Im sorry

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Lexi's POV
I could hear Devin and Jeffrey yelling my name as they chased after me. I wasn't stopping. I cut a corner and lost them I eventually made my way to the bus and hid the best I could but I wasn't enough, because Devin found me. "Babe I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you," Devin pleaded. "Where is Jeffrey," I asked not looking up. "He is still looking for you," Devin said in between laughs. "Devin why would you do that," I asked starting to cry. "I'm sorry babe I truly am. I didn't know he was bringing you. I didn't know you knew each other," Devin said as Jeffrey got on the bus.

Jeffrey's POV

I truly had some explaining to do to Lexi. "Hey I'm sorry Lexi," I said as I walked up to Devin and Lexi. "It's fine," Lexi said. I could tell she had been crying. "I will let you guys talk. I'm sorry Lexi I love you," Devin said walking away. "I like you too," Lexi said you could tell she was starting to get happy. "I'm sorry," Lexi cut me off. "I don't want your pity. I just want to know why you did that," Lexi said sitting up. "Well I did kinda like you, but you have a boyfriend, which I did not know about," I said. "Yeah sorry I didn't tell you at first," she said. "It's okay," I said leaning in for a hug.

Devin's POV

"Is this gonna mess with Jeffrey and mines relationship? Will me and Lexi last?" I thought to myself. "Babe," I heard. That made me stand up really fast. "In a rush," Lexi said laughing. "Sorry," I said smiling. "Let's go on a walk," Lexi said. "The bus doesn't leave for another hour," she said starting to beg. "Fine," I said grabbing her hand and directing her off the bus. "Who is that," Karina asked waking up from her nap. I forgot she was on the bus. "My bæ," I said continuing walking.

Lexi's POV

Me and Devin were walking and talking nothing could go wrong or get better. "Ahhhhhhhhhh there he is," I heard a teenage girl say. Me and Devin looked up to find almost a million girls come running our way. We had stopped holding hands by then. "Who is that," I heard one girl say as they ran closer. "She is ugly," I heard another say. Me and Devin took off running. "They are getting closer," I yelled because you couldn't hear anything. The girls eventually got up to Devin and I. I thought they were going for him for pictures and autographs. They really just wanted to know about his new love. One showed a picture of him kissing someone, but the camera was on Devin's back. I laughed a little because I knew who the girl was. It was me. Then they all starting throwing stuff at me. I was going to run but Devin yelled "STOPPP." they all stopped at once. "This is the girl in the pictures,"Devin said grabbing my hand. "Oh crap what did he just do," I thought to myself.
sorry last chapters have been so long. Yay finally Devin and thanks for the view and stars. Message me if you have an idea for story.

Another girl- A Jeffrey Eli Miller FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now