1. Arrival

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Crypt was pulled out the back of a jet and onto a hard impenetrable surface. There was no point in resisting. She had been stuck like this for 1000 years and if a few humans thought that they could do anything to change that, they were wrong.

Crypt had been cursed to remain a white fox by some witch a millennia ago, and to return to her true form, she had learn to control her blood magic. About three centuries ago Crypt had given up and excepted her fate to live for millennia as a fox to eventually die and become one with the ground.

She hadn't had an incident until a month ago when her pack brother had died and she releases all her pent up magic, breaking through the blockers the witch had created. That was how they found her. The people with tasers and guns that pulled at her from a chain around her neck forcing her to follow them. If it left a mark on her fur, when she was free, they would be the first to die. She would have to get the cage off her muzzle first.

They were on some tall skyscraper Crypt didn't recognise. Was it a new build from the last century? The humans continued to pull her towards an enclosed section of the building that ended in a point at the top. How high up was she?

"Ugh! S.H.I.E.L.D think that once we are keeping one prisoner they can dump even more on us!" a man with a well washed and cared for beard complained.

"Tony! What is with all the security now?" a man in a blue suit with a star on the front asked. Tony was the first man, Crypt took note.

"The security is not for us, Cap" a woman with red short hair said. She was smarter than the rest, that was obvious. A few more people came out to see the commotion, they consisted of  two other short men, one of them dressed a lot like the red-head and the other had glasses, one very tall, muscular blonde who wasn't human and maybe a minute later, a tall man with black shoulder length hair.

He had a completely different attitude to the rest of the humans, he was non-human like the blonde one but he was grumpy. He had two obvious sleeves on his forearms that looked uncomfortable. Was he the first prisoner Tony commented on?

Crypt hadn't noticed but all eyes where now on her. "Why have you bought us a pet?" asked the human with glasses. "This 'pet' killed 28 people and injured 90 in an explosion she caused in Central park, Manhattan." The humans and non-humans looked shocked but the one with black hair looked mildly impressed.

"We got Thor to give us some books a week ago that could help identify what she is and, this morning, we found something that could be her" the man who had just handed the group a book was called Fury, and Crypt hope that he was not quick to match his namesake.

The group took turns looking at the book, up at her and then back down at the book. "A Scinlæce?" the blonde non-human questioned, "but look! she is a fox, not some demon with red eyes, white hair, blood marks on their face and red claws."

Crypt admired there determination but they had just described exactly what she used to look like, but maybe she would have made it sound less disgusting to look at" 

"Fury, you can't be serious, this thing has blue eyes and IS. A. FOX" Tony said. It was clear that he did not want her to stay and she was fine with that. Everyone nodded in agreement. Fury told them in no uncertain terms that the fox was a Scinlæce and that if she ever took on another form that could speak she would be interrogated about Manhattan, he then left in his jet.

Crypt whined and pawed at the cage on her muzzle, the red-head knelt down and began to untie it. The look-a-like man pulled her back, "What are you doing Nat?! Fury has not been in his right mind lately but this fox still had teeth".

"As does almost every other animal on this planet" she snapped back. Crypt liked Nat. She continued to undo the cage and once it was off she felt the overwhelming sense to bite, scratch and kill everyone around her but she suppressed it. Instead she licked Nat's hand and she smiled before signalling Crypt to follow her inside.

Trusting Nat was probably a mistake but she didn't care because what was the worst that could happen? Crypt died, it would reduce the suffering. She was tortured, it would be nice to feel something other than remorse, self-loathing and grief. It didn't matter.

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