chapter 6

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How was the last chapter, it got steamy. Finally anyway enjoy
Love you guys.

I wake up in my bed wearing an oversized tee and shorts. I remember what happened yesterday and smile to myself. I try to recall how I got into my bed then I remember him carrying me to my bed since my dad wasn't back yet .

I receive a text from Vicky
*Hi, hope yesterday night turned out good, with a winking emoji.
Well today is our day off, the amateur chefs are working today.

My reply*So what should we do today , I can't stay in the whole day?

*Well I think we should go watch the football game today, you know see some of the finest boys in town.* Victoria suggests

*Alright, I'll see you there then. Should I pick you up or will you pick me up?*

..."I'll pick you up , my house is further than yours so I'll be there like at 7, send me your location"*

So I send Vicky my location and decide to just relax the whole day. I go down stairs to check on my dad who is preparing breakfast, it smells so good and I help him finish up.

"Sweetie, will you be able to come watch my team in action?" He asks as he sets up the table.
"Yah, dad matter of fact I'm going with my friend Vicky, can you get us the good seats" since I'm the coach's daughter of course I get special seats for me and my friends. Plus I can even go to the dressing room whenever I want.

"Of sweetheart, just glad you're coming"
I remember when you would come to watch my team play with your mom and you would always fall asleep despite the noise, he laughs .
I can feel his pain whenever he talks about mom I know he misses her alot and so do I.
We finish up our breakfast. " Okay angel, take care of yourself, see you at the game" my dad hugs me and leaves to go prepare his team.

Unknown text
*Hi bellisima, you slept well?*
How did he get my number, maybe from Marcelo.
*Yah, slept well thanks for asking but I know you slept better*

...*Of course bellisima, you can't have  the best fuck of your life and not sleep better* he replies and I know he's definitely smirking.
Knowing I have given him the best sex of his life makes me proud.

*Are you coming to watch me play"

*No, I'm coming to watch my dad's team play not necessarily you* I reply knowing he's going to have a very interesting response. He takes long to reply like about a minute.

*No, bellisima you're coming to watch me and I want you to scream my name as loud as you moan it*
My cheeks heat up because of his response, but can't let him know that so I become more savage.

*Maybe today I'll be moaning another man's name * i text back knowing I'm getting to his head. I'm not a whore, I just talk like one but no actions.

I wait for his response and there's none.
And that's how you get to his head.
I turn on the TV to watch good doctor.
I hear the doorbell and wonder who it might be because I'm not expecting anyone.
I open the door and it's my brother , Matteo. I hug him and behind him is his wife and kid. I hug her and burst in excitement to my nephew. I had never seen him because he's four years and that's was the last time I saw my brother and his wife.
I let them in and carry my very cute nephew. My brother is a father and it's so funny that his ass can take care of a baby.
Get them some juice and I give the little one a mini ice cream Sunday, he smiles at me and awww I want to squeeze him in a bear hug, soo cute
I look at Ariella, my brother's wife , they aren't legally married but she's engaged to him so it's soon.
"So Ariella how do you handle this big baby here" meaning my brother.
She laughs at my question,"well Malacia, I guess I'm a super woman "
Ariella is so sweet and she's been with my brother no matter what. She has always had his back and never left his side even when he had a dangerous job.
My brother once worked for some drug dealers and he would always come back injured. She would cry almost every day but still stuck with him
Ohh love.
"Hey, Cia watch your big mouth, the only big baby here is you " my brother says as he seats next to Ariella.
"Did you force him to come here?," I ask Ariella.
"No, stupid I came here willingly and to ask you something" Matteo says.

"So, Cia me and Ariella would like you to be the head chef at our wedding" he says

I squeal in excitement as I jump to hug them, "yessssssssssss I willlllllllll"
My nephew begins jumping with me as we all laugh.
"Cia, relax I'm not yet done "
I relax as I let Matteo talk again.
"Well Cia I would also like you to be a bridesmaid " Ariella says.
Again I scream in excitement and my lovely nephew joins me to jump in joy .
I think he likes me already.
I hug the couple as I do a small happy dance.
After I'm now calm again, "Guys what's the baby's name" I finally ask.
"You can ask him, Ariella says.
I look at his cute blue eyes, " hi what's your name?"
"My name is Marco Silva Moreira" he cutely replies , I feel like I'm about to die of cuteness.
"Aunty Cia", he screams as he points at me. He knows my name , I'm so happy
I can't even explain. I hug him and it's time for him to go.
"Okay , idiot I'll see you at the game , tell dad to get me a good seat" Matteo yells from inside his car. I wave goodbye and go continue with good doctor.
Ariella isn't a football fan and plus she hates noisy places so only Matteo can come for the games.
I realise it's 6:15pm and I've been watching the good doctor for the whole day and even forgot to make myself lunch.
I see a text from Vicky* on my way
and from my dad*don't forget to eat okay*
Well I got the message a bit late, I forgot to eat. I'll get pizza on my way.
I go and prepare for the game I'm going to wear jean shorts and the jersey my dad gave me for his team. It's kinda big which makes it perfect , at the bottom I wear white Nike socks and white sneakers. I'm not carrying a bag today .
I finish showering and i dress up. The shorts are a perfect fit and they expose my thighs and my tiny thigh tattoo of a key and a heart .
I wear my jersey and the outfit is complete. I love it . I check my phone and I have 20 minutes so I put on some light make up and lip gloss. I put my hair in a high ponytail and boom ready to scream my voice out .
I grab my purse and wait for Vicky.
In 5 minutes she pulls up in my drive way
"Damnnn , Cia you're are going to take all the men" Vicky says.
I love how she over hypes me it's sweet. She gets out to hug me and she's wearing black leggings and an oversized white tee. She looks cute .
We get into the car and it's dark already.
I tell Vicky to stop for pizza and I also get a smoothee.
We eat the pizza on our way to the pitch which is a few minutes from the training ground. I tell Vicky to park on the players only side, the security guard there knows me and is usually happy to see me, he lets us through and i park next to my dad's car.

We get out and head to the main entrance where there are many people ready to watch the match, a bunch of guys hit on me but I'm used to it.
We finally enter the gate and proceed to get to our seats. I spot my brother already there so we go ahead to join him .
I hear some girls talking about Cancelo and how sexy he is . I mean they are not wrong.
I take up my seat just above the players' section and I have clear view, Matteo looks at me "Any troubles getting to your seat"
And I know what he's talking about, my shorts. "No troubles at all" I say sacarstically . The players make their way to the field and the crowd goes wild , I stand up and cheer for my team.
My dad waves at me and I wave back, he gives me a similar look like brother about my shorts and I ignore him.
I spot Cancelo and Marcelo who I'm excited to see play.

The substitutes sit just below us and they say hi to my brother, of course they know him. Matteo introduces us to each other and one of them Adrienne flirts with Vicky. She keeps giggling and blushing. There's something about football boys that's just charming.
The game kicks off as the cheers erupt.
I keep on yelling and cheering since I love football.

After the first half, the game is goal less and the boys go for a break.

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