Chapter 1

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Hi guys this is my first book , hope you enjoy it.
*My alarm goes off at exactly 8am *
I hate Monday mornings. I wake up and it feels new because I'm back to my childhood home. My mom passed last week which was a mess for me and my dad. He was always down and I was always crying. We really needed each other for comfort. I was supposed to head back for work, 'I moved out 2 years back to a new city and got a job and everything' life was great until this tragedy happened. I couldn't leave my dad here alone so I requested for a transfer to my town. Luckily my request went through. Now I can work and stay with my dad. Win, win.
'Morning sweetheart' my dad greets me as I'm ready for work. Morning dad, as he's getting some files ready. I sit down eat up my breakfast. My dad always made us breakfast while I was still here but it feels different now mum isn't here to criticize his cooking skills. Oh god I miss her. My dad seems to be much better and back to his job. My dad is a football coach and by that I mean soccer
as the Americans say. My college experience in the states changed me alot .
If it wasn't for my skin complexion and other sort of Latin features, I identify as an American cause I picked up the accent in my English. My mom also had a British accent although she was Spanish, she picked it during her boarding school experience in England.
After college I got a job in my home country Brasil but in another city. So I went away from home. Life was tough at times til I met Devin , my ex boyfriend, he was sweet and took care of me , he was the idea of perfect until he permanently ghosted me when I needed him the most. So wherever he is fuck him.
Since my car hasn't come yet, I have to ride with my dad to work which is 30 mins away from his workplace. So that means I'll have to take public means from there
So we park at the training ground. Since I'm needed at the restaurant at midday, I decide to hang around with my dad like for sometime then head off. I enter and take a seat on a chair that is dry unlike the rest of the seats. I get my phone to keep me occupied.
I hear some noise and it must be the guys my dad coaches. He coaches Palmeiras ,

It's a huge deal for the city since it's the team for the town and represents it in the big league. I love football but I'm more into cooking which has made me a big check, I'm one of the head chefs at Xrs restaurant one of the biggest restaurants in the country right now on addition to that I'm sometimes hired as a private chefs for some wealthy people. They pay everything for me, all I have to do is say yes and do some cooking. I love my job but sometimes it's stressful especially trying to make the perfect meal.
The guys walk out and damn they are fine and have good physique as expected obviously. They start jogging around the pitch as I watch my dad motivate them. After an hour of training, they get a break and my dad walks over to me.
'hey sweetie, you good?' my dad always checks on me with any chance he gets.
Don't worry dad im good. I plan on leaving in an hour. 'Oh, I can drop you cause we done for today, the guys need some rest for tomorrow.' I'm so happy I don't have to use the bus. I see a guy running towards me. "Hi cia," I jump out of my seat and give him a huge hug. It's my childhood best friend Marcelo. He's become much bigger and taller than when I last saw him. I finally let go."I know you missed me idiot, I tell him still surprised. "Sure I have missed you, we have to catch up like soon"
Seeing him achieve his dream for playing for his dream club is amazing.
Some of his friends come up to him and say hi, I could remember some of them and the others were new to me. They are awesome guys. I say bye to them and remain with Marcelo. He telling me how I have had a huge glow up and how I'm too hot. He's never changed and I like him for that. Another tall muscular guy walks up to Marcelo but this one is different from the rest, he's hot as hell like damnnn. He has curly hair with a taper and gorgeous hazel eyes. Fuck he's perfect.
"Hey, man whenever you're good to go you tell me, you're my ride remember?" gorgeous speaks and without even sparing a glance at me. I have to say he has a deep sexy voice. "Yah yah man I know, I lost the bet you don't need to remind me of that" Marcelo replies and gorgeous let's out a small chuckle which was cute .
I see my dad coming and I'm happy it's time to go since Marcelo isn't planning on introducing me to gorgeous. "Sweetie I'm so sorry I'm supposed to be your ride but something has come up I won't be able to take you, I'm so so sorry"
As much as I was disappointed in his words I played it cool though I felt like crying. ' it's fine dad, guess I'ma use public transport' my dad hugs me and goes off. "Uhh, Cia where you headed?"Marcelo asks me.
I'm going to Xrs, "woahhh, you have a date or your meeting someone, Marcelo asks surprisingly. Nahh, Marcelo I work there, I'm the new head chef, I say proudly.
Marcelo jumps up and down like a little kid and claps happily. "We both living our dreams, ahhhhh, I'm so happy"
Gorgeous looking agitated by our exciting moment. Cia, you're coming with us, we heading that side anyway.
I'm glad Marcelo is giving me a ride , I don't have to take public means.
This way Cia, I follow the boys to Marcelo's car and happily take the back seat. Once the boys are ready we start moving. 'Cia, btw this thing next to me is Cancelo, my best friend and captain and Cancelo , this is Malacia my childhood best friend' finally Marcelo introduces us. He turns his head to look at me and says a friendly hi, I reply and he smiles at me, damn he has dimples and a smile that girls would kill for.
"So Cia how was life away from here?" Marcelo asks jumping me out of my thoughts. 'It was awesome, I had my own apartment, my dream job and I travelled alot because of it, I even went to Spain, had my own car I mean it was just beautiful' I say remembering my good life. "Wowww Cia, I know that's not all, anyone special" I get stunned by Marcelo's question especially with his friend around. I tell Marcelo everything, we just lost contact but we are still very close. 'Yah, there was this guy named Devin, we were good and all until he ghosted me, so no one special' I feel pain in my chest saying those words. "Cia, why didn't you call me?I would have looked for him and beat him up "Marcelo said with anger in his tone, anyway Cia who needs that asshole when you have me now?
I smile at his comment and I notice gorgeous looking at me through the driving mirror so I quickly shift my gaze to something else.
We approach what I think is the driveway for Xrs and this one is much more luxurious than the one I worked in, plus its in a hotel , I see a parking spot with my name and tell Marcelo to park there. 'You must be really good to get your own parking spot' gorgeous speaks for the first time. 'well you should come one day and confirm for yourself' I get out of the car and wave the boys goodbye and head into the building.
As I enter the elevator, I see gorgeous entering with me, 'when I said you should come see for yourself I didn't mean today' I said surprised, he let out a small chuckle, "Nah bellisima, I live here" not gonna lie, that sounded so sexy, I felt my body shiver cause of his voice, the elevator door opens and I get out, "Guess I'll be seeing you around, I say . "Maybe, he winks at me as the elevator doors close. That boy is something else.

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