Chapter 2

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I enter the kitchen and wow it's breathtaking much bigger than the other one, 'Oh you must be Ms.Moreira, I'm Thiago Bernardi , manager , nice to finally meet you.

He greets me with gentle handshake and shows me around, this place is much much better than the rest I've been too. He also introduces me to my assistant Victoria, whose is also as excited as me, she seems nice and free because immediately Mr. Thiago left she started filling me in with the tea around this place, she told me how the people that eat here are so wealthy that they can pay to have private service, that's when only the head chef works on their meals and delivers them as well, basically your the chef and waitress too.

I like this Victoria girl, I think we are going to get along easily. She introduces me to the other chefs, waiters and waitresses and the rest of the staff. Some seemed pleased to have me and others seemed like they would appreciate it if I left.
"Hey, Ms. Moreira beware of chef chenelle she's very cunning, she'll do anything for attention" Victoria whispers to me. There seems to be a devil everywhere I go. The otherside it was Daisy that bitch hated me. I don't know why now here it's most likely chenelle, well I don't care anymore. 'Victoria please call me Malacia or Cia , ms. makes me feel old.
She laughed at my comment, okay I'll call you Cia and you call me Vicky. " Okay, I smile at her, I really like her. So I've been given today to know what I need about the restaurant and tomorrow I officially begin.

So I study the menus and get know which chef is good at what and it's not complicated, I taste the meals by each chef and truly they are good. But I think the menu needs something new, like a suprise meal on a particular day where we suprise the customers with any dish that's not on the menu. I'll present that to Mr. Thiago when I get the chance to but right now I'm still adapting.
Victoria shows me my office,and for the first time I've seen a head chef with an office, like for what. It looks good, the person who was here before me had good taste.

" Cia, this is where you meet privately with customers who want to hire a chef, meet to discuss some issues with the other chefs and make the weekly reports , menu changes and stuff like that." Oh, okay this is nice" I say as I have I clear view of the city and its beautiful. Victoria leaves me to get to work and leaves me with her number incase I need assistance.

After 2 hours in my office I head to the kitchen to see what the chefs are upto.
And they are busy and I don't say anything but observe. I notice one of the chefs struggling with presenting his meal on the plate so I show him a technique I learnt. He's impressed with it and calls the other chefs to see . They all cheer for me apart from chenelle who isn't fazed by anything. He introduces himself as Tony and he says he looks forward to working with me
I like my new crew, well most of them.
It's getting dark and Vicky informed me that a very wealthy family has booked the whole restaurant at 9pm to have dinner. I'm thinking wow, they must be rich.

This only means that the rest are going home apart from me and other three chefs of my choice. I know how these work
'So, chef Cia, choose your people tonight' Vicky tells me as all the chefs stand in front of me in a line.
"I choose Chef Cris,Chef Mia and finally chef Chenelle" I reply as the chosen chefs go and dress for the occasion.
It's tradition for the chefs to wear unique uniform when working for a wealthy family.

I personally have to wear an all black and gold uniform while the others wear an all red uniform, not gonna lie we look nice.
"Why did you choose chenelle?" Vicky asks as she's tying my apron. 'she may be a bitch, but she's a bitch who can cook, I need to make a good impression.
Thiago informs me that the guests are here and ready, my team looks ready unlike them they stay in the kitchen and come out for recognition after the final meal.
I am very nervous as I step out to see the big family. "Hope the evening is going and if it's not well surely it's ending well, my name is Malacia Moreira, the head chef and all the meals you're going to have are to be prepared by me and my top three chefs who you'll see after the feast" I say and smile as they look at me critically. An older lady at the table smiles back at me.

I head to the kitchen to begin preparations and find my chefs ready.
"Okay, team their first meal is going to be an appetizer, just something small to warm them up, so chef Chenelle please take the lead on this one' I say
She looks shocked and proceeds to instruct us.
After a long night that has finally come to an end. I bring out my chefs and introduce them to the family. They were appreciative. So we leave and head back to the kitchen. The chefs pack up and chenelle comes up to me 'hey I know I haven't given you the best attitude, I thought you were one of those from rich families that paid their way here, turns out I was wrong you've proven why you're head chef and I respect you for that"
Surprised that chenelle actually thought like that, I smile at her and tell her next time you shouldn't judge someone before you know them.
We say goodnight and head out.
It's currently 11pm and I don't know how I'm getting home. Oh when is my car reaching.

As I leave the elder woman calls me towards the table.
'young lady your work is impressive and I would like you to handle the catering at my daughter's birthday party in a two months she says
"Thank you ma'am and it will be such a pleasure to cook for you again"
I give her my business contact and she says she will talk to me soon. As I look at the rest of the beautiful family, I realise gorgeous is there, no wonder he lives here .

He looks so hot in his white silk shirt .
I notice him looking back and I immediately look away. A little girl approaches me. "Are you coming for my party?" She asks sweetly, she's so adorable.
"Yes, sweetie I'm coming"
She hugs me tightly and also hugs her mom."By the way my name is Georgia" the little girl tells me. She rans to gorgeous who I assume is her brother yelling "you hear that Lolo the girl you called beautiful is coming to my party" he quickly holds her mouth as another guy next to him laughs and they kinda look alike but he's older and seated next to him is a woman who maybe his girlfriend telling on the way they are flirting.
I feel heat in my cheeks and say goodbye to the lady and the little kid.
Once at the parking I prepare myself to walk until I find a bus or anything. I shouldn't have worn heels today, plus is cold. Well I hate my life. I don't want to call my dad or Marcelo because it's almost midnight. I see some missed calls from my dad so I text him that I'm okay and will be home in 20 minutes. Or should I say days.

I begin my journey and reach somewhere where I can't see the hotel anymore. As I wait for any car I feel a huge pair of arms grab me and at this point I knew this was it, I'm going to die so I start screaming for help

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