~Room 202~

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Lucas met Mike and Dustin at his locker on the first day of freshman year.  He had called Max that morning, apparently she was taking the bus so she wasn't going to see Lucas until lunch.

"So the dungeons and dragons club is apparently called Hellfire Club," Dustin chuckled, looking at a flier he had been given.

"I heard that sign ups open during lunch, so we should probably find whoever leads that club as soon as we finish," Mike said. He grabbed the flier from Dustin and carefully examined it. "Alright, room 202, right after lunch."

Mike waved a hand in front of Lucas's face. He hadn't said anything the whole fifteen minutes he had been standing there.

"Lucas, are you even listening to us?" Mike scoffed.

The dark skinned boy turned his head around. He had been staring at the tiles floor, waiting for a pair of red and white vans to appear. "Yeah, room 202, after lunch. Got it."

"Hey if you're worried about Max I'm sure she's just late, the bus never comes on time," Dustin said, putting his hand on Lucas's shoulder. Lucas nodded and turned to Mike.

"So has Will said anything about school in California?" Dustin asked.

"Yeah, he called yesterday, apparently they don't start school in Lenora until next Wednesday," Mike explained. "I know Will is nervous, but I'm worried El—"

Ring ring

"That's the first period bell I think, we should probably get going," Lucas said. He knew Dustin and Mike had honors english first period, and that was on the upper level, but Lucas's first period class was algebra, so he had to go down the math and science wing. As he walked through the herd of students going in all different directions, Lucas noticed a particular girl with red hair and blue eyes. "Hey Max—"

The girl locked eyes with him for a second before looking away and heading in the opposite direction. The small smile that had been plastered on Lucas's face quickly faded away, and he hung his head low as he continued his way to his first class of high school.


After fifth period, Lucas quickly ran to the cafeteria, grabbed a lunch tray, served himself some mozzarella sticks and a clump of mashed potatoes, then found his friends at a lunch table in the far back corner of the cafeteria.  He waved hastily, stuffed a mozzarella stick into his mouth and ran out of the cafeteria.  The boy  ran to every spot he could possibly find Max throughout the school, but she was nowhere to be found.  Her locker, her fifth period, every hallway and nearly every classroom. 

Lucas returned to the cafeteria with a dim look on his face. He grabbed his lunch tray, threw it into the trash can and sat down next to Mike.

"Looking for Max I presume?" Dustin said.

"Yeah, have you seen her?" Lucas sighed.

"I was gonna tell you she was called out of fifth period early but then you ran out of the hallway like some monster was coming to attack you," Dustin laughed.  Mike chuckled too.

"Shut up," Lucas muttered under his breath.  "So do you know where Max is now?"

"No, but Mike has seventh period with her so I'm sure he can figure it out," Dustin continued, standing up with his tray.  "Don't sweat it Lucas, just play it cool."


Mike decided to race Lucas and Dustin to room 202, Lucas won, but all three boys were panting by the time they arrived.

A clearly older guy was standing in front of a desk in the back of the classroom while talking to a group of students.  They were all wearing the same shirt. 

Dustin's face lit up, he gently hit Mike's arm and laughed.  "Dude, that must be Eddie Munson, the guy on the flier!  Damn he looks so cool."

The three boys looked at each other then walked into the classroom.  Dustin approached the guy they assumed was Eddie and cleared his throat.

"Hi, uh, Eddie, I'm Dustin Henderson, that's Mike Wheeler, and Lucas Sinclair," Dustin began.  "We're very interested in joining Hellfire."

"Excuse me guys, time to recruit these three."

The older teen walked closer to Dustin and put his hands on his hips.

"I'm Eddie, three year senior, president of Hellfire since sophomore year," Eddie said.  "Just sign the list on the door over there and I'll see you three here next Wednesday at 3:30!"

Dustin smiled again and ran to the door.  Mike shrugged and Lucas rolled his eyes, following their excited curly hair friend.



I actually really like this chapter, I think I did good on wording out this whole part of the story.  The next chapter will take place during this chapter except in Max's point of view.  Thanks for reading <33

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