chapter 14

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I finish up work at 9pm and head home.

After 2 hours of trying to sleep, I'm frustrated I think sexually so I resort to other means. I got some relief but still not it. I finally fall asleep

With a birthday on Sunday I'm left with two days to finalise. The theme of the party is purple so first I have to get a dress. Victoria told me we would go tomorrow since we start preparing at night.

Cristella comes to the restaurant just to see how things are going, I officially got an invite , it's one of those rich people invites it was a purple card with a barcode.

The birthday
I fit into my tight silk dark purple dress with a slit that exposes my thigh. I wear heels. I'm ready for the party. The kid's party starts at 2pm to 6pm from that it's a get together for adults which I still have to attend , we are serving them too.

It's 2pm and I have been moving up and down. These kids are crushing down anything sweet.

Time comes for the cake and I'm proud of myself on this one, it looks like a castle and judging on Georgia's reaction she likes it too. She blew the candles and them everybody began taking their gifts. I got a gift for her it may not be expensive but it's cute. I got her a Polaroid instant camera , it's good for making memories.

For the first time today I see Cancelo, he's wearing a button up shirt with a similar shade of purple to my dress and black pants. His hair is kinda wet and messy. He looks good as always.

He gives his gift to Georgia, she opens it and it has colours, paint and almost everything art related item. She hugs him and continues to admire it.

After everyone had given their gifts and Georgia was now free. I give her my gift

"Wow pretty lady, it's so cool"she says

"Well you know how to use it?" I ask and she doesn't so I teach her how to and she won't stop taking pictures of me
I pose for the pictures and she giggles everyone.

"Lolo see what pretty lady got me, see her pictures so pretty" Georgia yaps to Cancelo and takes pictures of him.

"Thanks for everything but I think that camera may cause trouble one day" he finally speaks to me.

"Well she's a sweet girl, she deserves it"I say and Georgia takes pictures of us. Cancelo sends her to the parents .

A tall man comes towards us and I recognize him from my first day, he must be Cancelo's brother. He introduces himself before Cancelo does and surprisingly he knows my name.

"Finally I met my little brother's girlfriend" he says

"No, we are not together" Me and Cancelo say at the same time.
"I'm not buying it but okay, by the way Cristella won't stop yapping about you, I better go look for her" he says bye and walks away leaving me here with Cancelo.

After the kids had gone, I don't know where. The adults began drinking and Mrs. Veratti introduced me to most of her friends who were pleased with my work. I also met Mr. Veratti and he's a nice man. He kept telling me to consider making wine you never know it can taste better. We all laughed.

A blond man approaches me and he has blue eyes, he's lean and taller than me.
"Hello, beautiful my name is Apolo,what's yours?"
"Malacia" I respond to this elegant man.
He places a kiss on my hand and asks me to dance. I agree

"While we are dancing I notice Cancelo staring at us while drinking a can of beer, our eyes meet and his stare begins to scare me.

A girl comes up to him and kisses his neck. He walks with her and they begin to dance next to us.

Although he's dancing with her, he keeps on looking at me. I focus on the guy dancing with me. The music goes slow and he holds my waist. I hold his shoulder and he pulls me closer to him as we dance.

His hand moves upto my ass and Cancelo notices, he folds his hands and I move the guy's hand back to my waist

Cancelo kisses the girl and I feel my chest fall. The song gets done and I walk out of the penthouse. I remove my heels
I take the stairs and they lead me to the rooftop. The breeze is cold and seems it's about to rain

I cry and hate myself for getting with Cancelo, I guess I was not strong enough. I knew he was playing games with me. I look at myself through my camera and I glad I didn't put alot of my make up.

I sit on the water tank and accept the fact that i actually like the boy and I'm just a play toy to him, I am a fool like the rest.

I hear the door open and I don't even care whose there. The person sits next to me and I know who it is.

"Malacia look at me" he says and i don't even try to.
"Malacia" he yells and I scream out in anger, " what do you want? Don't have a girl to fuck?"

"What the fuck were you doing with that guy, you want to fuck him or me?"he yells and I can't believe this guy.

"You know what Cancelo , you are selfish, arrogant prick. so you are shouting at me because I was nice to a nice guy" I yell and I feel my tears on the verge of falling again.

"Why did you let him touch you , huh?" I feel see anger and fury raiding from him.

"And why did you kiss her Infront of me ?" My voice cracks and realise how stupid he is. "Really you are this self centered, don't you see that I actually fell for you fool, I caught feelings for you and just like that they are gone"

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