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AT FIRST, SEOAHN HAD ALREADY decided not to attend the school festival, determined to avoid Gun at all cost. She would much rather endure a grueling 10 kilometer run rather than make an appearance there.

Alas, duty called, and she found herself being summoned to help with stage decorations and ensure everything ran smoothly during the festival. Given the principal's warning about a potential detriment to their application scores, Seoahn found herself with no choice but to comply.

All morning long, her sour mood cast a cloud over their festive preparations. Her classmates were at a loss, unsure how to lighten Seoahn's spirits. One particularly bold soul took the daring step of persuading her, guaranteeing that they would promptly leave once the stage decorations were complete. This meant that Seoahn wouldn't cross paths with any of the people she disliked, especially that "demon" she had mentioned the previous day.

This somewhat seemed to lighten up Seoahn's mood, as she eagerly completed her tasks. As soon as the job was done, she was eager to dip the damn school. Her escape plan hit an unexpected turn when she found herself stuck in the thick of the crowd.

Her classmates, observing from a distance, grew uneasy and wary that she might resort to physical violence if anyone got in her way. Fortunately, Seoahn managed to maintain her composure ─ displaying restraint despite her increasing annoyance and frustration.

With no other choice in sight, she reluctantly accepted the situation. The crowds were so dense that it was impossible for her to make a way through. With a defeated sigh, she opted to remain silently in place ─ determined not to draw the attention of Gun as she silently fumed in her spot.

As the slave auction unfolded before her, the students were in a frenzy, bidding left and right. Amongst them, even Jang Hyun was being sold. Seoahn couldn't help but silently sympathize with Vasco when his turn arrived.

Seoahn discretely tapped the girl's shoulder in front of her, her voice barely audible as she whispered, "Hey, do you want to buy Vasco? I'll cover the cost."

The girl hesitated for a brief moment, weighing her options. Seeing that Seoahn was a third year, she ultimately nodded her head in agreement. With a smile, Seoah added, "I’ll make sure to pay you later."

The girl boldly raised her hand, capturing the attention of the gathered crowd. "100 million won!" she yelled, her voice ringing loud and clear, causing the crowd to gasp in amazement at the unexpected bid.

Ho Bin was equally taken aback, visibly surprised by the turn of events. ‘Seoahn?!’ Of course he noticed her... With that loop-sided grin on her face, how could Ho Bin not notice his dearest senior? The second years shared a baffled expression, as the realization sank in that Seoahn was behind the unexpected bid.

Even Hyungseok and Jay expressed their displeasure with a noticeable frown on their faces.

Meanwhile, Vasco stood on the stage, motionless but radiating pure joy with a tear sliding down his cheek. Bum-Jae had to gently tug him away, pulling him off the stage.

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