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IT HAD BEEN SOME TIME since the incidents involving Gimyung and Gun had occurred. Seoahn had heard that the boy was currently in the juvenile, and she couldn't help but feel sympathy for the boy.

Still feeling unsure and concerned about the situation especially in the wake of Sinu's disappearance, she decided to go to Gangseo once again in search of the person in whom Sinu had placed his trust.

When she entered the shop, the remaining of Big Deal's members greeted her warmly, treating her like any other customer. “Welcome!” She responded with a smile and scanned the surroundings, taking note that not much had changed since her last visit.

Clearing her throat, she politely asked, "Excuse me, is Yeonhui here? I'm a friend." The members looked at each other for a moment, before one of them instantly rushed over to fetch Yeonhui. "I've never seen her before." one of them pointed out, as Seoahn patiently waited for the girl's arrival.


Seoahn's face brightened as she heard the familiar voice, her arms opening wide to embrace the slightly older female. "Unnie.." she spoke softly, acutely aware of the hidden burden that Yeonhui was carrying in the wake of her lover's absence.

The Big Deal members stood quietly watching, the mood became somber as they perceived the gravity of the situation. Realizing that this might be an important matter, the members quietly allowed the two to withdraw to a quieter spot.

“First of all, how are you, unnie?” Seoahn inquired, her gaze roaming over Yeonhui's face while taking note of the girl's weariness. "I'm good," Yeonhui responded with a slight chuckle. "How about you, Seoahn? Are you doing well in school?" After all, she knew that the girl before her had been a troublemaker since the first day they met.

The day Sinu brought her here.

Yeonhui's heart skipped a beat as the thought of her missing lover crossed her mind once more, causing her heart to ache. "I'm good," Seoahn affirmed.

"So... This is Big Deal," she gestured towards the members who were shamelessly eavesdropping on their conversation. "Sinu's pride and joy," Yeonhui responded, her smile laced with melancholy.

As if on cue, Jerry appeared in the shop and his gaze swiftly gravitated towards the table where the Big Deal members were assembled. His eyes met Seoahn's, and recognition dawned upon him instantly. "Eh?? Noona with the cool bicycle?" he exclaimed, his question hanging in the air. Seoahn's face lit up with a smile as she greeted him, "Hello, Jerry."

Jerry shared the details of how the two of them met the previous day, explaining that he had recently returned from seeing Gimyung at the Juvenile. "Hyung-nim also told me that you helped him, noona," Jerry continued. "So, thank you." He then bowed respectfully.

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