chapter 13

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The ride back home was probably the worst I've had in my life. I am angry at myself, I showed too much care than I was supposed to. I even gave her a passionate fuck, those are for couples.
Today we had a session in the park and I felt something that wasn't lust, it wasn't my dick this time, I felt like she should be part of me. She's like a missing piece of my life.
I'm finally home and I find my mom waiting for me, poor woman. I go check her bedroom and dad is back, shit. I wake him and tell him mom is as sleep.  in the couch. He went and carried her to bed, she held his hand and asked if I was home. "Yes, he's home now get some rest" my dad says and kisses her forehead. He maybe a devil but he is obsessed with my mom. He really loves her.
"You don't look too good, my boy" he speaks to me as I try to getaway to my room. I love my dad but hate talking to him, he's likely to say some shit which will obviously piss me off.

"Yah dad neither do you" I respond.

"Come my boy, sit." We sit at the kitchen .
"Look I know you think I'm Lucifer but I love my son, this trip away from has made me realise that I want my kids to be happy even if I don't benefit from it."

"Did God visit you on your trip or are just manipulating me?" I ask . I know my father very well.

"No son, I realised my mistake from Danilo, I made him hell some nights he can't sleep. I see him leave home and he's back after an hour. If it wasn't for his girlfriend he wouldn't make it and I can't believe I tried to take away that from him" he says and this time I could feel his pain cause for the first time I saw my dad with watery eyes.

"Since I've told you what's troubling me , can you tell me yours?"

"Alright, you don't want me playing football, you don't let me use my car , you want to fucking force me to marry that bitch oh nothing much dad" I say boiling with anger.

"Look I'm sorry, I was so obsessed with my companies and I forgot my only motto which is put family first, from now on do what you want , I won't force you into anything not even marriage"he says but I can't believe my ears. My dad wait until Danilo hears this.

"Well dad, I'm in pain but I don't know why, I feel restless and it's gonna be like this from now on" I say and I feels my chest shrinking.

"Son , whatever it is if it's meant to be it will be , just time do it's thing and you can't runaway from everything"

I say goodnight and head to my room. Although it's pretty late I have no sleep and i wonder if she reached safe. So I can't help but text her.

*Hey you home?

**Yah I'm here thanks for checking, you good?

*As good as long as you are

**Get some sleep, goodnight

I didn't respond to her text cause I still want to talk to her.

*Wait can you please send me some pictures from Greece?

**Alright here are a few

*Wow these are sexy thanks, they will work for the nights

**Send me a sexy picture of you

I smile to myself, I know she wants me too but we just can't. I send her a video I took last week while checking my gains.
Every feature is well seen and I was in underwear so she can trace my ...

**I hate you. Goodnight

I know she's aching for me .

*Goodnight bellisima.

I happily turn off my phone and sleep.

I found Danilo and dad talking and they are laughing so hard. "Missed the joke guys can you fill me in" I join them.
"We were just laughing at the fact dad wants to sell off his illegal businesses."
I laugh at that too. "Boys I'm serious I want to become a full time family man of course the legal businesses will run" my dad says.

"Alright boys enough chit chat let's eat" mom and Cristella finish setting up the table. Georgia joins us and we start eating. I'm so happy that we are getting along like old times. My phone goes on with a story update from Malacia. I follow her on Instagram after she finally accepted my request. I view her story and it's a picture of her in a red two piece in the blue water. As much as I'm turned on I remember she has over 20k followers who are also seeing the same picture as me. I'm angry why the fuck is she posting this? I know have no right to be mad but I hate sharing plus she didn't even send me this picture yesterday.

"Cancelo you good?" Danilo concerned about my sudden mood change.
"I'm fine, excuse me, Thanks for breakfast guys I'm off for training"

"You can take your car, I know you have the keys" dad says and I smile . Finally I'm in my wheels in peace. I show up for training and Marcelo is waiting for me at the entrance. "No way you got your car back?" He says excited.
"Yap this time for good so you're off the hook"
"Man I love riding with you , oh well I will replace with with Alicia" Marcelo says

"You know I'm irreplaceable, btw how is Alicia?" I ask as we join the rest to begin training.

"She's alright , we went on our first date yesterday, it was good" he fills me in

"Hey Cancelo what happened to Cia yesterday?" His question makes my heart move faster fear immediately kicks in when I start thinking that something horrible had happened.

"What do you mean, is she fine?" I stop jogging and look at Marcelo.

"Yah she's good now but yesterday she came from the run crying, her dad told me she cried like for an hour and when came by she told me she had a rough run, so you happen to know what happened?" Marcelo says as we continue jogging.

I'm thinking of the fact that she cried and it maybe because of me. If only I stuck to my rules , we would peaceful fuck buddies.

"No, man she was fine when we parted ways, maybe it's stress" I say trying to seem unbothered by it.

Training comes to an end and I go home. I don't know but I found myself going to the restaurant. I don't have a reason to be there I just want to see her.

"Hi you, can I help you, Thiago isn't here" Chenelle says. I fucked her once and she caught feelings then to get rid of her I fucked her best friend. I know that was messed but I don't regret it. She hates me.

"I need to talk to the head chef"

"She's has more important things to do than talk to you, you either make an appointment or fuck off" she answers. Yap she definitely didn't forget. Well I even forgot about her and the fact she works here.

"Okay , she's the head chef to my sister's birthday and we have made some changes which she should know" I reply angrily cause she's getting on my nerves.

"Okay chefs well done with new ideas, I love them" Malacia says and the chefs applaud. Of course he smile drops when she sees me here.

"He claims there are some changes to his sister's party" chenelle says and makes it look like I'm even lying about having a sister. Man fuck that girl.

She nodds her head and leads me to her office. "So what are the changes sir?"

That would turn me on if only she wasn't being cold with me. "Malacia, it's Cancelo and there are no changes, I just wanted to check on you, Marcelo said you cried yesterday and I feel responsible for it "

"You wasted my time for this, I'm fine don't worry, now I have a party to plan for" she tells me and I feel like I've been stabbed, did I do this to her.

I stop her from leaving, " we agreed to be friends, I'm checking on you as a friend"

"Okay friend, I said I'm fine but I really have work to do so excuse me" she leaves me there

I go home and Cristella and Danilo are making out on the couch, lucky their clothes are still on.

"Okay guys you can finish that in your room , watching you fucking isn't on my to watchlist" I say loudly so that they stop but the don't. Danilo carries Cristella but they don't break the kiss. He finally stops and winks at me. That idiot.

"Try not to break anything" I say and he disappears into one of the rooms which I'm sure isn't theirs.

I'm troubled my Malacia

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