Things happen

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So I know it's been a while, but gay marriage was legalized. Congratulations! This chapter is sorta about this.
Alexis's POV

"Jeffrey we are home," I heard a voice say coming through the garage. It scared me at first. "Hey, we are in here," Jeffrey said. We saw ours moms come through the kitchen. "What are you doing here," I asked her. "Guys we have two pieces of new," my mom said. "Lets talk in the dining room," Jeffrey's mom said leading us. "What is it," I said checking then putting my phone away. I had got a text from Devin saying call him as soon as possible. I didn't pay it mind. "Well which do you want first. The exciting or the other," my mom said smiling. "I could go for exciting," Jeffrey said. "Well we are moving to Illinois," she said looking at Jeffrey. "But," she continued. "We are all moving together," she said. "Why are we living together. Or moving at all," I asked. "Well we are moving because gay marriage is legal there and Devin is there," my mom said. "I ain't got a problem with that, bug the gay marriage-," I tried. "OH MY GOD," I said. I looked at Jeffrey and he hadn't caught on yet. "OUR MOMS ARE GETTING MARRIED YOU IDIOT," I screamed at him. Our moms smiled and pulled their hand from under the table. "Oh okay. Can I go now," Jeffrey said looking up and down from his phone. "Sure I guess," his mom said. I followed him outside. "Hey, can I come," I asked grabbing his hand. "NO," he screamed. I let go of his hand. I stepped back and started frowning. "Um...I'm...," I choked out. "I'm sorry Alexis," he said giving me a hug.

Jeffrey's POV

I didn't mean to scream at her but I was in a rush. "I'm sorry Alexis," I said hugging her. "Of course you can come," I said grabbing her hand again. "But I'm going to meet fans. If they ask who you are. You are my friend. Not soon to be sister," I said. "Okay," she said. She cheated up fast when I told her we were going to the mall. She pulled out her phone and called Devin. She put him on speaker and I said hi. "Hey Jeffrey," he said back. "Did you guys get knew about a wedding," he asked. Alexis and I looked at each other and I looked at each other and smiled. "Yeah," Alexis said. "It's Jeffrey and I's wedding," she lied. "WHAT," he screamed. We laughed. "I was kidding," Lexi said laughing. "That wasn't funny," Devin said. "Was to me," I said. "I have to go, but no marriage," he said. "Okay bye babe," Alexis said. "Bye love you," Devin said. "Love you," I said fake choking. "Love you too, Jeffrey boo," Devin said making a fake choking voice. Alexis and I walked into Starbucks and saw no one except the woman behind the counter. "Wow you sure do have a lot of fans," Alexis said looking around and laughing. "Shut up," he said with a confused look. "Well we can go home," I said happy. I wanted to spend time with my mom. "No you promised me a coffee," Lexi said turning me around. "Fine," I said. "Here is five bucks. Go white girl wild," I said. "Thank you," she said grabbing the money. Once she came back we started waking home. We stopped at seven-eleven because it was free slurpie day. Alexis doesn't like slurpies so I went in alone. I could see her sitting on the bench in front of the store out the window. I was happy she was going to be my sister. She already was like a sister figure to me. I still wanted to talk to my mom about the gay marriage thing. I was about to pay when the devil walked in the store. I turned my head hoping she wouldn't see me. I did it too late because she was walking up to the counter. "Hi Jeffrey," she says evilly. "Hi," I said handing the man the money for my candy bar. "I saw your girlfriend outside," she said turning to look out the window. I looked up to see if she had done anything with Lexi. She was still sitting there waiting. "She isn't my girlfriend," I said walking toward the door. "Really so you guys are just friends," she said with a smirk on her face. "No she is my sister," I said proud. "Let's go Alexis. I found out where the fans are," I said grabbing her hand. Alexis was the nice kind of person so she turned around and tried to introduce herself. "Hi I'm- ," she cut her off. "I don't care who you are," she said kicking Alexis. "Alexis let's go," I said turning her around. "Okay," Alexis said. "This isn't over," she screamed back but we were already down the street. "How rude," Alexis said imitating Full House," "Don't worry about her," I said. "So where are your fans," Alexis asked. "Oh that was a lie to get her to leave us alone," I said "Oh. Hand me your phone," Alexis asked. I took out my phone and handed it to her with no hesitation. She turned on YouNow and all at once a million comments popped up. I directed Alexis to a park bench. "So guys it'd Alexis and I just texted Devin and told him to go on YouNow.I want you to all go on there and say Alexis loves you. I'm gonna watch him an see who did it," she said pulling out her phone. She opened Devin's YouNow and surprisingly he was talking about Lexi.

