chapter 4

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Cancelo's pov
I head to Marcelo's car , I can't take my car after training because of my dad. He has a driver to drop me off every morning and pick me up and I hate it. I have my own car but I need his permission to drive it. It makes me angry so I resorted to making a bet with Marcelo and I won so he's my ride back home everyday.
He's leaving the country today so I get to use my car and do whatever I want. My mom is an angel but married fucking Lucifer.
My dad deals in illegal businesses like drugs and weapons, he's a big supplier and he has hopes that me and my brother will take over his many businesses plus his illegal stuff.
I'm not interested, my dream is to be the best footballer perhaps play in the biggest leagues in Europe
My dad ain't buying my shit, but I don't care I'ma keeping playing.

As I wait for Marcelo, god knows where he has gone , Malacia gets out of her car and runs towards a man who hugs her and spins her round. I don't know why this is bothering but it's not pleasant to see. I notice I'm making a face and I better fix it before anyone notices.
He pulls away from the hugs and wraps his arm around her shoulder and I notice some cool tattoos, who is this guy

"Bro, you better fix your face before you scare me away" Marcelo says while putting his stuff and mine in the backseat.
I didn't even realise I was making a face I guess I can't help it.
"That's her older brother, she hasn't seen him to four years of course she's happy" Marcelo continues to tell.
That made me relax, why was I even tense.

Marcelo leaves again to get some stuff he forgot in the gym.
I notice Malacia's outfit, she's wearing a tight short skirt, her curves are perfect her ass, her thighs , her waist since she's tucked in her shirt, she's like a goddess.
I stare for longer than I thought and I get caught. She looks at me , fuck what I would do to her.
I don't look away , as she faces me I see that her blouse displays her chest a little bit. I know she has perfectly round boobs from the other night when I touched them by accident.
All these thoughts are getting me weird,
Marcelo should hurry with whatever he's doing. She looks away and talks to her brother who is huge, all that muscle, he definitely works out.
Marcelo finally comes but not alone, he walking with a girl. He says some stuff in her ear and she giggles. She kisses him and leaves. Marcelo enters the car ready to leave.
"What?" He asks me like nothing just happened.
I keep looking at him. We both laugh and fall on eachother.

"Hey, man whatever you said to her , you got her" I say as Marcelo can't stop smiling.
"You know I learn from you my guy" he says as we exit the parking lot.
I notice Malacia's car behind us.
She's working night again but now she has a car so no excuse to have sometime with her .

Marcelo tells me about his new girl and she seems nice I hope he doesn't fuck this one up I tell him
"Look whose talking about fucking up, you always do that" Marcelo comments

"Hey, I don't want to commit to anything you know, that's hardwork so I just have a good fuck and leave" I say

" Well I hope those are not your plans for my best friend, she's been through enough with guys and I don't want to see her sad because of any guy especially you my man" Marcelo says and I know he's talking about Malacia.

I don't reply but we just sit there in silence. Thank God we have reached, he stops next to Malacia's car. I get out and get my stuff. I come to Marcelo's side .
"Hey , I have no plans with her or any girl, I told you before I'm past my womaniser days, plus I'm not that cruel to hurt her especially that she's your best friend, man I care for you to d
o that" I tell Marcelo as I say goodbye

"Cancelo, I know you wouldn't do that , please take care of her, her heart is very delicate." Marcelo says as he pats my shoulder and he says goodbye.

I make my way to the penthouse but I ran into Celine, she's the girl my dad wants me to know more because of her family. At first she told me she wasn't interested in me and now she keeps trying to get in my pants.
She's hot and all but the only thing I want in my pants are Malacia's hands.
Fuck what the hell I'm I thinking. I need to soak in a bath right now.
I ignore Celine and get to the elevator, I'm still struck by my own thoughts as the doors open again.
It's Malacia. She looks at me and leans against the wall
"Hi, bellisima looking too good for work don't you think?" I say to break the silence
"Really, I also started thinking it's too much " she says as she comes closer .
I was holding my card to my room and she "accidentally" bumped into me and threw it down.
She bends down to pick it up and fuck I think I've lost it. Her ass is to close to my bulge and i try to cover up. To be honest I can't breathe. "Fuck" I say silently as she looks back at me and shit she has done it to me . She stands up and adjusts her skirt and hands me my card
She whispers in my ear, "you're not the only one who can play such games"

The doors open and she walks out. I stand there in disbelief and amusement.
This girl makes me forget how to breathe without even actually doing anything. I imagine how it feels to actually have her.
The doors open as I head to the house.
It's the highest floor in the building, our view is spectacular especially at night.

I find my mom and my brother seated talking, which doesn't seem serious so I say hi to my mom and my little sister who comes to hug me. I can't her hug well now thanks to Malacia.
"Hey brother whose got you all turned up as he looks at my jacket covering my incident"
I flip him off as my mom looks at me with this worrying face.

"Mom, I'm going to have bath soak and I'm fine, I tore my pants at the gym" I say because I hate the thought of my mom thinking that I'm turned on.

"Yah, whoever she is, she has you so hard that you tore your pants damn" Danilo says. I really want to punch that idiot but I chill out since I need to get to my room before my situation gets out of hand .

I lock my room and fall onto my bed as I stare at the ceiling. All I can think about is Malacia and I want her. I crave for her. So if I get her maybe I'll stop being like this. I fill up the bath tub and pour in some muscle therapy bath soak and let myself relax.

But I can't stop thinking about her.

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