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THIS WAS THE PART WHERE Eden and Enu had gone missing, and Seoahn was fully aware of it. She was now sprinting around the block, assisting Yohan and Hyungseok in their search for the cute dogs. “Shit! I should've brought Lily!" Seoahn mentally scolded herself, panting heavily from all the running.

Her phone suddenly rang, signaling an incoming call. Before answering, she took a moment to catch her breath and compose herself. “Yes, uncle? What does the Majesty need at this inconvenient hour?” Seoahn asked, her voice tinged with a hint of sarcasm.

She continued walking down the streets, her steps slightly faster than before as she heard her uncle's response. “Moshi moshi, could you do me a favor and pick something up from the store? I'm making lunch.” His voice echoed over the call. Seoahn replied without hesitation, Mochiron~ Just send me the list."

Her uncle then posed another question, "By the way, where are you right now?"

Before Seoahn could respond, her eyes landed on Yohan and Hyungseok from afar, her face lighting up at their presence. "I'm with... some friends!" she answered as she began jogging towards them.

"Friends?" Her uncle echoed from the other end of the line. "What in the world are you guys doing? You sound out of breath." Her uncle's questions seemed almost similar to an interrogation, but she didn't mind it since he was her guardian.

"Yeah, just a little jog," Seoahn said breathlessly. "I'll be back in a few minutes, okay? I just need to take care of something," she hastily informed, her eyes fixating on the woman's apartment they were approaching. "Yeah, yeah, stay safe," her uncle grumbled, a hint of concern in his voice, which made Seoahn smile in response. "Love you too."

"You know what? Invite your friends over later. I'm making extra food for lunch," her uncle suddenly said, causing her to pause for a moment as she considered the idea. "Sure, I'll let them know," Seoahn replied before hearing her uncle saying, Ja nē," signaling the end of the call.

"Okay, where were we?" Seoahn questioned, slipping her phone into her pocket. Hyungseok then spoke up, revealing the predicament they're in, "A garbage man told me that there's an animal abuser around this corner..."

Seoahn nodded, her nose wrinkling in disgust as she sniffed the air. "He's probably right because I can smell the dogs' poop from here."

Yohan stepped in, attempting to coax the abuser out, but it was in vain as the woman sternly refused. Frustrated, Seoahn scratched her head, "Miss ma'am? How can you tolerate living in such conditions? Do you actually enjoy the stench of dog waste lingering all around?"

The woman abruptly shouted from behind the closed door, "SHUT UP! GO AWAY!"

Seoahn let out a murmur, "No need to be so damn rude..."

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