the kids from yesterday

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a/n: dudes im so excited to finish this story, ive had the ending planned out and written for months and now it's finally happening

"Hello, everyone.. I'm Party Poison, but, erm, just call me Poison. This here," he pointed to Mikey beside him. "That's my brother, Kobra. We have a plan. We're going to bring down BLInd."

Everyone in the room spoke in low murmurs, wondering what the plan was.

"We need as much help as we can get. Wear gas masks if you can, and meet us outside the south wall at midnight, two nights from now. Please, we need as many hands as we can get, so spread the word.

"I'm tired of running away all the time, and I can guarantee you all are too. After this, we won't have to run anymore. I'll see whoever wants to join in then." 

He jumped off the table, hitting that sick backflip (not really) and exited the store alongside his brother.  

"What did they say?" Jet asked once the brothers returned to the car. 

"We didn't stick around long enough, but from what I saw, most were enthusiastic," Poison remarked. "We can go around and tell more people about it?" he suggested.

The next few days were spent planning, scouting, and gathering materials necessary. 

On the night it was happening, they got into the car as the sun was beginning to set over the mountains dotted with shrubs and cacti. It was helpful to live in the desert, where in most places you could see miles in any direction. 

"Cyber, you have the tape?"

"Yeah." She pulled out the cassette from her bag. It had six songs that she recorded off the radio and her CDs.

"Extra batteries?"

"That too."

"Mikey, are the cameras down?"

"Indeed. They didn't suspect a thing."

"Alright. You come with me and Cyber, then."

"Does everyone have fresh batteries, and plenty of extras?"

A chorus of 'yes' was heard from the not-yet-moving car, and the three men standing outside the open window.

"Mike, you have the lock-picking kit and keycard?"


"Okay, let's go. Head to your own car, and let's roll."

Poison finished checking in with everyone and put the car into gear. He cranked up the radio.

They were thirty minutes away from Battery City and the sun was beginning to set. Four guys next to an unmoving car, smoke billowing out from the engine. Poison put out his hand, signaling Billie to stop the car.

Both cars pulled to a stop next to the four men.

Billie, Cyber, and Poison exited their vehicles and went up to them.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Billie asked.

The guy with the fedora spoke up. "Yeah, erm, I was headed to Battery City, to help out.. The killjoys.." he trailed off, staring at Poison and Cyber. Billie was significantly less well known, but he was a familiar face.

"Yep. Uh, our car broke down."

Billie went back over to his car. "Tre, we need your mechanical expertise."

Tre hopped out and strode to the engine, examining it. "Okay.. Hmm. Looks like your transmission is blown. You'd need to replace it. Why don't one of you ride with the Killjoys, and the other three come with us? We're going to the same place, anyway."

The four graciously accepted, and introduced themselves. "I'm Pete, we're the Fallout Boys. That's Andy," he pointed towards the guy with a beard and tattoos. "That's Joe Troham." The guy with longer curly hair waved. "And Fedorable over there is Patrick."

"Thank you guys for helping us," Joe said. "Patrick, you go with them."

Patrick looked a bit startled from being put on the spot like that. "What? Wh- never mind, I'll go."

Patrick squeezed into the backseat with Cyber, Jet and Ghoul. It was just as tight a fit in the other car, but they managed for the 30-minute drive to the city wall.

"We're clo- oh, my god," Kobra said. They were close to the wall, but by the wall was a mob.

They were angry. Not with the Killjoys, but with Better Living. They made way for the two vehicles to reach the front.

Poison put the car in park and stood on top of it to get a better view of the crowd that had amassed. He helped hoist Cyber and everyone who wasn't invading to destroy the gassers.

He raised his fist into the air, a symbol of 'shut the flip up'. In response, everyone else raised their hands like daggers up to the heavens.

"Killjoys! Tonight, we take down Better Living Industries, once and for all. We have a team destroying the machines that pump Sterelax gas into the air, so it'll be safer for you. Your mission," he shouted, "is to cause as much damage to everything as possible, as quietly as possible at first."

Cyber stepped up beside him. "We can't say what we know or how we do. All you need to know is that we know what we're doing. Watch each other's backs; keep each other as safe as you can. We want as few casualties on both sides as we can, it'll be important."

"KILLJOYS, ARE YOU READY?" Kobra and Poison said simultaneously, with practiced precision. "Good luck, I wish you all the best. Let's put our faith back in mayhem," Kobra shouted over the noise. They got the signal from Mike over one of their walkie-talkies. "Go!"

The silent invasion of Battery City had begun. 

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