chapter 7

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I finish showering and dressing up and the guys are still celebrating. Today's win puts as at a 2 point difference with the first team in the league.
Tonight was awesome, I managed to score the two goals which gave us the win
I saw Malacia cheering and jumping when I scored, I noticed her immediately I entered the pitch for the game, I was kinda pissed at her outfit especially the shorts since I saw a bunch of idiots staring at her.
There's a party tonight at Adrienne's place to celebrate the win.
Marcelo and I go to the parking lot where he meets the girl he was with the other time. Adrienne is talking to Victoria which means Malacia isn't far from here. I look around and spot her with the candy guy.
A group of three guys approach her and they seem drunk, she pushes one of them away and the other attempts to touch her ass.
I feeling my blood boiling as I walk towards them,
"Ahhhh, it's todays star, great game man" one of them says to me.
"Thanks guys, any problem here?" I ask standing Infront of Malacia.
"Noo, I just want to have a go at this sexy girl but she's acting bitchy" he replies confidently.
"Sorry man , fuck off" I say angrily.
"Hey, star share huhh"
That triggers me and I land a hard punch on his face. The other two guys with him attempt to hit me but they are drunk too. I push Malacia aside. As the guys recollect themselves.
A huge tattooed man comes "I know you're not messing with my sister " he says . The guys look at him and run away.
He hugs Malacia to make sure she's okay.
He gives me a tough look but that doesn't move me. The guys come to check on us.
Malacia stares at me and leaves with Vicky.
"Thank you" her brother tells me and walks away.
"Bro, you landed that punch like Anthony Joshua " Marcelo says.
"Change of plan, I going with my girl in her car so here are the keys" Marcelo hands me his car keys.
Great everyone is ditching me today. I start the car and Malacia comes up to me, she gets in the car .
"Thank you by the way" she says.
"No problem, I hate sharing" I say and she chuckles at my response.
"I thought you are riding with Victoria" I ask
"I was until Adrienne joined, and the two have been flirting all night even when he went on to play, he kept on winking at her" she says
That's why the idiot lost possession of the ball in so many stupid ways.
"Well, I saw you cheering for me" i say as I leave after the rest of the guys.
" I was cheering for the team" she likes to disagree with me. That's when I remember what she texted me earlier so I stop the car at the roadside .
"What?, Why did you stop?" She asks me so confused.
"So remember when you said you'll be screaming another guy's name " I say as I stroke her thigh with my fingers.
I love the effect I have on her, she squeezes her thighs.
"Ca Cancelo , I was just playing" she stummers.
" Well I don't like that game" I grip her thigh and she muffles some moans.
In a quick movement, she comes on top of me and straddles me. She places kisses on my neck and I feel my bulge grow and I know she has felt it too.
I grip her ass and kiss her hungrily and she does the same with the same intensity.
She begins to grind on my hard and I'm loosing it. She pulls away from me and goes to the backseat. She smiles seductively at me as she takes of her shorts.
I follow her immediately. Today she wants to dominate me and she pushes me back and straddles me again . She undoes my jeans and pulls them away and grinds on me with just thin cloth separating us. 
I can't wait any longer, I carry her and place her down now I'm on top of her. I pull her panties and let myself in her and it feels different. She's like a drug you can't live without. I thrust into her while she moans louder each thrust . I carry her to straddle me and she begins
to ride me and fuck I've never felt so high in my life. She feels like paradise.
She tilts her head backwards in pleasure but I make her look at me. I want her to know what we make each other feel.
We move in sync to each other. It's like a whole new universe with her.
She moans my name and love I that sound, her moans are angelic.
She clenches around me and I know she's close and so I'm I. She rocks her hips faster which leads both of us to our climax.
I groan her name, fuck this girl is going to be the death of me.
"Cancelo" she collapses onto me
"Hmm" . "How do you fuck me so good each time?" She says in my ear.
That makes me smile. Now I know no one can give her what I give her.
"Same question to you bellisima"
We stay there in silence when I finally realise something. Shit.
"Malacia, do you know we have not been using protection" I say to her and I admit I'm scared as fuck.
She looks at me , "I know genius, we don't need it" she says.
But her statement makes me question, before I could ask she answers
"I'm on birth control, and yes without it I can conceive"
I smile at her in relief. I don't want kids anytime now.
She gets off me. Of course I clean her up and we get dressed.
"You still want to go to the party or can I take you somewhere quiet?" I ask her .
"The party is too noisy and you've taken my ability to walk again so take me somewhere quiet" she replies in an exhausted voice.
I'm proud of myself that I can make her fail to walk but also hate that she's in pain. So I turn on some music ,
I play finesse by drake.
I see her smile while closing her eyes. The fact she didn't even ask me where we are going. Does she trust me this much. Usually the girls I get with know me , I'm not trustworthy at all. I make promises I don't fulfill. I do my best to look bad in their eyes so that they leave me alone.
But she's different, I feel the need to be with her all the time. I don't want to see her hurt or in trouble. I promised myself that I would just make out with her and now I'm taking her to a place so special to me . The drive was long but we were finally here. I pause the music and get out of the car.
She wakes up and gets out too but I can't let her walk cause I know she's sore.
"Cancelo, it's fine I can walk now"

"I know you can, but post fuck treatment is something I take seriously"
I lie. She's the only girl I've taken care of after sex. I usually leave them immediately.
"Woww, what's this place it's pretty" she asks while I carry her to a rock that gives you a clear view of the whole city and its amazing.
I sit next to her as we watch the beautiful scenery.
"This was my grandmother's house when she came to live here, when went back to Italy she gave it to me"

"Awesome, my grandmother gave me a flower vase and I thought that was cool until I saw this," I laughed and I don't know if she knows but she's unintentionally funny. I get why her and Marcelo are best friends.

I wrap my hands around her to make her feel warm and her back is resting on my chest. I don't know but this is the most peaceful I've been since I don't know when.
"You know I haven't felt this much peace ever since my mom passed away" she says to break the silence.
"I'm so sorry, what was she like?" I ask looking at her staring at the view infront of us.
"She was very pretty, she loved us so much and kept the family together even when my brother and dad had problems. She , she" her voice cracks and she breakdown into tears
I feel my chest sink at the sight of her sad. I hold her even tighter. I just want her to feel safe with me.
She holds  my hand and she turns to look at me. I wipe her tears.
I kiss her and hug her. But the kiss felt different, it said so much without any words

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