When it all happened

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Lexi's POV

I woke up in a black room. Favorite color by the way. I felt something on my head. I raised up holding the mystery thing on my head so it wouldnt fall. I saw boxes everywhere and my posters up against the wall. The thing on my head was a ice pack. I got up and opened the first door I saw hoping it would lead me to the hallway. It lead me into a big room. The room was a bathroom slash closet. "Damn this is big," I thought. I went back in the room and found my way to a mystery hall way. I went into the room beside me and saw Jeffrey. He was doing something on his phone and talking into it. I looked over his shoulder and saw that he was on YouNow. I could tell he didn't know I was in the room because he jumped when I came in sight of the camera. "You scared me," he says turning around. "Where are we," I said rubbing my head. "We are in the new house," he said. "New house," I said puzzled. "Yeah," he said. "You went into a coma a few days ago when Devin and your mom found you in the shower cut up," he said. I didn't care about the coma. "Cut up," I asked. He turned to the camera. "Sorry guys. I have to go. I'll be on tonight," he said closing the broadcast. "Now you gonna tell me about cut," I said sitting on his bed. "Yeah," he said turning around. "You cut yourself on your arm," he started. I looked down at my wrists and found no cuts. I lifted up my arms and asked when. "They were so bad you had to get blood fill ins," Jeffrey said. "What is that," I asked putting my arms down. "It's where they open your cuts back up and stick fake, what ever is in your arm, stuff in them. Then close them up again," he said making gagging noises. "that doesn't explain why I can't see them" I said. "Well when the blood is out and skin in. It makes the cut bigger. Making the cut mark disappear," he said making hand gestures. "Okay," I said getting up. I walk in what I guessed was my room. The room had a deck on it. I walked out and thought "why do I have the master room". I thought about it for a minute then remembered Jeffrey's room was big too. I walk to the door way of Jeffrey's room and just stood there looking around. He had a deck too. His bathroom slash closet door was big too. "I would hate to see the master bedroom," I said under my breathe. I wanted to get some fresh air so I was going to get dress and go for a walk. I looked through all my boxes for clothes. The person that packed my room was obviously not me. I found my shirt and pants box ten minutes later. I got dressed and did my makeup really good. I was amazed. I put my chucks on (which are my signature shoes) and curled my hair. When I came out the bathroom I looked for my phone through the boxes. In the box with my phone I found my electric skate board. I stepped on it and leaned forward. I went to Jeffrey's room and asked if he wanted to come with. He politely denied me and I went down stairs to grab a quick snack. I found a granola bar and was on my way. I didn't know where I was going so I turned on walking directions and put my head phones on. I searched for downtown. Two results popped up. I just clicked the closes one. I was on my way and turned on some music over my directions. I turned off my music when I noticed A BUNCH of girls lined up for something. I was pretty short so I couldn't see anything over the girls. I tapped on one's shoulder and she looked familiar. I could tell she thought the same thing when I stared talking. "What's going on," I asked. "The Devin Hayes is here and he is supposed to be waiting on his so called girlfriend," she said annoyed. I didn't say anything about me being the one that he was waiting on. "How was he waiting on me," I thought "The store is only letting people over Devin's age in and none of us are," she continued. "How old is he," I asked pretending to not know who he was. "Eighteen," she said sighing. "Okay thanks," I said. She turned around looking through the glass again. I walked up to the man at the door and it seemed like he quickly knew who I was. I saw Devin and this other boy that was staring me down. He kinda looked familiar but he had a hoodie on over his head. I noticed Devin looking at me. I acted like I didn't know who he was and quickly turned my head. I walked up to the counter and was about to order my drink when she asked my name. "Alexis," I said. She pulled a drink from beside her which I couldn't see because of the way the counter was made. "Wow, thanks," I said grabbing it. The drink was exactly how I wanted my drink and it was cold. I pulled out my wallet. "No need sweetie it's paid for," she said pushing the money away. "Okay thanks," I said putting my money back in my wallet. I stepped off my board and walked to a table close to Devin. The way I sat I could see his every move from every direction I sat in my chair. I pulled my phone out as a distraction. I was sitting right in front of the glass at the front door so I couldn't hear much. I was really looking over it at Devin. When he saw me pull out my phone he smiled and got up. We got up and walked toward me. I put my phone away and sipped on my drink.

