chapter 12

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I'm finally back home. Greece was wonderful, I got my dad some nice books since he likes reading.
I got Vicky a cute floral dress and got Marcelo shorts.
I picked a beautiful silver bracelet which I plan on giving my fuck buddy or not. It depends.

My dad and Vicky picked me up and they kept yapping the whole time how life is boring when I'm not around. My dad and Vicky have got along pretty well from when I left. Though dad said she is kind of slow. I feel happy cause now my dad gets to have two daughters.

I immediately collapsed onto my bed , tired as hell. The night moved pretty fast, I woke up when the sun was fully bright. I checked the time and it was midday. Who is my dad talking to if it's not Vicky because I hear many male voices. I go down and see Marcelo, Adrienne and Cancelo talking to my dad .
It seems like they are pleading for something.

"Guys, I don't want my players to get injured in minor tournaments you have bigger games to play, sorry guys but no especially you captain" my dad tells them. I was too sleepy to realise I'm still messy I'm wearing shorts and a SpongeBob baggy crop top and then my pink robe. My hair looks awful.
I say hi to the guys and Victoria who gives a bite of whatever she's having. I realise it has honey and I'm allergic.

"Dad, I think Victoria's food has honey" I say I feel very hot and my skins begins to turn red.
"Shit, I think your meds are up in my room let me go get them, boys please help carry her to the living room." My dad is panicking. I feel familiar arms carry me to the couch. At this point I'm fully red. If my dad doesn't hurry up my eyes are going to swell. Luckily he comes and gives me my meds. "Victoria please get some cool water and a cloth and wipe her body to reduce the redness" my dad says.
He is used to these since my mom also had them. Matteo doesn't but I do.

I woke up and saw my dad,Marcelo and Cancelo. I immediately stood up and ran to my room. I heard the guys screaming my name asking if I'm okay. I looked at myself in the mirror thank God I'm not red. I'm back to normal still looking a mess. I lock my room and shower. By the time I'm done it's 5pm. I wear my gym clothes. I open my door and find Marcelo and Cancelo seated side by side next to my door.
"Thank God you're fine, you had us  worried, your dad got stressed and went downstairs" Marcelo said. I gave him a small smile and Cancelo didn't say anything, he just kept looking, not like I wanted him to but them he didn't show any emotions whether worried or scared.
I pass by the boys and hug my dad who is relieved that I'm out of my room. "Dad I'm going to the gym."
"Wait, now are you feeling completely fine?" Dad asks so worried.

"Yes I'm jogging there and I'll walk back"

"If you insist, enjoy your run please call me when it gets dark. Can I call Matteo to jog with you?"

I laugh at my dad being so worried to a point Matteo is an option. "No dad, perhaps I can fight" I throw punches in the air and the boys laugh at me.

"Well coach if it makes you feel any better I'll jog with her, my car is at the gym so it's fine" Cancelo suggests.

"Yah Cia, Cancelo will go with you" my dad says happily.
"Urggh can't I go with Marcelo instead" I tell my dad not even glancing once at Cancelo.

"Trust me Cia I would love to but my outfit ain't for the occasion plus I'm meeting someone in a few minutes. Cancelo is well dressed for the occasion"
Marcelo says.
And he's right Cancelo dressed as if someone would challenge him to a fitness test at any time. He has on black shorts and a white Nike tee. Plus his shoes are sporty.

" Fine let's go" I say to him and wear my airpods . I begin jogging. I reach the park and  see the gym just a few meters away. I find a nice tree to sit under and stop my music. Cancelo sits next to me mad lies down. "You hate me now?" He asks.
"No what makes you think that?" I say and he sits up and faces me. "Maybe because you are not talking to me and acting like I'm not here" he says and leans closer to me.
"I hate talking on my runs, let me ask you a question" he signals me to go on.
"What the fuck do you want from me?"

He looks at me so confused by my question. I raise my eyebrows waiting for an answer.
"What do you mean, we've fucked a few times of course you're now apart of my life, you want me to pretend like I don't know you?" He replies.
"Cancelo I know you've fucked other girls when I was gone" I say without looking at him
"Is that what you think? Well sorry I haven't for some reason there is one of you in this town" he says but now his tone has changed, he sounds mad.
"I want us to stop whatever we are doing"

Cancelo looks at me again,"Why? Don't pretend like you don't like it"

"That's the reason we should stop, what if I like it more than I'm supposed to " I say I know he knows what I mean and by the look on his face , he understands what I'm saying. We sit there in silence, empty dark park.

Cancelo kisses me and it gets passionate, it feels like one of those kisses that would wake sleeping beauty. I go on top of him as we continue kissing. We both pull away from each other. He looks at me like it was his first time kissing anybody.

I grab at his pants while lowers my leggings. I pushes into me and I start rocking back and forth. His hands hold my waist to prevent me from moving, he then controls my movement to a slow one. This one felt sweet, we looked in each others eyes and passionately kissed each other.

We were like a perfect song. I finally found my release and he pulled out and poured his seed on the grass. Lucky he did that cause we couldn't clean all that mess. This time his was too much.

We put my clothes back on and so does he. "This is what you want to stop, he asks me.
"I don't want to but I have to" I say .
"I know Malacia, I also feel the same. We enjoyed ourselves while we could. Though we can still be normal friends right?"

"Of course, it's getting late let me go home, goodnight Cancelo" I kiss him.
I don't know why I felt like crying.
"Let me drive you home"

"No ,I can get an uber easily, thanks"
It takes 2 minutes and my ride pulls up.
I look back at him again and he pulls me into a deep kiss. I finally enter the Uber and go home. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I don't why I'm so hurt by this

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