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SEOAHN FINALLY ARRIVED AT HER school in Gangbuk, the sight of unfamiliar faces and buildings both daunting and depressing. As she navigated the bustling hallways, a wave of eyes fell upon her ─ their gazes following her movements. With a steady breath, she steeled herself and continued walking toward her classroom.

Despite the stares and occasional murmurs, Seoahn pressed forward, determined to start her day like a normal person.

Unfortunately, things just don't align with her plans.

Right there, not too far from her vantage point, stood SEONG TAEHOON ─ an integral character from "Viral Hit". Feeling his intense gaze upon her, Seoahn hesitated, knowing that she had no choice but to pass him to reach her class. With a steely resolve, she mentally prepared herself to withstand Taehoon's scrutiny, knowing all she needed to do was ignore him to escape any potential interaction.

Out of nowhere, Seoahn abruptly halted as she felt a sharp pull on the collar of her blazer, forcefully yanking her body back. Shockingly, it was Taehoon who had stopped her ── with his back facing her.

"Did I do something wrong?" the boy inquired, surprising Seoahn further. Just moments before, she had been determined to maintain distance, but now she was being pulled into a conversation. The unexpected turn of events left her momentarily stunned.


"Why did you just ignore me?" Taehoon's question hung heavily in the air, prompting him to turn around to face her directly. Realizing that their confrontation was gathering too much attention, Seoahn quickly decided to remove herself from the scene. Without a moment's hesitation, she dashed toward her classroom, leaving Taehoon standing there with a puzzled expression on his face.

'Shit shit shit! What did I just get myself into?!'

With a sudden thud, Seoahn plopped down onto her seat, her classmates immediately turning to exchange whispers among themselves.

"What's up with Seoahn?" one of them whispered. "She usually walks with Taehoon, but she just gave him the cold shoulder today."

A comical realization washed over Seoahn, and she slumped in her chair, sulking at the realization that she and Taehoon were friends in this new life. "I see..." she muttered, shaking her head with a mixture of amusement and disbelief.

During classes, Seoahn was acutely aware of Taehoon's gaze fixated on her. She struggled to resist the urge to peek back at him, finding her focus drifting out the window in an attempt to distract herself. However, the lunch bell interrupted her thoughts, signaling the much-anticipated break.

A banana milk appeared on her table, and as Seoahn glanced up, she saw Taehoon towering over her with a chair in his hand. Taehoon dislike milk, but he would buy it daily for her.

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