Devin's POV

I was talking about how much I missed Alexis. It had been a week sense I left. I was telling them about the my new music when a million of the same comment popped up. "Alexis loves you." "Alexis said she loved you." "Alexis cares for you." I started to cry. "All of you stop commenting," I said I to the phone. I looked down and after a while there were no comments. Alexis if you watching comment something. Then a comment popped up and said "I'm moving to Illinois," I started crying harder. I put my hand over my mouth and choked on my words. "Guys I have to go," I ended the broadcast and looked for Jeffrey's account. He was live. I clicked on it and saw Alexis happy crying and Jeffrey annoyed. I could tell they were on their way home. I FaceTimed Alexis. I saw her pull her phone out her pocket. "It's Devin," she said. "She answered and I looked down at my phone. As soon as it opened I yelled "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH." "I love you to Devin bear," she said showing YouNow her phone. "Hi guys I said wiping away tears. "Sorry I had to end my broadcast, I said. I saw a bunch of comments pop up and say it's okay. "Alexis when are you moving... Hi Jeffrey," I asked. "Hi Devi Bear," Jeffrey said mockingly. "I'm coming too," he said. "Really," I said excited. "How come," he asked. "Guys we got to go. We will try to get on later," Alexis said. All at once comments popped up. "Don't Go." "I love you Jefrey." "OTP= Alexis and Devin." Jeffrey grabbed his phone and ended it "Hey Devin. Can you come visit us," Alexis said making a pouty face. "Hold on. I'll ask my mom," I said walking down stairs leaving my phone. "Mom," I said looking for her. "I'm in here," I heard from the kitchen. "Hey mom an I go visit Alexis and Jeffrey. Only for the weekend," I asked "Sure but I need you back by Tuesday," she said looking up from the stove. "Okay. How am I gonna get there," I asked sitting down. "I'll actually drive up there and stay for the weekend too. Get packed we leave tomorrow," she said smiling. "Okay," I said started to run up the stairs. I jumped on my bed. "Hey Lexi you there," I said. "Yeah I'm here," she said making so that I could see her face. "So I'll be there tomorrow," I said. "Really," she said excited. "Yeah. My mom is coming too," I said. "Grool," she said. Most people have no idea what that means, but me and Alexis have been dating so long I have started saying it. "So I got to go. I also have important news to tell you in the morning," she said. "Okay I'll start to pack," I said. "Bye Devin Bear," she said. "Bye Lexi Mama," I said. She ended it. I grabbed my suit case and started pulling things out my dresser an closet. I turned on some music and started singing along to Troye Sivan's Touch. I heard a loud bang from down stairs and my mom screaming. "DEVIN...COME QUICK." I went down stairs and saw blood all over the counter. I went behind the counter to find my mom on the ground holding her bloody head. I instantly grabbed the phone and dialed nine-one-one. "Nine-One-One speaking what's your emergency," I heard a woman voice say. "Um yeah my mom fell and hit her head on the counter. There is blood everywhere I nee a ambulance now," I said starting to cry. "Okay there is one on their way," the woman said. "What's your address," she said. I told her our address and put the phone on speaker. "Okay make sure there is room for them to come in," she said. I moved anything that would be in the way. "Okay can I clean up the blood," I asked handing my mom a wet towel and a ice pack. "Sure," she said. I hung up and grabbed another hot towel. I wet it with hot water and wiped up all the blood. I heard a knock at the door and helped my mom up. I opened the door with my mom's arm over my shoulders. The men took her and I put her phone in her pocket. I couldn't go until later the car was still here. I heard a beeping noise and I ran into the kitchen. The stove had smoke coming out it. I opened it and took out the food coughing. I went upstairs and packed my moms and may bag. All she needed was stitches.
Long chapter. I hope you guys know Alexis=Lexi. Alexis is her real name. So comment and favor. New chapter soon

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