hidden trapdoor and a sPoOkY jOuRnAl

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I don't know everything about the danger days universe, but for the sake of this story, draculoid and control are synonymous. I am writing this at 11pm on a school night and freshman orientation is tomorrow so i am fucked my dude. I also really do not feel like doing my research. 

follow genevevil.isnt.real on instagram pls i am going to die of cringe

Jet's POV

I was looking around the old hospital. It appeared that no one was there, besides Kobra, who was still asleep. 

The sound of tires on gravel alerted me to look out the window. Maybe they went out, and they were just now coming back. 

The car was not there. There were four sleek white vehicles. I immediately recognized them and ran to go wake up Kobra. 

"Control's here, dude! We gotta go!" I shout. Kobra rolls off his bed and onto his feet. We were all trained to do this. We needed to be ready at a moment's notice for scenarios like this. 

A note on the table beside Kobra's bed caught my attention. I instinctively grabbed it, and then handed the page filled with seemingly gibberish to him. 

"Everyone else is out, we need to get our shit and try to hide. If they think we already cleared out, then they might leave. We need to lay low or find a back exit or something," Kobra said. 

"I already looked around, they took all their shit with them. Lemme go run and grab my bag, I know a perfect spot to hide. " I say. 

My bag was only one room over. By then, we could hear the control begin to search the building. 

Hidden within the floor tiles of my room was a handle. I lifted it to reveal a crawl space, barely big enough to fit the two of us. 

"Shit, dude, when did you find this?" Kobra whispered. 

I pulled down the trapdoor. "Yesterday. I think this building was built during one of those old wars and this was a place for someone to hide." 

As I sat down, I felt something underneath me. Rummaging in my bag, I found my flashlight. 

"That's a book." Kobra said. 

"Oh my Geesus, who would've thought?" I said sarcastically. 

Kobra took the book. It looked to be a journal. On the first page, he began to read aloud. "Today I was chosen to be a test subject for Sterelax." The name rang a bell, but I couldn't point my gun at it just yet. 

He was silenced by the sound of footsteps. I switched off the light. They rushed to the window, and moments later, we could hear distant shots being fired. The footsteps cleared out of the room. "Sounds like they are back, we should go."

I slowly peeked my head through the door, and once I was sure the coast was clear, we emerged. Kobra and I pulled out our weapons and got ready. 

We ran to get to the exit as quickly as we could. Unfortunately, I collided with Ghoul. 

He held out his hand to help me up and without hesitating for a moment, I took it. Blasts were being fired. Poison, who was right behind Ghoul, fired back at them. We cleared out the hallways as best we could, and ran out the front door, into the car. 

"Shut up and drive!"

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