Chapter 14

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" You have a problem," I say, trying not to get angry.
" And what's that?" He says, taking another sip of his beer.
" You don't let people choose....... the whole time I have been with you guys, you have always had control over me. " I raise my voice, and I can see felixs head pop up from the floor.
" What do you want from me?" He yells, getting pissed and I see the guys get up and walk out from my room.
" I want to fight you," I say through my teeth.
" No ..... I'm not hurting you, " he says with a tear in his eye.
" You already have," I whisper and walk near the campfire. The guys watch me and then chan.
" FINE!" He yells, banging on the table and runs after me.
" What's happening?" Seungmin says, scared.
" We're gonna fight," I say, stretching. I hear every guy yell at both of us, but I ignore them and crack my back.
" It's too dark," han said with a shaky voice.
" Then get some lights, lover boy," I say, glaring at chan.
Han huffs and walks away, but felix stands between us with his arms out.
" You guys can't do this ...... Chan, you can't fight her, " felix says, tears in his eyes.
" it was her idea ....." chan yells and points to me.
Han comes back with lights and hooks them up towards us.
" Okay.... if you're going to do this ... there has to be rules, " changbin says, walking in the middle, and felix gives him a horrified look.
" No ...... Bin, you can't let them do this, " felix says with a shaky voice. Changbin nods a little, and I glare at the ground.
" changbin, leeknow and felix with be the judges," I say, and they all looked at me.
" Why?" Chan said, confused.
" changbin is the strongest so he can pull me off of you when I burry your face in the sand. leeknow is the second oldest and will know what to do and felix...... well, felix is on my side more than yours, " I say, and chan laughs.
" Fine," chan says, looking at the ground.
" Except I have a feeling that no one will be on my side when I say what my prize is for winning." I look at all of them, and I see Seungmin silently crying.
" What's your prize?" Changbin says in a low voice.
" If I win...... im going back home, and I will never see or talk to any of you again, " I say, sighing as if I've been holding my breath in.
" no are you fucking crazy" felix says walking up to me but I close my eyes and flinch my body. After realizing that he wasn't touching me I open my eyes and he looks at me through tears.
" you can't he'll sue you" chan yells.
" the contract that I shook on with you have no date which means I can leave whenever I want " I say this while watching felix tears hit the floor.
" and what if you lose?" Leeknow asks.
" hhhhaa.....if I lose... I'll sign the contract " I gulp, I wipe away felixs tears and cup my hands to his freckled cheeks.
" im sorry" I whisper in his ear.
" what contract?" Jeongin says confused.
I look over at chan and he's watching me.
" okay deal" chan says, wiping away his tears.
Felix walks out of my hands and sits next to Seungmin.
" Shake on it," leeknow says with his hands in his pocket.
We walk up, and he puts his hand out, I shake it and get shivers down my spine.
" You guys don't have to worry.... I'm going to win, " chan says, trying to make the guys feel better.
" I don't know she took down binnie and minho after being drugged and unconscious for three days," Seungmin yelled.
My eyes went wide and looked at chan.
" THREE DAYS!!" I yell.
" thanks Seungmin " chan says, walking away from me, and changbin went between us just in case.
" im a little scared," chan said, looking into my eyes.
" You should be,"everyone said, watching me.
" okay fight rules, no kicking the head, or pulling the hair " changbin said.
Chan looked at changbin and changbin nodded.
" or kicking the groin" binnie glared at me and I smirk at him.
" How's that healing ?" I ask trying not to laugh.
" still hurts when I pee" he says annoyed.
" good " I say then look at chan. He gulped and I can tell he's scared.
" Seungmin hair band," I said, and he grabbed one for me. I put my hair up in a ponytail, and my stomach churned a little and it felt like anxiety.
" You start when I say go" changbin says and i nod and so does chan.
Changbin walks away slowly and then stands infront of everyone.
" Go" changbin shouts, and Hyunjin makes binnie move his ass.

