Chapter 3

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The man holding me with one arm now covers my mouth to stop me from screaming and obviously I can't overpower him. I now realise that this is it. My life ends even before my car gets here. "Calm down bellisima, calm down"
The man says and I recognize the person instantly.
'Why would you do that?,are you one of those guys that look good but are physcopaths?' I ask still breathing heavily.
He lets out a small chuckle."No, baby you're the one who must be crazy walking down an empty street at night as a pretty girl"
I blush at the pretty but still mad at him for ambushing me like that
"C'mon baby let me give you a ride home" he offers. I mean I really need one.
"No, I like walking" I reply as I continue my death walk.
'Okay since you don't mind being raped or robbed, have fun' he says but doesn't leave.
"It's not like I've never been fucked before I'll be alright"I say but I'm scared as fuck but I have to act tough.
"Okay don't say I didn't try to be gentle" he says as he carries me and my ass is basically besides his face, I didn't even try to fight him because it's worthless.
He grips my thighs harder. He stops and puts me down. He opens the car door and I enter still not looking at him.
He starts driving as I look out the window.
"Bellisima, you're not going to talk me?" He asks
I don't reply and he suddenly stops the car. I wasn't wearing my seatbelt my his hand stretched out to prevent me from hitting my head, well unintentionally he cupped one of my boobs and I froze. He looked at me and asked if I was alright.
I couldn't speak.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" he removes his hand. Kinda wish it stayed there. Wtf is wrong with me, I'm extra horny today. Am I that tired
"It's fine and thanks" I say as he resumes driving. We seat in silence which I can't handle. I check my phone and see a message from my dad, *Out of town for the night, I'm at uncle Pedro's place I'll be back tomorrow in the evening, please be safe and I hope you're home. Love you*
"Uhm, Cancelo can I play some music?"
He hands me the aux "As long as it's nothing too loud" he says.
I nodd my head. I play art deco by Lana del Rey and slowly sing along. I notice him glancing at me and I continue singing.
I recognize the training ground and I know I'm almost home. Trust issues by drake plays next. And I hear him humming along and slowly smile that he likes my music.
"What?" He raises his eyebrows. " I didn't think you'd like my music"
"You have a good music taste " he says  we pull over in my drive way.
"You're dad ain't home?"
'Yah, he's out of town, he'll be back tomorrow ' I get out and he follows me to the door . Thank you , I kiss his cheek
"You're welcome, hey can I have a glass of water?" He asks scratching the back of his head. And those muscles look good
I let him in and lead him to the kitchen. I don't know why my dad keeps his glasses so high up. So I tip toe to try and get one. I feel a muscular body come behind me and he holds my waist as he grabs a glass and hands it to me. I get him cold water and he drinks it down quick. I've never seen someone make drinking water so sexy.
He places the glass down and traps me in between his hands, i feel my legs shake and he hasn't done anything.
I grips my hips and pulls me closer to him. He kisses my neck and I let out a small moan and as he continues to place kisses on my neck. He gives me a peck and says goodnight.
"Asshole"I mumble and he smirks. I hear him leave and I go to my room .
I think about what just occurred as I shower the cool water, Personally I'm not a hot water girl. I take a shower not sure how long I was in there.
Once I got out, I get nightwear and drift off to sleep real quick.

I woke up and I checked my phone for the time since I turned off my alarm like an hour back. First thing I see is a notification that my car will be here in 20 minutes. I scream in joy, finally it's herrrrreeeee.
Im first waiting for my car as I prepare myself breakfast. Coffee and some pancakes will do.
I turn on my favourite series "the good doctor" I love it .
I watch one episode and I here a car in my driveway
I scream as I ran outside to get my car keys.
There it was, beautiful black and mine .
The guy gave me the keys and signed here and there and that's it, no worrying for me
It's ten and I should get going soon. So I wear a red leather skirt slightly above my knees, not too short right. And a white buttoned silk shirt and black heels
I finish dressing up and ready to leave,
*Phone rings*
Hello dad
*Hi sweetie, I'm already in town but I'm with the boys. I'm getting finished so I'll be home in a few
Alright dad, I'll pass by and see you I'm also leaving home.

*Ohh, your car is here?

Yessss I screamed through the phone and heard my dad laugh .
Alright dad see you , byeee

He says bye and we end the call

So excited to be in my car again, I drive with my own music to the training ground first. Singing and blasting young and beautiful by Lana del Rey. Damn this song is good. I get a parking spot right next to the gym. As I continue blasting my music and singing not giving a damn where I am, the boys come out of the building and most stare at me but I continue with my concert .
I hear banging on my window and turn down the music
"Cia, jeez you're too loud" Marcelo says as he's looks amazed. "I see your car got here"
Yessss, Marcelo, this is my baby.

"Not gonna lie, it looks good"Marcelo checks out my hotwheels

"Of course baby, just like the owner" I reply proud of myself and we laugh together.

"Marcelo?, Who's playing that noise out loud?" I hear deep voice yell. And it sounds familiar.

"Ha, of course it's you, Lana del Rey girl, hi" Cancelo says as the two boys lean against my baby.
"Hi,Cancelo and my music isn't trash otherwise you wouldn't have sung to it yesterday" I say

"You guys were together yesterday?" Marcelo so confused by what I just said.
" Uhm, idiot as far as I remember you introduced me to her" Cancelo makes eye contact with Marcelo.

"No, you dickhead as far as I remember, we didn't listen to Lana del Rey" Marcelo says punching him lightly on the shoulder.

Okay guys, Marcelo, Cancelo gave me a ride back home because it was too late for me to find public transport, I explain to Marcelo.

"Ohh, okay Cancelo should've just said that instead of toying around" Marcelo said. "Alright, Cia I'm leaving , see you tomorrow if you stop by if you don't then see you on the weekend" Marcelo gives me small kiss on the cheek as he moves away from my window.

"Okay, bellisima , I know I'll see you later. Plus I hope you had a good night" Cancelo says whispering the last part.

I remember his teasing and I'll get him back. You don't want to play such games with me.

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