkwardly only to crash seeing how serious Virgil was. He groaned lightly as he rolled up his left sleeve which only made Virgil roll his eyes.

"Roman, you know what arm I meant." The pure horror in the prince's eyes were so apparent Virgil felt the air shift with his anxiety. "Please?" Roman didn't respond. He just switched arms and rolled up his sleeve revealing a tattoo-less wrist and Virgil's eyes narrowed. "Makes sense if you're only a copy. The curse wouldn't have affected you, as you aren't the original Roman, or... well, King."

"How in the hell do you even know about it?" Virgil's eyes flashed as they darted up to see tears in Roman's eyes. "You were never supposed to know. I made sure... HE made sure to tell them, Patton, Logan... You were NEVER supposed to..." Roman went completely ridged as Virgil rolled up his left sleeve up revealing his mark and it was like a dam broke in Roman's eyes. "No. No. No. NO!" Virgil jumped as Roman started to pace, the world alive with a pure unabated panic. "NO! Fuck! I kissed you?!" Virgil could only nod as Roman visibly broke down. "I kissed you. I... Shit."

"Roman, It's ok..."

"NO, IT'S NOT!" Virgil face fell as Roman froze up realizing what he had just done. "I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't... I shouldn't have yelled. I'm just... I NEVER wanted you involved in this. I never want to kiss you."

"Ouch." Roman's eyes went wide as Virgil glared over at him. He paled as he ran his hands through his hair. His words were not coming out right at all. "Well, I'll tell you what I told the other... I'm sorry you had to experience that."

"That's not what I... I didn't want you to get cursed with me. I didn't... I didn't want to risk my friend and family, ok?" Virgil just rolled his eyes as Roman grimaced with regret. "Stormy, please. I didn't mean it like that. I swear. I just... I don't want you getting hurt."

"Well, considering I'm still here and not dog chow..." Roman frowned in confusion before groaning in frustration and whipping his hand out angrily. "What?"

"I need those memories. I can't NOT know what the fuck is going on."

"You sure? You'll end up remembering our kiss." Virgil hissed with venom making Roman flinch.

"Virgil, please? I need to. I have to know so that... I can help you." Virgil rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms in annoyance. "I have to help."

"So how to get them, if the original is sleeping beauty?" Roman smirked as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

"We call Remus."

The Mark of A Cursed KingWhere stories live. Discover now