I put my fists up in a way to block my chest, and he slowly walks towards me, holding his fist up.
" You know I don't want to do this," he says, getting closer.
" I don't care.... remember when you said that and forced me to eat steak " I says anger in my voice. He stopped walking and looked at me.
I punched him in the cheek, and he fell to his knees.
" ohhh shit ... I knew he wasn't going to punch first, " han said
" SHIT" chan yells, cupping his face.
" Give up?" I say breathing heavy.
" Im fighting for you to stay even if I have to actually fight you," he says, blinking. I try to walk away, but he grabs me with both hands tight.
" Uh oh," I hear leeknow say.
" Foot ... stomach... nose, " I say as I stomp on chans foot, then elbow him in the gut and shoulder him in the face.
" Miss congeniality," leeknow says, smiling, and everyone looks at him confused.
Chan hits the ground, and I look at changbin.
" I won, right?" I say breathing heavy. Changbin doesn't say anything.
" I know you want me to stay, but -" I try to say, but my face hits the floor, and chan has my leg.
He sits on my back as I lay on the ground.
" bin start counting," chan yells, but changbin just looks at us.
" Seo .... start counting!!" That snapped changbin out of his thoughts.
" 1...... 2.....3.....4.....5" Everyone stopped breathing, and chan got up with relief .
" You cheated," I say and sit on the ground.
" bullshit" chan said, wiping blood from his nose.
I stood up and punched him in the back, leeknow ran and grabbed me before I could hit chan again.
" I know you're hurt .... but please just breath, " he said, putting my face to his chest, and I started crying.
I watch as changbin picks chan off the ground, and medics start to look at him.
" Nothings broken besides his nose." A guy said. Leeknow made me sit in his lap as the medics looked at my face.
" No broken nose, just cuts, your nose will probably stop bleeding soon." I nod my head as she puts the tissue like thing in my nose, and I have to breathe out of my mouth.
I look at leeknow, and he laughs.
" I love you, firecracker," he says, hugging me harder.
" I have to tell you something," I whisper in his ear. I see felix, and I shake my head to stop walking towards us.
" Hmm?" He says, rocking us a little.
" When I mean you .... I mean only you, "
He looks me in my eyes and nods once.
" I bluffed," I whisper in his ear.
" What? " He asks, confused.
" If I gave a lame prize, you would never let me fight him.... I needed something that felt real. " I tried to kiss his neck but couldn't reach from the rolls in my nose. He laughed agian.
" If you tell anyone..... I won't be able to trust you again. " I sighed and laid my full weight on him. Felix watches us, and I wave him over. He sits down next to us and looks at me.
" im sorry ..... that you lost, " he said, picking at the ground.
" it doesn't matter...... we all knew he was going to win, " I say through my teeth.
" Well, we have to have both of you in the same bed so we can watch you." felixs face looks hurt, but I just nod and brush his hair from his face.
" You hungry?" Leeknow asks as we stand up.
" Yeah, can you bring me something? ...... I'm going to go lay down. "
" Yeah, I got you, baby," he says, then walks towards the kitchen.
Felix loops his arm with mine, and we slowly walk to my room. I stop and look at Chan, who's still being looked at by a medic and changbin whos that's to keep him from falling. They stop and stare at me.
I huff , felix and I start walking again until he slowly helps me lay on the bed.
Felix sits on his knees on the floor and looks at me. There's silence in the air, and then I look over at him.
" I think we should talk," he says, holding back tears.
" What do you want to talk about hades?" I ask, and he smiles wide.
" Hey babe ... they didn't have a lot but I tired my best " I hear leeknow say. He stops walking and stares at us.
Before he could say anything, changbin helped chan into the room while the other guys followed. Changbin dropped chan on the bed, and it scared me.
" Jesus," I say, and look at changbin. The guys all sat on the ground awkwardly, but leeknow helped me sit up and gave me food.
" Im surprised you didn't bring the contract," I say, biting into a piece of apple. He turned a little and glared at me.
" No, I was too busy laying on the floor," he says, raising his voice, and some of the guys look at me uncomfortable.
" Besides.... I have to change a couple of things, " he says through his teeth.
" I bet you do," I say under my breath and eat more.

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