chapter 11

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Now that Malacia has gone let me give you a Cancelo pov

Today's training is at night and I love night sessions, they are beautiful. The team is not yet here fully but Marcelo is here, I spot him talking to Paulo and Rocky. I join their conversation which is about girls, of course it is.

"Anha, Cancelo knows more about this than us" Paulo says and the boys shift their attention to me.

"Cancelo, let's say you have two girls, one gives you amazing sex and you have feelings for another who gives normal sex but you have to choose one, who do you choose" Rocky asks proudly.

I laugh at the topic of discussion but happy to be involved. " Okay, personally I don't choose , I go with both. The amazing sex one will be my side girl and  the one I apparently love will be my major until I get tired of one or get caught "

The boys laugh at my response. Marcelo pushes me to the ground, " you know you're an asshole Cancelo" he tells me.
Alan arrives he's my other half, our duo is called fire and ice. He has assisted most of the goals I've scored, we are not always together compared to me and Marcelo but we are very close. We have alot in common especially family wise. He's dad is also like mine and we are usually together at home like during those useless celebrations rich people have

"What topic has you pushing my other half to the ground?" Alan says and helps me get to my feet.
"Girls' Rocky tells him asks the same question. Alan is not like me, he's kind and sweet of course he chose love over amazing sex.

"Speaking of girls, is it only me that has noticed how hot coach's daughter is?"Paulo speaks up
"Of course she's hot , Cancelo is my only ugly friend" Marcelo replies and the boys burst into laughter.

"Marcelo can you hook me up" Paulo asks as the rest of the guys come towards us. "What do you mean hook you up ?"I ask. I'm getting angered by Paulo. "Bro, I bet with that body she can do wonders to me"

"Fuck you Paulo" I say and walk away from the guys. Coach call us to begin training.
"Hey man I need to talk you, Alan says in the middle of the session, I'm staying with my sister today so I can drive you home.
I agree and focus on my training.

I'm all done and I get into Alan's car I informed Marcelo that I won't be riding with him today. I thought he would be relieved but he was sad and he loved riding with me. I wanted to change my mind but I really need to talk with Alan.

Marcelo may know me so well but then Alan knows me in and out, he's like my brother, we grew up together and I also don't hide stuff from him and neither does he hide stuff from me.

"So you like her, right" Alan kicks off the conversation.
"I don't know Alan I really don't"

"I noticed the way your energy changed when the guys brought her up, so what do you mean you don't know?" Alan asks

"See Alan that's my biggest problem I don't know, all I know I claim her right now and no one apart from me can have her"

"Okay, Cancelo how does she feel towards you?"

"I don't know, she's just going with the flow" I reply but that question rings in my head.

"Hey man, I'm just saying she's a pretty girl and any guy has the right to claim her right now. The least you can do if you're only fucking atleast have some fuck buddy rules, those help alot especially when you don't want to catch feelings like no sleeping together if there's no sex" Alan says.

"The rules are already broken Alan, I'm stuck"
"Well welcome to the love struck life" he says and we both laugh.
We reach the hotel and head to our homes. "Hey Alan more of this tonight, the usual place?"
"Of course , see you there" Alan agrees as we separate. I stop at the restaurant to see her. Victoria tells me she's in fucking Greece working and will be back next week. I felt my mood worsen like why did she go. I head to my room without talking to anyone and listen to some music. My room is sound proof so I can blast the music all I want.
Song choice: tumblr girls -g eazy

I text her and wait for her to answer. As I do that I shower and head to the roof top to continue the conversation with Alan. He's already there and smoking. He hands me a beer can. I don't drink often but sometimes it's what a man needs to relax.
We sit on top of the water barrel and take in the city view.
"So how are you and Miranda" I ask Alan. Him and her have been dating for 8 months now, crazy I know.

"She's good, happy and still sexy" he says and I laugh at his love struck face. Its like whenever he talks about her, he re falls in love.

"You guys were really made for eachother, I mean after all the fights, fake breakups you've had you guys keep coming back to eachother and settle it with sex, wow" I say and Alan laughs at me and the amusement in my tone.

"Yah, Cancelo that's love, the best and worst feeling in the world. Sometimes I want to strangle her and sometimes I want to hold her until infinity" Alan says and puts out his cigarette.

I finish my beer can but Alan only brought one cigarette and beer can for safety reasons. We then sit in silence and laugh again.
"You know love ain't for us, our families don't believe in that. We are going to be forced to marry some weird rich girls" I say to Alan

"I told myself that when dad decides my marriage. I'll stand up for myself even if it means leaving my home for her I'm more than ready, my mom likes her and so does my sister, we shall runaway and get married maybe in Portugal" Alan says like he's already planned his shit out, he really loves her.


Days move slowly when Malacia ain't here. This coming week is going to be busy for her since it's my sister's birthday week. So I may not even have time with her. I feel restless whenever I see her parking spot empty. She didn't answer my text. If Victoria was right she will be back tomorrow at night.

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