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SEOAHN AND HER UNCLE MAKE THEIR way through the bustling streets of Gangdong with him leading the way. She tags along since she doesn't have anything to do.

As they move through the crowded supermarket, her eyes dart from aisle to aisle, taking in the sights and smells of the colorful displays. That was until the two relatives heard a loud commotion coming from the next aisle over.

Now, Seoahn isn't a nosey person.

But her uncle sure is.

Seoahn blinked once and he had already made his way toward where the commotion was taking place and the girl was in disbelief. "At this grown age, uncle? Seriously?"

She had no choice but to follow him with a displeased expression, which was soon dropped upon setting her eyes on the situation.

When they headed over to investigate, they saw three boys about to get beat by the store owner for stealing some food. Seoahn quickly assessed the situation and presumed that the boys were the same age as her or younger by a few years. Even though she doesn't want to, it would be pathetic of her to not do something, so she takes action.

"Oi! Are you abusing these children?" It was a dumb question but we gotta do what we gotta do.

"Abusing?! These fuckers were trying to steal!"

Uncle's eyebrows furrowed, not happy with the man's tone while speaking to his niece. Seoahn let out a sigh, deciding to approach the store owner calmly and to help out as much as possible.

"I can pay for them, just let them go."

From the boys' expressions, they were surprised that a mere stranger decided to help them out but Seoahn paid no mind to it.

"They were probably hungry anyway. You've been there, don't you?" Seoahn asked, silently glaring at the store owner who gulped in response. The store owner was hesitant at first because he planned to beat them up to teach them some lessons. However, one glance of Seoahn's face gave him chills, so he decided against it.

"Oh wow. You actually did use your money, huh?" Her uncle chuckled, which made Seoahn deadpan. Needless to say, Seoahn's uncle was impressed by her quick thinking and kindness. He knew that she had a good heart and was glad that she had stood up for those who were less fortunate ─ just like her mother.

Seoahn noticed the boy with the buzz cut approached her and pulled out a hand for her to shake. Since she had the chance to look at him up close, Seoahn almost choked on her saliva when she realized...

"I'm Gangdong's Mighty, CHAE WONSEOK."

Seoahn musters a sincere smile and shakes his hand, "Kang Seoahn."

Now, apart from KIM SERIM, Wonseok had never interacted with another girl, let alone made physical contact with one even if it was just a mere handshake. This interaction makes his face feel hot, but on the outside, it seems like he keeps a stoic face.

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