Chapter 12

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I put the clothes on that were left for me and looked at the 5 page sheet.
It was a contract and I remember bringing him my phone.

"And after"

I read it over and over again, I remember the look on his face. The look of " she doesn't realize that I will drug her and fly her across countries" look. I huff pissed off now, I opened my door, and no one was in the hallway.

I rip up the papers as much as I can and throw it on the floor with an angery huff.
I slam my door, hoping it will break and lay on the bed.

I sleep and then look at the beautiful veiw and then sleep more.
I hear a knock at the door but I don't answer it, I try to sleep more but my body won't let me.

" Dinner is ready," I hear Seungmin say, but I ignore him.
" I don't want him to ...... force you, " he said, trying to find the words.
" I'll have dinner in bed," I say, yawning.
" All the staff went home.... please, " his voice is so shaky that it hurts my soul.
I get out of bed and look at him.
" im really proud of you," I say as a tear falls from my eye. He touches my cheek, and I flinch away.
He guides me to the fire pit outside, and I just want to puke when everyone looks at me with surprise.
I sit as far away from them as I can when I get my dinner from the buffet table.
There was silence, and then they started talking about the song they made.
My emotions were all over the place, and it physically hurt to sit here and listen to them, especially chan.
He would glance over at me a couple of times, and I would close my eyes.
" we made sure to request chicken for you," I heard bangchan say, but I just picked at it and looked at the ground.
No one said anything, and then I laugh to myself.
" Hmm," bangchan said, nodding toward me.
" So when you going to brand me?" I say with anger in my voice.
Bangchan shook his head, but I could tell that he was okay with me being mad at him, but I wasn't.
He doesn't answer he just looks up at the stars.
" im clearly your property..... I'm like luggage, right?" I say in a sassy tone.
I could tell I was upsetting the other guys as they sighed but wouldn't look me in the eye.
He looked down, and we locked eyes.
" I thought you were never going to talk to me again,"  he said, glaring.
" I'm never talking to chan or chris again..... but you.... you're not him.... you're a monster. " I say in a low tone and throw my food in the fire.
I walked to my room and slammed the door crying , I was happy no one came to make me feel better. I just wanted to sleep forever.
I wake up to someone pushing my shoulder, i scream, and it scares the staff lady.
" im sorry...... I thought ... someone was carrying me, " I say out of breathe, she smiles and touches her chest.
" its 3pm ... you need food. " I shake my head, but she brings me it in bed anyways, and I just watch her. 
I look at the food, and I feel no urge or energy to put food in my mouth.
I sigh and put the food on the floor.
An hour later, I hear a knock on the door, and I cover my head . I groan when I hear a voice try to talk to me.
" I brought chocolate pudding," he says in a deep, soft tone.
I don't answer him.

binnie said you like chocolate." I hear him stirring a spoon.
I peek out through the blanket and see that it's pitch black outside, and then i see felixs face slowly come into view.
I put the blanket over my head agian and waited for him to leave.
" ok....." he sets it down on my nightstand, and then I hear movement.
" im.... God..... I'm so sorry. " I hear him cry, and my heart hurts, but I know for my own mental health that I can't console him.
I hear him sob, and I look at the chocolate pudding. My stomach churned for food, I slowly looked at him, and he was on his knees crying.
I slowly uncover the blanket and grab the chocolate pudding.
" There's nothing I can say that will make up for my actions...... I just want you to know ..... that I love you. " He cries more, and I watch as I eat the chocolate pudding.
I stop at the second lick and think about if it's drugged.
" Hi," he says softly so as not to spook me. His face is wet from tears and snot.
I hand him a tissue, and he laughed a little.
" Is it good?" He asks, blowing his nose.
" Is it drugged? " I ask, trying my best not to sound mean.
" No .... I made it myself. " he doesn't move, and I'm happy because I can't deal with him touching me.
" Oh.. so I'm going to die of food poisoning, " I say with a smile.
" I love you," he says with a sad smile.
" You have time, and then you have to go," I say stern.
" Time?" He says, confused.
" Whatever you want to talk about, and then I'm going back to my bed.
" How much?" He asks, smiling.
" however long it takes me to eat this." he nods but just watches me for a minute.
" You can't starve yourself ..... I can't watch as they stick needles in you, " he says with a raspy voice.
I nod a little, telling myself that I won't give chan the satisfaction.
I sigh and look him in the eyes.
" None of you will ever touch me again," I say as I eat the last spoonful of pudding.
He looked at me like I knocked the wind out of him. I hand him the bowl back and lay back down as I look outside.
I heard him leave and then a fight.
Felix hears the words that he never thought would hurt him so much. Ember lays back down on the bed and stares out at the stars.
Felix breathes, stands up, and walks out of her bedroom.
Chan and han are sitting on the floor waiting to see if she ate or if he will have to call a doctor tomorrow.
" Did she eat?" Chan asks as they stare up at him. Felix stares at the wall in thought.
" What happened?" Han said a little scared. Han and chan stood up, and felix looked at chan in the eyes.
" FUCK YOU" he said with all his power. Chan looked stunned, he knew the guys were mad at him but felix had never been this pissed since he got eliminated from the group.
"What's going on?" Changbin asked as the other guys walked out to the hallway. Felix started walking out towards the fire pit.
" what did she say?" Chan said following felix.
All the guys started walking and stopped when felix smashed the Pudding bowl on the ground.
" You think you know what's best for us..... that's BULLSHIT " None of the members wanted to calm felix down.
"WHAT. DID. SHE. SAY." bangchan yells, and it scares han. Leeknow stood in front of the younger guys and huffed out an annoyed sigh.
He was going to tell felix to calm down until felix spoke.
" she said....... none of you will ever touch me again, " felix said, not yelling this time. He was trying to catch his breath, but he didn't care about himself he cared about her.
Some of the guys were confused, but most of them were pissed because if felix thought it was true, then it was true.
" she... she be fine in a couple of weeks, " bangchan said, trying not to take her words too seriously.
" You take beautiful things and bend them to your liking until they break," felix says, staring daggers into chans eyes.
Felix walked off into the wood to himself calm down.
Chan didn't know what to say, he like the rest of the guys and went back to their rooms except for Seungmin.

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