In My Arms

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"AHHHHH YOU'RE CHEATING!" Kai yelled in frustration, while Cole laughed at him suffering miserably against his arm wrestling skills.
"I DEMAND ANOTHER ROUND!" Kai ordered, Cole was still laughing as he put his elbow back onto the table, the others drinking from their sodas as they watched, laughing.

"Oh my god, I've never seen Kai so pouty before!" Jay said through giggles and chuckles. Nya patted her boyfriend's back, giggling.

"I know, he's so competitive right now." Nya commented before turning to Lloyd. "We should get Rumi to go up against Cole next."
Lloyd smiled, chuckling. "Heck, she'd slap him down just by staring." he commented before taking a sip from his can.

"When's she back from visiting her father?"

"She promised to be back before eight, so I'm estimating about 7:30."

"Ha, she never lived down the "little cheek mercenary daughter" stage, huh?"

"Nope," Lloyd chuckled, "and that's part of why I love her."


Most of the others had headed to their rooms, except Pixal, Zane and Mini-Pix, who were watching a movie in the living room. Lloyd was sitting out on the monastery's decking, waiting for Harumi.

Harumi had texted that the weather was bad and didn't want to ride her bike back in the strong wind and rain, so she was going to stay put at her father's until it died down. Lloyd offered to come pick her up in his car, but she didn't want him to drive out just for her - besides, if he took it out it'd get all muddy and need a wash before Pixal let it anywhere NEAR the garage.

Harumi had sent her unofficial boyfriend a text that she was setting off ten minutes ago, and that she was going to take her time with the roads being wet. Lloyd knew something was up, considering that she was usually a daredevil on that deadly ride of hers.
He planned to ask her when she was back, not bug her over the phone.

Lloyd heard an engine drive up the mountain, he could hear it stop outside the garage, most likely because the bike was dirty. Lloyd got up from his seated position, walking over to the gates before opening them. Once open, he walked over the path and saw Harumi walking up the stairs, she had her biker jacket covering the top half of her body. He could see that she was drenched, her hair was soaked and there was tons of rain droplets running off of the leather of her jacket.

"Rumi!" Lloyd called, rushing over to her. Harumi gave him a soft smile, pushing her hair out of her face. Her eyes looked tired, the tip of her nose raw red.
"Hey, Lloydie.." she sounded sniffly, rubbing her nose with the back of her palm. "Oh my god, look at you!" Lloyd said before taking his hoodie off.
"Take that jacket off, right now." Lloyd said as he pecked her forehead.

"Lloyd, don't fuss, I'm just a bit wet."

"Rumi, you are more drenched than Jay when he pisses Nya off. Now take that jacket off and put this hoodie on till we find you some dry clothes."

Harumi, being tired, gave in and took her jacket off. She gave her hair a quick twist to drain some of its water contents before putting the hoodie on, cuddling the sleeves around her body.
Lloyd shook off Harumi's jacket before leading her inside, leaving the jacket out on the drying rack. He then lead her inside to their room, encouraging her to take a shower. He gathered everything she needed for her shower, noticing how drained she was, he decided to be an extra good partner.

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