Pretty Little Lady

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Ahh it's that time again..

A time where a film has a dirty subject and I go "Oh, that would fit Harumi with Lloyd".
By the way, this scene itself is written by me, just the idea of the setting given to me by a movie.



Ninjago City, 10PM.
Kai decided that everyone had been working so hard, and they hadn't had any fun in a while, that he'd offer to take them out for drinks!
Of course Cole was instantly on board, alongside Jay, Nya and Lloyd. Zane decided to come mainly to keep an eye on them, but he was also "persuaded" when he heard Pixal and Skylor were planning to go too.

They'd already been to one bar, but after a punch-up ruined the mood, they went to another. This one was in fact crowded, but bigger, so it made up for it.
They found a booth in the corner, which Nya volunteered to keep while they went to get drinks. Jay said he'd stay with her, not wanting to leave his girlfriend alone in such a crowded bar.
Zane headed to the restroom, while Pixal stayed with Nya and Jay, changing from heels to flats so she would be able to dance in a bit.
Lloyd and Cole went to order the drinks, while Kai and Skylor had disappeared from the scene.

Once the first batch was done, Cole grabbed the tray and offered to wait with Lloyd. The blonde said he didn't mind waiting alone while he went to take the drinks back to the table.

If he knew what was going to happen next, Lloyd would've begged Cole to stay.

A woman, in her early twenties - possibly a year older than Lloyd - came up to Lloyd and began to flirt with him. Despite his many kind brush-offs, the brown-haired female wouldn't leave him alone.
She was obviously drunk. She swayed her hips as she approached him, finding Lloyd attractive was usual for any girl.

"Give it up, Synthia." a voice came from over the counter. A white-haired female stood there in a black dress, a pin on it showed that she was one of the employees at this bar. "The lad's clearly not interested in you. If you really want attention, I'll get my father to throw you out of his bar."

The brown-haired woman huffed. "Spoil sport.. It's not my fault he's so sexy."

"Oi," the white-haired female snapped her fingers. "hop it."

Synthia did as she was told, walking away with a pout. Lloyd sighed in relief, turning to face the waitress. "Thank you for that."

"Ah no problem, she's always like that when she and her boyfriend have broken up."

"..Always as in multiple?"

"Yeah. The back-and-forth dating kind."

"Oh, yeah. My friends used to be like that in the early days."

"Let me guess: a hotshot male and a mysterious female."

"Yeah! How'd you know?"

"Call it a second sense." the white-haired female winked. Lloyd felt himself flush, shyly smiling as he diverted his eyes.

"Harumi, dear, I hope you're not playing with the customers." A brown-haired male in his late forties spoke, carrying the remaining of Lloyd and Cole's order to the counter.

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