chapter 15

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Watching her talk to Apolo made me very angry. She even agreed to dance with him.
Celine comes to me and I don't even think I agree to dance with her and when he held her ass, I lost it. Out of anger I kissed Celine infront of her and I know it was fucked up. She left immediately the song ended .

"You know you're the worst , that girl is too good for you" Danilo tells me and I know he's right.

I try to stay calm but I can't , I approach Apolo and punch him in the face, his nose bleeds and I add him a few more until I'm separated from him.

Alan holds my shoulders, he always does this for me to calm down ever since we were kids. "Go to the rooftop "
He whispers in my ear and the rest of the crowd looks mortified.

My mom begins crying and my dad doesn't show any emotions. I push passed the crowd to go to the rooftop where I find Malacia.


"I actually caught feelings for you and just like that they are gone" those words hit me hard .

She began crying and i try to comfort her but she pulls away from me. The rain pours and we sit in the rain.

Like any other girl she fell for me and unlike any other girl I think I've fallen for her.  I watch her in pain and it's me that has caused all this.

"Malacia, I'm sorry please don't hate me" my voice weakens and I'm going to cry.
She looks at me with lifeless eyes. She is starting to shiver. I forcefully grab her in my arms, she hits me and slaps me to let go but I didn't.

"Please atleast let me keep you warm"
I feel her body relax, "I hate Cancelo , I hate you alot" she says . We both stay in the rain with tears. She finally stands up and leaves the rooftop.

I watch as she enters her car and goes.
I hit everything on the roof top and it's not helping. I end up hurting my hand and I fall to my knees. The rain becomes lighter but my chest becomes heavier.

I feel someone lift me up, I know it's Alan. We exit the rooftop and he takes to his sister's hotel room.
I change my clothes and wear the dry clothes he gave me. He makes me tea but I don't deserve any care at all.

"Look, it showed from the beginning, you were indecisive and this is what happens " Alan tells me.

I don't talk nor look at him. I thank him and go back to the party. Everyone looks at me and I go to my room and lock it.

I've never felt this much pain, my life feels like I'm being pierced by glass in my chest. Danilo keeps ringing my phone and knocking on my door. I don't do anything just lay on my bed and take in the pain I've caused to myself

After 2 hours of nothing, I hear my door open. Danilo enters and looks at me. I've drank 10 beer cans and I'm drunk and messy.

"No Cancelo don't do this to yourself" he removes the beer cans from my bed. My mom enters and I can see she's been crying. It hurts me to see them like this

Danilo removes my shirt and puts me to sleep. He plays the role of my father whenever he is useless . I drift off to sleep.

My head is pounding and I feel dizzy. It's like I'm going to die. I ran to the bathroom and vomit. I look at myself in the mirror and i look terrible .

I freshen up and I look much better. I pack up for training.
I find everybody eating breakfast, "Good morning sweetie, breakfast?" My mom asks. I decline and my dad walks up to me , he punches me and kicks me. Danilo pulls me away from him. "You're such a huge disappointment, you embarrassed us yesterday and drinking alot beer as an athlete really and you  claim you want to be the best, without discipline you're never making it" he yells.

I'm tired of his shit, "All you care about is you look at Mom, she's always crying because of you, Danilo and Cristella suffered because of you, I've grown up with Danilo as my father because you couldn't do it right. If you were a good dad, I would have been more disciplined don't you think, huh.
Oh why do fucking care if I drink or not, you've never even watched any of my games" I yell back at him for the first time.

He attempts to slap me and Danilo pushes him away. "Enough dad, i can't believe we bought your act, leave him alone."

I get up and leave immediately. On my way down I bump into her, she doesn't look at me. "Sorry sir" she says.
"Malacia" she looks at me and there is no reaction. She holds my hand and pulls me to her car. She opens the door and I sit facing her.

She grabs a first aid kit and nurses my cuts. She wraps my hand . I wrap my arms around her waist and collapse my head on her. No movement is made.

She lifts my head and looks at me. Her face is so cold. She removes my hands from her. "Here, breakfast " she gives me a paper bag. I stand up and thank her . She doesn't reply but locks her car and heads inside.

I go to my car and have my breakfast. Inside the paper bag was a small box . I open it and there is a silver bracelet. With a note
               I got you this from Greece, the lady said it's for Greek gods, you might as well have it.
  I smile at the note and wear the silver bracelet. Even when I'm having a bad day she finds how to make me smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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