Going back to normal

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Devin's POV

I lay beside Lexi. I can't believe I just lost my big V. I loved Lexi more that anything in the world. I hugged her sleeping body. She wasn't sleep anymore. "It's been two hours," she said worried. "It's okay they can wait another one," I said getting on top of her. "So how does it feel to have lost your big V to me," I said smirking. "Who said that was my first time," she said. "WHAT," I said. "Devin I'm kidding," she said. "Oh you scared me," I said. "Well it was okay," she started. "I thought it would be different," she said. "Well I love you Alexis Stash. With all my heart to the bottom of my heart. To the moon and back," I said. "I love you too Devin Hayes. Your the world to me," she said. I love Lexi so much it's not even funny. I just want to marry her and never stop kissing her. I know she loves me the same.

Jeffrey's POV

"Where are they," I said pasting back and forth around the room. "I don't know, but I do know I feel terrible," Karina said crying. "It's okay," I said sitting next to her. "Thanks," she said crying into my shoulder. "I'm gonna go check on them," I said. "You stay here," I said to Karina. "Okay," she said lifting up. I walked to the room and put in my key. It didn't work the four times I put it in. "What the heck," I said under my breathe. The door suddenly opened the door. There stood a shirtless Devin. "What up dock," he said laughing. "Shut up," I said pushing past him. "Who is that," I said pointing to my bed. "That is my afternoon snack," he said laughing. "Afternoon snack," I asked. I walked over to find Lexi sleep on my bed. i walked back in front of Devin. Without thinking I punched the crap out of him. I don't know why I did that. Devin was bigger that me and more fit. He punched me back and we went the tussling. Lexi woke up screaming. "GUYS STOP! DEVIN GET OFF HIM!"

Lexi's POV

I kept screaming but eventually Devin got up with a bruised face. "Oh my gosh," I said crying. I put my head in Devin's chest. He was taller than me so I basically hugged his stomach. "GET OUT JEFFREY," I screamed. "What I was trying to help you," he said. "I don't need your help. Me and Devin made up, and stop trying to end us. I love him and you and I will never happen," I screamed crying. He left. "I'm so sorry babe. I don't know what came over me," Devin said. I jumped on his back and told him to take me to the bathroom for first aid. After that I told him to put a shirt on a follow me. We walked down to my room. "When we get in here you apologize to Jeffrey. You apologize to Karina and say you didn't mean to kiss her it was a mistake. Got it," I asked. "Yeah and I'm sorry babe," he answered kissing my cheek. "I'm gonna go first and say sorry to Karina. You better mean it when you talk to Jeffrey," I said putting my key in.

Jeffrey's POV

I felt terrible for what I did. I wanted to just say sorry and give them a million hugs. I still had a bruised face. I heard a slight click and in came Devin and Lexi. Karina looked up. We all stood in a slight silence. I saw Alexis shift Devin my way a little. "In sorry for hitting you back. Im sorry I never told you I had a girlfriend. Your my best friend and nothing should come between us," he said. "It's okay. I'm also really sorry for coming on to Lexi. She is your girlfriend," I replied. We hugged. "I'm sorry Karina. Devin told me it wasn't your fault you guys kissed. I hope we could be friends," Lexi said to Karina. "It's okay. I'm sorry I kissed him back," she replied. we basically switched people. "Im sorry Karina I didn't mean to kiss you it was a big mistake," Devin said to Karina. "It fine and in sorry too," she replied. "Jeffrey-," Lexi started. I cut her off. "In sorry I hit Devin. Im sorry I didn't tell you I had feeling for you instead of embarrassing you," he said. "I leaned in for a hug. "Its okay. I'm sorry for yelling at you in the other room. I didn't mean it," she replied over my shoulder. "Your face is bruised and I have the first aid," she said pulling away and pulling out the first aid. She fixed my face and we all packed up. We called our moms and said we are coming home. We got on the bus and called the bus driver.
............At Home............
Devin's POV

Karina went home and it's just Lexi, Jeffrey, and I. I wanted to spend the night with Lexi but I couldn't the first night. After that we all spent the night at Lexi's house. Every night Lexi and I cuddle to sleep. Jeffrey always makes his way back up stairs to his room. We never told the parents why we came home a day early. We just got tired of the road.
Long chapter. They made up. Karina out the picture. Someone new is coming in. Also the Lexin thing is staying for a while. Hope you like.

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