Devin's POV

I knew Alexis was playing games with me. I got up and started walking toward her. As I walked closer and closer the girls behind the glass beat harder and harder on the window. "Why did she have to sit there," I thought. I sat down and took the drink out her mouth. "I missed you," I said. "I missed you too," she said reaching for her drink. "How did you know I was gonna come her," she asked. "You come to Starbucks almost every morning," I said smiling. "Your family hasn't seen you for breakfast in years," I said laughing. That's funny," she said sarcastically.
We talked for about ten minutes. "I don't want to stay here anymore," she said. "Let's go," I said getting up. I grabbed her board and carried it for her. I reached for her hand. When I caught it I gestured her toward the door. "I drove," I said before opening the door. As soon as I opened the door I heard a million words. "Devin can I get a picture" "Is that her" "She is really pretty" "Ew that bitch is nasty" I ignored them all and we walked across the street to my car. I opened the door for Alexis and waited until she was in. I closed the door and walked to the driver seat. I got in and started the engine. Alexis immediately took over the radio. I grabbed her hand off the volume button and she looked at me. I quickly kissed her. We kissed for a good thirty seconds and then I backed up. "I love you forever and always," I said looking into her beautiful hazel eyes. "I love you too huggy bear," she said. She took her seat belt off and got in my lap. She turned her body around so it looked like I was holding a big baby. We kissed and kissed and kissed. Then someone tapped on the window. It scared the shit out of me and Lexi. I turned the car halfway off. It was Jayden and Sophia. Alexis quickly got back in her seat and I started the car. I made a hand gesture for them to back up. I rolled the window down and got a quick blow to the nose. I was holding my bleeding nose and Alexis was getting out the car. She walked around to my side of the car and I could tell she was pissed.

Lexi's POV

I was pissed and it wasn't gonna be pretty. "Why in the hell would you do that," I screamed at Jayden. He is a loser. You deserve better," he said trying to touch me. "What in the hell is better," I asked pushing him away. "Me," he said grabbing me again a little more forceful. I yanked away. "You? You," I asked. "Yeah," he said. "Wanna know something about you. Your a dumb jock that is conceited. Devin is better than you'll ever be. He treats me like a princess when you treated me like a rag doll. He is amazing and I love him. He doesn't make me do things I dont want. And he knows his fucking ABCs. If you can't respect that you can join in with the hatters. In our fucking comment section. Leave me alone or the authorities will be notified," I said which made me calm down. Devin got out the car and stood beside me. Sophia was quiet the whole time. "Fine you little hore you and him deserve each other," Jayden said. I then felt a fist come across my face. It was Jayden's. He had punched me. I felt my face and looked up at him. Devin looked at me and then turned Jayden around because he was about to walk off. Devin gave him a hard brush to the face which made a instant black eye and swole face. "Don't you ever touch my queen like that," he said. "Talk or touch her again I will beat the shit out of you and still have you in jail," he said. I was crying by them and holding my face. I got dizzy he hit me pretty hard. "Also for you. Get the hell out of here you little piece of trash. I got a girl and she is my everyday queen," he said to Sophia. I fell down because everything was getting dark. Are you okay," I heard Devin say over me. "No," I felt him pick me up and lay me in the back seat. When the car stopped I heard Jeffrey but my eyes were swollen shut. i saw Devin on top of me carrying me to the couch. "Hold on my queen. We will make sure nothing happens to you," I heard Devin say. That was the last thing I ever heard.
Ahhhhh is she dead. Is she just in another coma. Find out in a few days.
Vote/comment oppions. Comment questions to get answers about chapter. Hope you like.

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