the city is at war

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Cyber's POV

The three of us crept through the streets, around other killjoys, high-fiving all we came by.

Around us quickly went from mostly silence to rapturous noise. The draculoids had begun their counterattack. They were slower than I thought they would be.

In front of us was Patrick. A drac had him at gunpoint, on the ground, and I could see his blaster on the ground a few feet away. "Cover me."

After saying that, I launched into a full-on sprint. I could see the muscles in the drac's hand begin to tighten. Everything was in slow motion and before the drac could fire on him, I tackled him to the ground, leaving him unconscious. This gave Patrick enough time to roll over and grab his blaster. "Leave the drac," I told him, out of breath. "He can't hurt anyone while knocked out."

There were more dracs approaching. I grabbed Patrick by the wrist, who was still stunned, and started running. "We have to go!"

Kobra and Poison followed as we ducked into a building, and Kobra threw a chair under the door's handle. "Wait, this is where we need to be," Poison remarked idly.

"Floor 6. That's where the broadcast room is," Cyber said. "Follow me."

The others followed without question.

I ran up a stairwell, my reasoning for not using the elevator being that we would be too vulnerable to it shutting down or being attacked from there.

Panting and out of breath, we made it to the sixth floor. There were a few dracs stationed up there, seemingly knowing of our plan to come up here.

"They knew we'd come here. That's why the building was so deserted," I sighed. "Okay. We can take down a few more. There's probably more coming."

We quickly took down the seven dracs in the room, but there was more noise from the stairwell.

I tossed Kobra the tape. "Put that tape in. We need to barricade."

"Okay, uh, which room is it?" he asked.

Poison rolled his eyes, and put a table in front of the door. "Cyber, just go. Kobra, stay with us, we can barricade."

Without thinking twice, I caught the tape that Kobra threw back to me and I ran down the hall to room 109, which reminded me of the radio station. The only station we could find anymore. Powering everything on, I sat down in the chair. I switched on the microphone. There was something that I wanted to say.

"109 in the sky, but the pigs won't quit. You're here with me, Cyber Crash. This one's for all you rock 'n' rollers, all you crash queens and motor babies- Sing it out. Sing about everyone you've left behind. Sing it for the world, and what the world could be. So long and goodnight, Better Living Industries."

The tape clicked into place and I turned up the volume. As loud as it would go.

I could hear from all across the city. Over my walkie, I communicated to the others. "You already know, but it's the audiovisual building. Floor 6, room 109. You have a few minutes. They shouldn't be attacking anymore. Get up here."

I left the room. Sprinting back down the hallway, I could see the three familiar faces. "They stopped banging on the door once you started talking. I think they're confused now," Patrick said. "I think it worked, how the hell did you know..?" he asked.

"We can explain once this is all over. We should probably unblock the door," I remarked. "If we want the others to get in, that is."

It didn't take long to remove what was blocking the door. Poison hesitantly opened it, and in walked two men and a woman, each decked out in BLInd draculoid uniforms.

They appeared confused. "What's going on?" the woman asked. She had long brown hair and a stockier build. "I'm, uh- I'm Alyssa." (Alyssa i know you are reading this teehee)

"Yeah, we just.. Woke up.. In that stairwell. With these crazy masks on. What happened?" the guy, with a buzz cut said. "We're introducing ourselves? I'm Josh."

The third guy, with longer black hair and a wiry build. "I'm Viktor. What's going on?"

There was some commotion in the stairwell. "We're here, it worked. Start the broadcast soon?" Ghoul shouted.

Poison nods in his direction, a silent message for him to quiet down. "Okay. You'll find out what happened soon enough, just hold on tight."

I led the way to the broadcast room. "Kobra, help me set up the video camera."

Once everything was set up, we stood the way we had practiced. Patrick pressed the button to broadcast the feed to the whole city. Every screen. They kept an instrumental track playing in the background, and Patrick pointed towards them, signifying that they were live.

"Hello, Battery City. We are the fabulous killjoys, and you are all probably confused," Poison began. "Let us introduce ourselves.. I'm Party Poison," he was hesitant. "Also known as Gerard Way."

Kobra stepped forward. "Kobra Kid, Mikey Way."

"Jet Star, also known as Ray Toro."

"I'm Fun Ghoul, aka Frank Iero."

It was my turn. I was hesitant to do this considering my position with Better Living before. Frank nudged me. Gerard had done it already, and he had a bigger position than I did, so why was I so stressed? No more hesitating. Fuck it. "Cyber Crash.. also known as Sadie Montero."

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