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SEOAHN WASN'T DOING THIS FOR fun. Especially when she had made a promise to her uncle that she wouldn't fight unless it was necessary. He was worried that his niece might use those martial arts to hurt someone, though he doubted that Seoahn even had the heart to do such a thing. Now that those dumbass gangsters had gone put a scratch on her brand─new bike, she saw this as a necessary reason to throw hands.

“You scratch my Lily,” she glared at them while the second years watched the scene with a dumbfounded face. “Uhh, Seoahn─”

“I bought that with my own money, damn it,” she lunged toward the gangsters without even thinking twice, executing a series of precise moves that she learned from Taehoon. Each fluid motion flawlessly connects with her opponents' vulnerabilities. The second years stood there, and Seoahn remained oblivious to the newcomers.

Goo, Gun, and even DG observed from a distance.

Goo's jaw dropped, while DG stiffened ── recognizing the girl as somewhat familiar, yet unable to place where he had seen her before. At the same time, a proud smirk spread across Gun's face... The Kojima Brothers had been right; she had undeniably grown more talented.

He noted how swift her kicks were yet still forceful, striking her opponent's sides, legs, and abdomens with remarkable accuracy. Gun couldn't help but find her actions to be... hot.

Seoahn shrugged off the remaining gangsters since she knew Hyungseok would take care of it. She turned her head to check out her bicycle but at that moment, she spotted the J's Trios.

That's when she realized she had f up.

"Shit," she said to herself, locking eyes with them as Goo clapped his hands gleefully. "Woo hoo, jagiya!!" he hollered from afar, prompting a sharp glare from Gun ─ who looked like he just bit into a lemon.

"I had no idea my wifey is a martial arts master?!" Goo gasped. "Wifey? Who in the world gave you the authority to call her that?" Gun growled, clearly not pleased with how this piss─haired referred to Seoahn. While the two of them continued to banter with one another, DG noticed that the girl was nowhere to be seen.

Seoahn immediately scrambled to retrieve her fixie bike and pedaled as if her life depended on it. She zoomed off so fast, leaving the scene engulfed in a comically large cloud of dust as if she were in a cartoon.

She gritted her teeth and cursed silently, feeling the burn in her leg muscles as she pushed down on the pedals ── determined to surge ahead of the group of teenagers who were biking in front of her.

Dom couldn't believe his eyes as they all witnessed a mysterious figure zooming past them on a bike with incredible speed. "What the heck?! Did you see that?!"

"Whoa! She's fast!" June exclaimed as Dom's surprise deepened. "Wait— that was a girl?!"

Minu nervously chuckled as he and his crew pedaled their bicycles. "Well, guys, looks like we need to work hard if we want to match that speed." Despite his nerves, he couldn't help but be impressed. Could anyone actually reach such incredible speed?

𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁.   lookismWhere stories live. Discover now