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AFTER THE WHOLE FIASCO IN Cheonliang, Seoahn fall back to her daily routine, one of which included babysitting Yena. She headed to the location of Hostel B after receiving a text from Jang Hyun,

"Yena has been crying to get you for days," the text says.

She arrived at the door and knocked before patiently waiting for someone to answer. Serim opened the door and greeted her with a smile, "Oh, Seoahn... Did you come to pick up Yena?"

Seoahn nodded in affirmation, "Yeah."

"I'll go get her for you!" she exclaimed before disappearing inside. Meanwhile, Wonseok approached the door upon seeing a guest and expressed his surprise. "(It's) you..."

Seoahn found herself struggling to engage in a conversation with him like a normal person. Even when they had first met two years ago, she was awkward.

With an attempt to make small talk, she smiled and greeted him, "Hi... How are you?"

Wonseok replied simply, "I'm good." He then added a random observation, "Why (have) you grown so tall?" Seoahn chuckled at his question, "I grow up, Wonseok."

Serim returned with Yena in her arms, and the baby joyfully cooed upon seeing Seoahn ─ her favorite babysitter. Seoahn smiled warmly at the child and greeted her happily. "Hello, Yena~"

Yena giggles in response as Wonseok watches the scene unfold, a thought suddenly crossing his mind. He gazed at the two skeptically and inquired, "Wait... (Do) you always do this? Babysitting her and stuff?"

Seoahn nodded.

His eyes widened in disbelief, "Jang Hyun (is) bullying you into doing (this), isn't he?" Seoahn chuckled awkwardly in response, clarifying, "Nope. I volunteered."

However, Wonseok's skepticism grew as he continued his line of questioning, "Or... Are you in (a) relationship with him?"

Serim shot him a harsh nudge, her glare intense. "That's very rude. It's her privacy; we can't just pry into it.." He raised his hands in a defensive gesture, protesting, "I was just asking!"

As the two continued their bickering, Seoahn decided to walk away from the unfolding scene, "I'm here to take Yena, not watch the two of you fight like a married couple." she said.

The duo was taken aback by her straightforward comment and abrupt departure, with Serim and Wonseok momentarily stunned.

With a cheerful wave, Seoahn bid goodbye, her smile unwavering, "Bye─bye!" Little Yena mimicked her actions, waving her tiny hand as well.

Seoahn made her way towards a nearby restaurant to grab a quick bite before resuming her daily activities. With Yena gently cradled in her arms, the baby radiated happiness in her presence. Seoahn couldn't help but smile at the sight.

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