chapter 10

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Vicky is telling me all about the party and how awesome it was , Adrienne. Of course she knew I spent the night with Cancelo because she picked me up.
She kept asking me how it was and I just kept laughing at her expressions.
"So are you guys a thing, you know dating?" Vicky asks about my situation with Cancelo.
"No, I'm just in for the fun, I don't want something serious, I hate those"

"Well you two are perfect for each other , he's the same as you. Just fucking around but I notice you two have seen eachother more than once, he must really like you" Vicky says as she works on my files.

"It's not that deep, just awesome sex plus he's the last person I would want to have a relationship with"  I say but the fact that I slept in his arms yesterday and it felt nice. I felt safe and peaceful.

*Knock at the door
Victoria gets it and let's in Cancelo and a lady, a very beautiful lady.
"Hi ditcher, happy to see me. By the way this is Cristella, my brother's wife"

She's pretty, I say hi and she immediately fills me in on the birthday details, she's funny and we get along pretty well, the best part was when Cancelo tries to give a suggestion and we cancel him immediately.

"That's it Malacia, for any new ideas you can call me," I give her my phone and she places her number. "Malacia we should hang out sometime" she says.
"Of course I'll be delighted to"

"Well everyone had fun apart from me, let's go Cristella before you guys talk about something else" Cancelo says looking so bored. They leave and Cancelo whispers "I want to have fun too you know and you owe me head".

My face flushed red and they leave.
"Okay Ms.Cia go and home and pack for your trip to Greece" Victoria reminds me. Some rich family invited me to make them breakfast, yeah just that but I've cooked for them before but they were in France. But I'm leaving today at 7pm and I'll be back in four days

So I pack my journal where I write my new recipes and leave this place.

At home
"Hey dad you're not working today?"

"I am but at night, the boys partied hard yesterday and can't do morning training, are you back to prepare for your trip?" Dad asks and I know he feels bad that I'm going, he thinks I might go and end up staying there.

"Yes, I have to be at the airport by 6pm"
I tell my dad who is staring at the screen watching yesterday's game.

"You are going with your car?".

"No dad, my assistant Victoria is taking me and she is also picking me, let me go and pack up dad I'll be back" I head upstairs to prepare. I usually travel so i have many bags. I pick my favourite black bag. I know I'll cook for them the day after arrival then have two extra days to try greek food and learn how to make it.

Finally I'm ready. I wore a plain white tee and sweatpants. I have to be comfortable. Victoria is on time. I say goodbye to my dad who is sad that I'm leaving.
"Dad, I'll call you immediately I reach don't worry, byeeee"

After a while we reach the airport. Vicky keeps me company until I'm almost leaving. Finally my flight is called and to Greece I go. I got first class ticket and I'm dressed like I'm not even supposed to be on the flight.
I take my seat and just relax.

Hi guys this is my shortest chapter ever hope you enjoy the story

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