9. Teaching

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They had a week for Loki to teach Crypt how to control her magic before Fury would come to see the progress on the 'criminal' before he would find out that she could talk, before she would be taken away.

Everyday after she was sociable and helped the Avengers with lost items of clothing, Tony lost his car keys rather often, Crypt would meet Loki in either her room or his and they would practice.

The first day, they started with research, because she had been cursed, before she could control her power, she had to summon it and that was different for everyone. Crypt remember when she broke she had been feeling extreme emotions, so they started by making her sad, angry and then happy and laughing when that didn't work. However it was no comparison to losing a loved one. Eventually they stopped and started talking, Loki can shapeshift into animals with his magic which he learnt from his non-biological mother. His family situation was complicated.

Loki also told her about why he was at Avengers Tower. The fact that he was not the only one who had blow up part of New York made them both laugh.

Loki found out that she wanted to be learn how to control her power not to be Scinlæce again but to make sure she never hurts anyone ever again. Crypt's parents should still be alive, she was 1418 years old and he was 1562 and both their life expectancies were about the 5000 year mark.

Crypt found some information in the book Fury had when he left her here. Extreme emotions can cause magical discharge but research and theories are inconclusive. That explained that problem but she would have to find the trigger before she could learn to control.

The days flew past and the deadline got closer and closer to when Fury would come and find out about her. Her and Loki continued to try things, even yoga, but that just ended up with both of them falling into each other and laughing. Now that Loki knew what she was he had begun to feel like that he had someone to relate to more and more. They were both considered monsters by society and they seemed to find solace in each other.

When he was alone Loki contemplated the ethics of having any kind of relationship with a different species. He never found an answer and just went round and round in circles thinking about Crypt.

The day before Fury was to arrive for a report the mood was solemn in the tower, they all knew what was going to happen. Director Fury had been getting more and more paranoid recently and the council had been holding meetings to determine what was to be done, no conclusion had been made.

Loki and Crypt were sitting on the sofa looking out the huge glass window at the skyline of New York City. He was stroking her fur and she was resting her head on his thigh, Fury was going to take her, Loki couldn't let the only person he trusted to be taken from him. "I can't believe I tried to rule this planet" he said not breaking his gaze from the view. "Yeah, I would never want to rule or be the centre of attention in anything, let alone a whole planet" Crypt commented. This peaked Loki's interest.

"Why not? Ruling means that you are in charge and that all have to bow before you, respect. Isn't that what everyone wants?" he queried.

"I can not think of anything I would rather not do than be responsible for a planet with 8 billion people on it". The silence was light as the sun set on Crypt's last full day with the Avengers. Loki took out a small box and handed it to her. Inside was a necklace with a black snake tooth pendant. It was beautiful. He put it on her and they looked into each other's eyes.

They continued to sit in silence until all the Avengers flooded into the room with music, cake and celebrations.

Loki is trapped in the crowd of people. The team had decided to throw a party because goodbyes were better with cake and beer or in this case; beer, vodka and a few millennia old Asgardian mead. The songs where from a large mixed playlist which they played on repeat. Crypt decided to not think about tomorrow and to have fun with the people who had been her family for the past two weeks.

The sun set and the moon watched them as the party died down and the cake was eaten. It was a chocolate and raspberry cake, Natasha had made it herself and was very proud. The drunk Avengers went to bed merry and Crypt returned to her room, taking the music player with her.

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