Little Visit

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Lloyd stretched his arms behind his head as he entered his "room" in th Resistance's base. His room was claimed as his, but had very little to present it as a proper bedroom.
He closed the door behind him before stretching his neck left and right. Turning back around and sitting at the edge of his bed. It was only now, with him being still and the room silent, that he noticed that he could hear shaky breaths.
Breaths that were not his own.

"Hello..?" Lloyd spoke, cautiously. He slowly reached for his pillow where a dagger was hidden, "Who's there?"

"..Am I still welcome?" he heard a very familiar voice, that of the Jade Princess's.

"Harumi?" Lloyd spoke in surprise, grabbing onto the hilt of the dagger. Harumi stepped a little out of the shadows, letting the blonde see her sparkling blue eyes and snow white hair.
"Why are you here?" he spoke again without moving from his position. He wasn't happy that he didn't get a response.

"Harumi. I'll ask again." Lloyd spoke in a firmer voice, "Why are you here." he demanded.

It took a second, but Harumi eventually responded with "...Please, help me."

Something about the way Harumi said that was.. strange.

It didn't sound like Harumi.

Not the Princess Harumi.

Not Rage-Filled Harumi.

Not.. Evil Harumi.

It was an emotion like one he hadn't heard from her before, was it fear? Sadness? Or perhaps.. both?

Lloyd had never seen this side, that he was certain of. He wasn't so sure her intentions were true.. But second chances exist for a reason.
He slowly let go of the dagger and stood up, approaching the corner of the room she was stood in.

"Show me your hands." he ordered within a decent distant. Harumi lifted her shaking hands, holding them out both palm and knuckles up. They were coated in a thin layer of blood.
Okay, now he's worried.

"Harumi, who's blood is that?" the blonde spoke with the same amount of stern attitude as he had earlier.

The white-haired female pulled her hands back to her torso, laying them on her abdomen. "..Mine.."

"...What happened, Harumi?" Lloyd approached her at arm's length, though she backed off closer to the corner. "Harumi, if I'm going to help you I need to know what happened. Don't close yourself off from me."

"This- This was a mistake, I have to go!" Harumi went to run got the window above Lloyd's bed to escape, but was stopped by Lloyd grabbing her wrist, pulling her back.

"No, you're not leaving!" Lloyd stated, pulling her into an embrace, placing his hand on the back of her head, and one on her spine, hearing sniffles escape her lips.
"Come on Rumi.. You're so strong, but you can't be strong all the time.. You can talk to me.."

"I should've listened to you.." Harumi muttered as she cried quietly, hiding her face in her hands. Lloyd kept his arms wrapped around her as he pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head.

"It's okay.. We all make mistakes. I mean, hell, yeah we've both played with dark magic.. But Harumi, give yourself some slack, you're a year younger than me, FIFteen, and you grew up with a crap childhood.."

Lloyd could hear her soft cries slowly reduce as she begun to control herself again. "Alright.. How about we sit down and talk it ov-" Lloyd cut himself short after he spotted some deep purple bruises inside her neck's skin.
"..Harumi? Where did you get that, who did it?" Lloyd pulled back to look her in the face, she turned her head away, only for Lloyd to turn it back.

"Harumi. Who did this to you, tell me.."

Harumi looked into Lloyd's eyes as they filled with tears again. She couldn't say it, she just couldn't. She would be admitting to weakness.

She didn't need to say it.

Her silence spoke for her.

Lloyd realised it was his father, and his eyes instantly softened. "Oh Rumi.." he whispered as he pushed some of her messy hair out of her face.
"Hush, hush... It's okay.." he spoke softly as he pulled her into another embrace, this time making sure he wrapped her up to feel safer.
It seemed to work, as she managed to dose off within a few minutes. He could see she was drained, both physically and mentally.

"Hey, Lloyd I-" Kai opened the door, having a message from Misako to give to him.

Lloyd flashed him a look that could kill, "Shh. I know what this looks like, but she needs it."

"Alright man.. Hope you're right about her this time."

"Do me a favour.. Ask Pixal if she can help me tomorrow with some medical things."

"What? Did the bitch hurt you?"

"No.. She's the wounded one."

Llorumi Oneshots - NINJAGO FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now