spare guns and batteries

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a/n: this is the most thought i've put into a fic!! happy part 10!! a very wordy chapter today lmao

Kobra's POV (ooh new person!! wow!!!)

The final two dracs fell in the stupidest way possible, one killing the other with their own weapons.

Poison slides over the hood while the rest of us walk around the car. He fails miserably and is the last one to get to Ghoul.

Cyber makes it there first, and while everyone else attends to Ghoul, I make my way to the first car.

They travel light, since they typically aren't out for too long, taking patrols for a few hours at a time. In the glove box was a few spare guns, which we couldn't use because they were fingerprint-activated. Some gunsmith could come find these and use the components to build or repair other ones. As far as I'm aware, we haven't found a way to disable the fingerprint mechanism without messing up the strength or breaking the gun completely.

While I was thinking, Cyber came up behind me, and picked up one of those guns. "I recognize this model, it's an older one. Made two years before I left. Since then, they've refined the design so they aren't as clunky."

I gave her a look of confusion. "I don't think I paid attention or something, did you work for BLInd?" 

She looked away and nodded. "Yes. back when they mostly employed humans, not robots. I didn't have any other choice, it was that or die, and based on the shit they had me do, I sometimes wish i'd picked that option. But then they would've turned me into a Drac, so I really don't know." (A/n: I don't know how dracs are, so what I'm going to have them be is either reanimated corpses or people being forced against their will.)

"Huh. I didn't know that that's where they got them," I said. Cyber put the gun in her bag, and I shut the door. "You're keeping it?" I asked.

"Might as well. If it was made before I left, then I might still be able to use it. People don't run away very often, but when they do, they do a total recall on all weapons if the person that got away had approved prints. I know they still make these for training, so this might be one of those, but there's still a chance," Cyber shrugs.

"Fair." The next car had some batteries- the good kind, not the shit from the vend-a-hacks that barely sufficed to power our weapons. In that kerfuffle we had blown through our supply. It also had a few more spare weapons, and two pieces of paper that I folded up and put into my pocket. 

After that, the final car just had two batteries and a single gun. "Alrighty, time to fuck off."

By then, Poison and Jet had gotten Ghoul into the backseat. "Cyber, you're not driving this time," Poison said. 

She rolled her eyes and laughed, a light, airy sound, then got into the backseat. "That's fine, I was banking on it anyway." 

Poison sat in the driver's seat, and I went to the passenger's side, since it was the last available seat. I opened the glove box and tossed the first-aid kit to the back and we left to go find another place to stay. 

an additional note before I close off this chapter: I forgot and thought i was writing as Jet for a good while lmao

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