Chaper 5

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I wake up with a blanket over my head and Jeongin talking to someone. I hear the door shut, and I groan. I stretch and yawn when I feel a hand grab my leg.
" Come on, sleepy head, it's time for breakfast," he says, draging me close to him. I sit and give him a sleep face.
I straddle him and hug his chest.
" Someone's cuddly today," he says, kissing my ear.
" This is payback," I say, I wrap my arms and legs around him, and he rolls his eyes.
" I have business stuff to do today, and I can't bring you," he whispers in my ear and lightly rubs my back. I sit up more and look at him.
" Where is my phone.. I have to do work. " I try to get off of him, but he grabs me.
" You have the stomach bug... you called in sick today. " he kisses my neck, and I nod.
After we ate breakfast, which he had to convince me to eat, I walked back to Seungmins rooms so Jeongin could get ready.
" Hmmm?" Seungmin said half awake. I close the door, and he rolls his eyes.
" You mad at me?" I ask, laying on top of him.
His body heat gave me butterflies in my stomach.
" I guess the rules don't apply to Jeongin, do they?" he says, looking up at the ceiling.
" What rules... he kissed me and we went to bed." I say confused. He looks up at me skeptically. I shake my head, and he sits up. He pushes the blanket away and kisses. He grabs my legs and makes me sit on him. I moan as he cups my breast and kisses me deep. He moans, and I can feel my body want him. He stands up, and I wrap my legs around him afriad I'm going to fall. I slowly take my shirt off, and he kisses my chest. He sits down on the edge of the bed, and I moan.
" You ready yet?" He whispers in my ears.
" How could I not be after you teased me last night?" I say out of breath. He smiles, and I take his white T-shirt off. He lays down, and I help take his pants off. I take a second to breathe, and he waits for me. I sit on him, and he grips the bed.
" fuck Ember " he shouts and I can tell he wants the others to know. I laugh and start to move my hips up and down. He sits up and pushes himself into me. My vision goes blurry and I can feel body ready.
" Seungmin," I moan, and he stands up. He pushes me against the wall, and I can feel all the energy ready to release.
He kisses my neck and plays with my nipple.
" Do it," he breaths in my ear.
I close my eyes and feel him in me.
I arch my back and moan really loud. He laughs breathless in my ear, pumping himself into me a couple of times. I squeeze my abs from my clit being sensitive and he slams his hand on the wall. I can feel his knees weak and he walks to the chair.
He sits down and I feel his knees shake.
I lay my head in his neck and he hum as our lips meet eachother, he rubs my back and tries to breathe.
" I tried to be gentle... but I didn't... know.." he breaths heavy and I get off him. I grab a water and start the shower.
He drinks all of the water and waddles after me to the shower.
We clean eachother and make out, he suds up my boobs with body wash and it makes me horny again.
" uhh baby " I moan and walk backwards. I  hit the wall, he nibbles my ear and I can feel myself wanting him agian. He spreads my legs apart and washes away the soap on me.
" I knew you would call me baby" he says touching my clit with his finger and I arch my back a little. He kisses down my neck as my head is flung back. He starts to put a finger in and I moan. He takes my boob in his mouth and I can feel myself cum agian all over his fingers.
He washes me up as I pant from my second climax. He dries me off, and I lay on the bed with blurry vision.
" You okay em?" He says a little concerned. I nod my head and blink a bunch of times. I lay my head down on his pillow and fall asleep.
I wake up with Seungmin carrying me to someone's room. I groan as he puts me on the bed and smiles at me.
" You need the doctor to check you again, and you need lunch," he says, cupping my cheek. I hear clicking, and I glare at Seungmin. He kisses me, and I want more, but I know he has to go.
" You're going to be late," chan says, annoyed, Seungmin nods and walks out of the room. I look down at myself and realize Seungmin put me in his clothes that I took off him earlier. I smelled them and smiled.
" Are you going to be good today?" Chan says, not even looking at me. I didn't answer, and the doctor walked in.
" You're still dehydrated even though you haven't thrown up in a while, so we are going to have to put an iv in again," he says after he checks me.
I nod and see that bangchan watching them put it in me and look worried.
" And she should eat while this is in correct?" Chan asks.
" YES, that will help alot, your very lucky to have a concerned husband like him," the doctor said, patting his shoulder. I stay quiet this whole time and just nod, chan let's them out and brings in lunch.
" Since you said you don't like beef, I ordered you some chicken and veggies," he says, looking at me.
" are you going to talk or did Seungmin fuck the words out of you?" He says pushing the food towards the bed.
" im not your wife" I say getting angry.
He rolls his eyes and offers to take my hand. I grab his hand and he pushes the iv holder while I walk to the end of the bed.
" does it hurt?" He asks in a concerned tone.
" why did he think you-" I try to sat but he interrupts me.
" for jyp health care you need to be married or at least that's what the doctor knows" he says starting to cut up his veal.
I try to get my fork to eat but he stops me.
" try this " he says blowing on it. I sigh and open my mouth wide, he closes it a little and I bite on the food. He laughs and wraps a arm around my back. He rubs my back and gives me a piece of chicken which wasn't as hot.
I lay my head on his arm and he looks at the iv.
" sooo no work today? " I ask. He shakes his head a little and brushes hair away from my eye.
" why are you being so tame? " i ask confused.
" because your not being a brat" he smiles and kisses my head.
" im tired " I say yawning.
" are you trying to bring Chris out?" He says raising a eyebrow.
I look around the room and back at him.
" whos Chris? " I ask. He grabs my ass and gets close to my lips.
" my personality of punishment " he looks me in the eye and I start to breath heavily.
" no sir" I gulp and he laughs to himself. He feed me more even though I'm so full im about to fall asleep from food coma. I put my face in his neck and whine.
" I think you've had enough" he says and lets go of me. I slowly fall on the bed and sleep.
When I wake up again, the needle is out of my arm and chan is snoring on my chest. I play with his hair and look at the clock.
It's 4pm, I slept for four hours and felt sweaty. I slowly slip out of bed and walk into the bathroom, I get into the shower and try to rub the sticky stuff off my arm that is from the tape for my IV.
I hear the bathroom door open and see bangchan take his clothes off. He walks into the shower without a word.
" ummm, hi," I say, washing my hair.
" Hey," he says, getting body wash and putting it on my body. I look at him with wide eyes, and he just smiles as he washes my back and then butt. He kisses my cheek but doesn't really say anything. I grab body wash for him and wash his chest, his face brightens more, and he watches me wash his legs. I make sure to only look at him and nothing else.
" Thank you babygirl " he says as we dry off and kisses me. His lips are stronger than Seungmin's but bigger in size. I try not to moan and close my eyes.
" How do you feel?" He says, touching my forehead,I shrug and yawn.
" Want to get back to work," I say, looking at his clothes and then putting on one of his black shirts. I get under the blanket and look at him.
" I think you should spend some time with han... you haven't talked to him in a while, " he says, watching my every move.
" So you're going to ignore me?" I say, getting up.
" You're doing your job, baby girl... you being on my bed is doing your job, " he says, getting annoyed.
" im not the type to lay around,"I say, walking away, but he grabs my waist.
" You can take a slow work day tomorrow, but don't overdo yourself .... or you're going to be taped to my bed post. " he kisses my neck and slaps my ass.

