chapter 9

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I'm really fucked up right now. I have never shared a bed with a girl if it's not sex. I even lied about not having another beds or covers . This house has six bedrooms and 2 guest rooms.
All for us to share a bed. For now I'm showing no signs of sleeping soon I have even tried faking it but nothing.
I stare at the ceiling and turn to check if she's asleep and yap she's knocked out. I stare at her peaceful face sleeping. She suddenly turns and grabs me I relax onto the bed and she's still asleep. I try to get myself comfortable
I place her head over my arm and she puts her hand on my chest and her leg over my body. Her ass is pointing outward and damn I'm getting heated.
But what the hell is wrong with me. This is why Danilo says I think with my dick and not my head. I'm afraid he is right.
She looks so cute, I catch myself smiling
and also sleepy. Oh boy Cancelo see what you are doing.

I wake up in the morning and I remember sleeping with a girl in my hands. Right now I'm in the bed alone and see the shorts I gave her to wear folded with a piece of paper
I open it.
  Good morning fuckboy, sorry I left without telling you . I had to go to
work and didn't want to disturb. Thought of giving you head but as I said I didn't want to disturb. See you around or not
          fuck girl

I smile at the nicknames and kinda wished she gave me head tho. I wash up and prepare to go home .

At home
I enter the penthouse and my mom and my brother's wife Cristella
They were watching some show and it's
always dramatic, one time when I sat down with them and ended up watching the show. Trust me it's good , I even binge watched it that day. But I don't want to see it again. Im a dude .
" Ahhh brother where have you been, you didn't show up after the game, btw great game" Danilo said
Unlike my dad the rest of the family like my football and even watch me sometimes especially Danilo.
"I slept at Grandma's old house"

"Cancelo, can you please help me go with Cristella to the restaurant and request to meet up with the head chef.
I lost her number and I want to discuss the plans for the day" my mom says.
I'm thrilled she said that an excuse to see Malacia.
"Okay mom we shall go after your show" I head to my room and collapse on the bed .
Danilo just enters my room as usual he never knocks.
"Okay you can't fool me I know you and the head chef have something going" Danilo says and sits on my bed.
He's my brother and he knows me so well. I can't lie to him plus I need to talk to someone about my mixed feelings.
I want to tell Marcelo but now isn't the perfect time for that since you know he's close to her
"Alright you caught me, we've been fooling around that's all , well yesterday we shared a bed and cuddled and now im excited just to go and see her"

"Bro, let me ask you these questions, one have you slept with any girl ever since you met her and two have failed to sleep because of her before?" He says

"Yes and yes, Danilo what the fuck is happening"

Danilo laughs at my reaction to his questions, "Cancelo I think you catching feelings for this girl"

"Fuck you, I'm not, I can't and how do you know that?" I ask Cupid over here.

" I know because that is what I felt when I meet Cristella, I denied it but I fell so hard and I realised it when no girl could make me feel the same way she did, now look I'm married to her. Who knew? It even got worse when dad didn't approve that's why we faked a pregnancy and boom got married."

"Yah that's why he took your ass for military training in Italy" . My brother suffered so much to be with Cristella, I remember that time my mom and Cristella would always be crying and they would take me to my grandma.

"Is that what dad told you ? That I went for military training " Danilo asks with alot of rage in his tone. I don't even know what to answer him because he did go for military training.

"Yes that's what he said, what's wrong didn't you?"

"He told me that he would tell the truth to you guys,I also thought the same thing but what goes on there isn't military training, it's more of assassin's training. Cancelo I was trained to become a killing machine, there's nothing I can't take life from. At first they lied to me that gun wasn't loaded and made me shoot at one of the guards
he dropped dead and I saw his wife run to him crying she screamed and I lost it that day, I couldn't sleep nor eat I was in pain, guilt in every part of my body.
She saw in the field one day and gave me an apple, she told me it wasn't my fault and to learn how to use what I've been taught to do good and not bad"

I was in shock I knew my dad was a devil but this, his son.
"Is that why you don't eat apples?" I ask Danilo who is fuming. I can see the anger in his eyes.

"Yes that's why I hate apples. Great talk bro, and don't fumble that girl " Danilo gets up to leave.

"Wait, Danilo what if dad does the same thing to me?" Not gonna lie I'm scared a little bit.

"No, he can't do that to you , he learnt a lesson from me so don't worry about you. The only person you should worry about is the girl. Dad cares so much for us and has planned your life already.
You and Celine, if he gets to know there's another girl that's not her. He will do whatever to make sure you and her aren't together"

Danilo's words leave in thoughts. I care about her and I can't let her be in danger because of me. But the only way to prevent this is to avoid anything more than sex.


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