fuck yeah and names

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A/N: So uh after this part, this will be my longest running story! So uh three cheers for that. Also, really sorry for not posting, i've been painting my bed and i haven't had a lot of motivation to write. Comment if yall want pics. also please follow my tiktok, twistedpeppermint43

Cyber's POV

I was absolutely floored by the question. "Are you serious?" I asked. 

"Uh.. yeah." Poison said, the grin on his face fading. 

They could not be serious. This was absolutely wild. "Fuck yeah!" 

Poison smiled fully. "We should go for a drive to celebrate?"

Everyone agreed. Once in the car, Ghoul asked a question.

"So, Cyber, how'd you get your name?" he asked. 

"Yeah, I'm curious too," Jet added. 

"Oh, um, I was pretty good with technology. I used to work with it, back in the city." I said. "Crash was just a cool word with a C in the beginning." 

I forgot to mention that I worked for BLInd, but I'm just putting off telling them that part for as long as I can.

 "Poison was the lead of the cyber security department in BLInd, that's pretty cool. Where did you work?" Kobra asked. 

I spoke too soon, but I forgot that literally most of the people in the city worked for or were in association with them. For fuck's sake, my old boss was Poison. "I, um, worked in the same department," I answered, adding a little forced smile in the end. "What's the story behind all of your names?" 

Kobra spoke up first. "I'm Poison's younger brother, so there's the Kid, and Kobra was because I was terrified of snakes and where we lived was always infested with them."

Cyber snickered. "I never knew you were scared of snakes!"

"Yeah, one time there were two snakes in our dinette. I had to get them out myself, and he didn't eat for two days because he was scared that they would come back!" Poison laughed. 

"What about you, Poison?" I asked. 

Poison's laugh faded. "Uhh, I got really drunk at a party one time, and I had to get dragged back to the place we were crashing that night."

"Oh, man, you left out the best part!" Ghoul said. 

Poison sighed. "Do we have to say it?" 

"You said that story about me, so it's only fair," Kobra said. "I had to carry him back to the car, which was parked like, half a mile down the road. It completely 'poisoned' the mood." 

"It wouldn't be the last time, either." Jet says. 

"Okay, moving on, Ghoul?" Poison said, deflecting the embarrasment. 

Ghoul laughed out, "It's because i'm so fun." 

I laughed nervously. "OOOKAYYYY."

"And it's because he sleeps like he's dead most of the time," Kobra said, ignoring what he said. 

Well that one was a disaster, but what do you expect. "So, Jet, how about you?" I asked. 

"Yeah, mine's not that interesting, my mom named me that because I always liked watching the planes. My real name's Ray. I don't remember my last name."

I was a little shocked. "Ray? That's a funky name. Mine is Sadie. Sadie Montero." 

"We're saying our real names now?" Ghoul asked. 

"Yeah I guess, the author wants to be able to say our real names because they're a dumbass who keeps forgetting our killjoy names," I reply. 

"Eh, fair. I'm Frank Iero," Ghoul said. 

"Frank is your name? Seriously?" I ask, hardly containing my laughter. 

FRANK was not amused. "What?! It's not that uncommon of a name!" he retorted. 

"Well it's a goofy as fuck name, FRANK. She's got a right to laugh." Jet said. 

"That's wild coming from someone who can't read!" 

Poison intervened. "Okay, okay, chill. You already know my name, I'm Gerard Way, and Kobra is Mikey."

Poison jerked the wheel so we merged down into Route Guano. 

"So Cyber, do you have any questions?" Poison asked. 

Cyber looked in the rearview mirror. "Yeah, just one. What's that car behind us?"

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