I knock on hans door, and he opens it with wide eyes.
" Hi," I say with a smile.
" Can I help you?" He says, confused.
" may I come in and eat dinner with you?" I say pushing chans shirt down that keeps riding up.
" Oh okay," he says with a smile and opens the door for me. I jump on his bed and get under the covers.
He raises his eyebrow and picks up the menu from his nightstand.
" You still feel sick?" He says gently, sitting on the bed.
" Just tired," I say, scootching closer to him. He tenses up, and I move away, looking at him.
" im sorry." I didn't realize he might not want my love.
" It's okay ... I'm just .... not use to it, " he says, moving me closer to him.
I look through the list and pick a small salad. I watch as he orders on the phone. As he talks, he lightly rubs my chin with his fingers, and I blush. He puts a romantic movie on, and we cuddle waiting for our food. There's a knock on the door, and I twist my head and put it on his pillow. He rubs my leg as he talks to the person and brings the blanket up over my head a little. As the person leaves, I kiss Hans back and sit up.
" You're flirty tonight," he says, grinning.
We relax and watch the movie when han tries to feed me.
" Here, the doctor said we need to take care of you ... you need some fruit, " he says, holding his hand under it as it drips on his finger. I bite the watermelon, and we stare at each other as I eat the rest. I suck the watermelon juices off his finger, and he blushes. The door opens, and Seungmin looks at us, I let go of han finger and sit up.
" I came to say goodnight," Seungmin says with a smirk. I walk over to him and hug him. He kisses my neck and feels my bare ass cheeks under the shirt.
" Good night, kiss Em?" He says, arching his brow.
" Okay, but only because you're my pretty boy," I whisper in his ear. I kiss him, and he grabs my ass cheeks, i moan in his mouth, and he laughs a little.
" Don't be a brat for han, okay? " He says, slowly lifting my shirt up as he touches my stomach.
I nod, getting dizzy from his touch, and Seungmin walks out of the door.
" sooo I'm going to assume you guys did it," han says, laughing a little. I nod, and he stuffs another piece of fruit in my mouth and smiles. I look at him a little confused and then kiss him after I swallow what's left of the fruit. I only kiss him for a minute to make sure it's okay.
" I want a nickname too," he says, picking me up a little and placing me on his knee.
My clit hits his bare skin and I moan into his neck.
" are you going to call me something too?"I say kissing his neck.
" Hmm sugar maybe candy" he says slowly moving his leg as my pussy rubs on him. I can feel my self leak on him as he makes me wet.
" candy man.... or lover boy " I say looking into his eyes. He touches his knee where the wetness is and brings it to my mouth. I suck on his fingers and start to rub my body on his knee. He grabs my waist and forces me to stop. He slowly moves his knee and I moan.
" hmmm I'll be your lover boy if you'll be my candy. " he whispers in my ear and I moan a loud yes.
He puts me down on the bed and starts to lick my outer area of my pussy.
" uhhh Han" I moan out and lightly grab his hair. He kneels and aligns with me.
" do you consent?" He says panting.
" Yes, I want you," I say as he takes his shirt off.
He pushes into me, and I try to cover my mouth. He laughs and lightly puts his shirt on my face. He circles my clit with his thumb and my eyes roll back in pleasure.
He pushes into me agian but not stopping his thumb, I cum all over his dick and I arch my back.
" again?" He asks not done. I nod my head and he pushes in and out harder. He lays down a little and I kiss his arm. A second wave comes when he licks my nipples. He cums as my body squeeze in tight and my toes curl.
" ahh fuck" he whispers and then falls next to me on the bed.
" your my lover boy now" I say getting on top of him. He breathes fast and plays with my tits, he smirks when I moan for him and then drops his arms to breathe.

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