chapter 8

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I feel like this is all I want right now, the cool breeze, the fantastic view and a handsome guy to hold me in his huge arms
I had a breakdown but Cancelo made me feel better, he kissed me and this time it was different.
"Okay, bellisima let's go inside, it's getting cold"
He carries me inside even though I told him I can walk. The view inside is wonderful and it's a big house made out of wood. It has a big flat screen and a beautiful fire place.
"Make yourself comfortable as I get us a snack" he comes with a bag of popcorn,
and two cokes.
"This is the best I can make, I can't cook to save my own life" he says as he sits next to me .
"I should cook for you one day, privately" I say
"I'm down anytime" he says and turns on the TV and tells me to select a movie.
I select life in a year because it's so sweet.
"Why did I let you pick?" He looks at me as I'm getting emotional.
"Fine you pick a movie I've watched this already and I don't want to cry twice today"
He selects it chapter 2 and it's a horror movie I hate these, they scare me but I don't want him to know that.
I scream and jump into his arms where he catches me and I bury my head in his chest. He chuckles, like who the hell laughs at these scary stuff.
I refuse to let go off him throughout the whole movie. At some point he stopped watching the movie and he was looking at me. I didn't mind him as I continued to watch get scared. Finally the movie ends.
"That was a good one, right" he says clearly knowing I was scared.
"Yah, I'm never watching a movie with you again" I say moving away from his laps.
" It seems like you enjoyed me more than the movie" he says and smirks .
This boy.
"Okay let's go sleep" he leads me up stairs.
We enter a big beautiful room it has a huge bed and large curtains and a crystalline chandelier.
Rich people and beautiful views. I look at the amazing king sized bed wowww.
"Here have this to change, the bathroom is over there" Cancelo gives me pair of shorts and shirt.
I make my way to bathroom and of course it's fancy. I do my best to hurry up because I know he also wants to freshen up. After the cool shower. I wrap myself with a towel that barely covers my ass. Great I look around and realise he's not in the room. I quickly ran to the bed. I wipe myself like I'm going to became a mermaid if this water doesn't dry.
I finally get the shirt on.
"I liked the towel better than the shirt"
Cancelo says sitting on the couch across the room and shirtless. This room is so damn big I didn't notice the couch and a hot man seated in it.
I didn't look at him. My cheeks are red.
"Okay bellisima, time for me to shower"
He entered the bathroom.
I look around and saw a shelf of books.
The books seem interesting . This room has tiny details that are so significant.
My phone rings and it's my dad calling.
" Hi, dad".
  "Hi, where are you it's so late ? I've been waiting for you "
Oh my poor dad he's waiting for me while I was getting laid in a car by the roadside and now in a beautiful house with one of his players
"Uhm I'm at a friend's place , I'll be staying for the night. I'll be back home in the morning. Get some sleep dad"
    "Alright, goodnight sweetheart"
" Good night dad" he hangs up the phone .
I'm so tired.So I lay on the huge bed. Cancelo gets out and his dripping, his hair is wet and his towel is tied low on his waist. I take in the full appearance of this guy and straight from the gods.
"Take a picture baby" he says and smirks after noticing me eye fucking him.
He enters the closet and comes out dressed similar to what he gave me.
He sits on the edge of the bed next to me.
"Please push for me" he requests and his voice is so low and calm. It's sexy.
"Oh sorry, do you have an extra bedroom or covers I can sleep on the couch" I ask him

"Sorry bellisima the other rooms are storage and I don't have extra covers so we'll have to share. Sleep on that side and I sleep on this side, deal?"

I agree since I have no problem if we are both on our sides. I really don't want to share a bed. I want the just good sex thing and nothing more. I can't let my heart go through suffering and pain because of a boy. And sleeping with him is close step to more than fuck buddies.

We enter the covers and I say goodnight
but he doesn't reply. One minute he's being all nice and sweet then the next he's being this.
"Asshole" I say as I drift off to sleep.

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