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THE STUDENTS FROM JAE-WON High were aboard a train, heading to a destination. Bum Jae, Vasco and Seoahn occupied separate compartments, as they were on a mission to gather intel on Hostel's branch operation in Cheonliang.

Hyungseok who was seated nearby, expressed a sigh which caught Seoahn's attention. "I miss this kind of peace..." he mumbled. Meanwhile, a girl sat next to Bum Jae and offered him candy. Initially, he tried to ignore her, but soon he found himself falling for her charms.

Seoahn noticed a group of perverts discreetly eyeing Mijin, Haneul, and herself. She shot them a glare, challenging them with a question, "What the hell are you looking at?"

Faced with Vasco's intimidating presence sitting beside her, the perverts hesitated and backed off, not wanting to engage in a confrontation with the scary-looking boy.

Seoahn knew what was about to happen next so she turned to face Jin Sung. "Jin Sung," she began, "I'm well aware that Mijin's here, and you might be refraining yourself..."

"Don't hold back later." she encouraged, making him momentarily confused. However, he soon understood her implications upon discreetly glancing at a group of perverts on the same train.

"Oh... Gotcha," Jin Sung responded, arms crossed.

During a brief stop, Vasco got off the train to grab some sausage bars, and Seoahn enthusiastically trailed behind him. He purchased three bars for himself, Seoahn, and Bum Jae. "These might taste good," she mused, her hunger evident since breakfast.

"Are you hungry, Seoahn? Here, have some more!" Vasco’s tone tinted with concerns, as he forcefully stuffed sausages into Seoahn's mouth, causing the girl to struggle and nearly choke on them.

Unfortunately, their moment together caused them to miss the train.

"Wait─ THAT'S OUR TRAIN!" Seoahn choked with a full mouth. Vasco turned around and sulked as he watched the train go by, but he suddenly noticed something alarming.

He yells at Bum Jae while gesturing wildly to draw his attention to the wrist of the girl he was seated next to ── she bears a tattoo with the letter 'H', revealing her affiliation with Hostel. Oblivious to the impending danger, Bum Jae remained in a state of blissful ignorance as the train proceeded on its way.

“What the hell are we supposed to do now?” Seoahn exclaimed. She had traveled this far to Cheonliang, hoping that they would gain something, especially after hours of persuading herself to join this mission.

She had never planned to return to this place after all these years ── the starting point of everything, where the memories of Seongji and the others persistently haunted her thoughts.

It's not like they're dead, she just wanted to be dramatic.

Vasco cleared his throat, his gaze determined as he turned toward her. "Don't worry, Seoahn," he assured her. “I’ll handle everything.”

𝐅𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁.   lookismWhere stories live. Discover now